How to clean silver from yellowness?

Can silver turn yellow? All women are not indifferent to jewelry and almost everyone has silver earrings or a chain with a pendant in their collection. But over time, even this noble metal can lose its luster and turn yellow. You will learn how to clean silver from yellowness from this article, after which you will no longer have to worry that you will not be able to put on your favorite jewelry again.
to contents ↑Why does silver turn yellow?
What to do if silver turned yellow today? Pure silver reacts very sensitively to sulfur, and if compounds with this chemical element are present in moist air, silver plaque is formed on the product. It has a yellow tint. And since sulfur compounds are used quite widely - in store windows, in the food industry, as well as in the textile industry - to remove chlorine after bleaching, the yellowing of your jewelry is understandable.
Other reasons:
- Yellow color may be the result of film formation during the chemical reaction of our noble metal with bromine and iodine.
- Another cause of yellowing may be rhodium. This white metal is coated with silver and white gold products. Rhodium practically does not react with anything and, on this basis, reliably protects the surface of the jewelry. And since the material is very expensive, the coating is very thin - over time, it erases and then the decoration already reacts with elements that “make” it turn yellow.
- Silver of lower samples is characterized by an admixture of copper, which is more inert; therefore, such products lose their luster faster and turn yellow.
to contents ↑Important! Do not be alarmed if suddenly your silver jewelry, cross and chain or cutlery turned yellow. It is possible to clean silver from yellowness, and with improvised means.
Silver purification methods
There are many methods to purify silver from yellowness. Consider the simplest and most effective.
Method 1
- Take toothpaste or toothpowder.
- Spread it on a toothbrush with a not very stiff bristle, so as not to scratch the decoration.
- Brush the product.
- Rinse well with water and wipe dry with a cloth.
Method 2
If your jewelry with a complex pattern or is it a chain, it is difficult to clean with the previous method. Better use the following algorithm:
- Pour 2-3 cups of water into a saucepan.
- Bring it to a boil.
- Without turning off the heat, add 1 tbsp of water to the water. l soda.
- Dip the product in boiling water several times.
- Wipe dry with a soft cloth.
Method 3
If you do not want or do not have time to mess around with boiling, then use this method:
- Take cotton wool and ammonia.
- Wipe the silver.
Important! It is not necessary to wipe the jewelry after such cleaning.
Method 4
A very homely and easy way to quickly clean silver from yellowness:
- Pour 1-2 teaspoons of soda into your palm.
- Put your jewelry there.
- Use your fingers or a cotton swab to rub the product with soda.
- Rinse with water and wipe with a cloth.
Method 5
- Take a cup and put food foil on the bottom.
- Pour 2 tsp into a container. soda and pour boiling water.
- Place the product in the mixture for 3-5 minutes.
- Remove a clean, white decoration and gently wipe with a soft cloth.
Important! For silver with gilding, do not use abrasive substances. Just soak a flannel cloth with vinegar or denatured alcohol and wipe it. You can also use turpentine and wine alcohol.
Method 6
To clean silver from yellowness, if it has acquired a pronounced shade, special cleaning products will help. Examples of such tools are:
- German Dipping Bath for Silver;
- its Italian counterpart is Silbo;
- the most effective domestic remedy is FLYUR.
to contents ↑Important! To purify silver from yellowness, just follow the instructions on the package.
Silver storage
In order to keep silver products as brilliant as possible and not turn yellow, they must be stored correctly:
- For cutlery, these are special cases inside coated with a soft cloth.
- For jewelry - it can be a decorative box, also with a fabric inside.
to contents ↑Important! Before storing products in a place of storage, thoroughly wash or clean and dry them.
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Using our tips in order to clean the silver from yellowness, you will preserve the beautiful appearance of your jewelry, which means that you will be in a good mood during their use.
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