How to clean a silicone phone case?

We can’t imagine our life without mobile phones. Nowadays, it performs not only communication functions, but at the same time it is an organizer, a video camera, a navigator and many others. Like all other electronic devices, he needs careful care. To do this, use covers and protective bumpers. With their help, the gadget is protected from scratches and minor damage. It costs a silicone case is not so expensive, but it brings a lot of benefits. We’ll learn how to clean a silicone phone case, because the mobile’s work directly depends on its cleanliness, and you don’t really want to buy a new one every month.
to contents ↑What is the reason for the loss of attractive appearance?
Silicone seems smooth, but in fact, this material is porous. Therefore, all dirt is very easily absorbed. And it's not just dust, silicone even absorbs paint from clothing. However, it does not clean, you have to get used to the fact that the cover has a new shade.
Silicone products often become yellowish. But this does not mean that the cover is dirty - it indicates that the material has begun to age.
to contents ↑Important! Due to the active destruction of silicone under the sun, it becomes yellowish. The color will change at different speeds - it all depends on the quality of the material, but this process is still inevitable.
How not to clean?
Before cleaning the phone case from dirt, it is necessary to study the rules for handling silicone:
- Do not use abrasive products or hard tools (sponges, sandpaper, brushes) to clean the material. Otherwise, the surface may become scratched, which will get even more dirt.
Important! Since the material is very plastic, scratches can grow to large cracks, which will damage the accessory. That is, soft sponges, wet wipes and microfiber rags are suitable for washing.
- The use of chlorine-containing products is strictly prohibited. Exposure to chlorine leads to a change in the structure of the material, due to which cloudy areas or yellow spots will appear on the cover. It will be impossible to get rid of them.
- When using aggressive agents - alcohol or acetone, do not completely soak the cover in them. The substance is applied only to the place where there is pollution. After cleaning, the place of application of the aggressive liquid is thoroughly washed to completely remove all residues.
Careful cleaning methods
Of course, you need to know how to wash the silicone phone case. First of all, they use cleaning products that do not contain chlorine for cleaning:
- Shampoo
- Toilet soap;
- Means for washing dishes.
Consider how to wash a silicone phone case:
- Pour warm water into the container.
- Add a small amount of cleaning agent.
- Beat until foam is formed.
- Cover the case in a container for half an hour.
- Use a soft sponge to wipe the area with the most dirt.
- The product is washed in a large amount of water, wiped dry.
For cleaning, you can use unusual methods.
If traces of a ballpoint pen appear on a protective accessory, a simple light eraser is used to remove them. It must be dry.Initially, they rub the places of pollution, and then the cover is wiped with a cotton pad, on which a drop of liquid with alcohol in the composition is applied.
This tool is used to remove a marker or pen. We apply the paste on the entire surface of the cover, after twenty minutes we wipe it with a cotton pad.
The toothpaste will absorb dirt and traces of the marker. To get an excellent result, repeat the procedure.
Important! If the toothpaste procedure was unsuccessful, you need to apply a regular shaving foam for ten minutes, and then remove it with a cotton pad.
Baking soda:
- Baking soda is mixed with a little water until gruel forms.
- The resulting mixture is applied to the cover.
Important! Do not rub baking soda, as scratches can form on the silicone.
- After drying the soda, it is shaken off the cover.
- The product is washed in clean cold water.
Vodka or industrial alcohol can also be used to clean contaminants. The product is applied to a cotton swab in a small amount and is used for rubbing.
Nail polish remover
This tool should be used very carefully. If the product is covered with a pattern, it may be damaged. The same thing can happen with a colored case.
Important! In order not to spoil the accessory, the product is first applied to the back or to the edge.
How to clean a silicone phone case with this tool:
- The product is applied to cotton wool.
- Wipe the surface.
- Wash off with water.
- Wipe dry.
Alcohol, borax and soda
This method is designed to remove a variety of contaminants. Preparation required:
- Water;
- Dishwashing detergents;
- Clean rags;
- Isopropyl (technical) alcohol;
- Boers;
- Soft toothbrush;
- Baking soda.
Cleaning process:
- Using a dishwashing detergent, wash the cover.
- Apply a small amount of technical alcohol to the rag and use it to wipe dirty areas.
- We collect water in the container, add the dishwashing detergent and borax. The accessory is soaked in containers for an hour.
- Contaminated areas are lightly rubbed with a soft toothbrush.
- The product is washed in clean water.
- If stain removal has not occurred, a mixture of water and baking soda is applied.
- After a few hours, the soda is shaken off, the cover is washed with running water.
Remove yellow and dark spots
Every thing begins to wear out over time. If after a short period of time the silicone begins to turn yellow or darken, most likely the material turned out to be of poor quality. In this case, do not use aggressive detergents and bleaches. The case will turn yellow and brittle.
And dark spots on the surface appear due to the fact that the accessory is in contact with another material or fabric.
Bleach the surface
We learn how to clean the silicone phone case from yellowness.
Important! If the product is high-quality, solvents are not afraid of it.
In order to whiten a darkened surface, are used:
- Petrol;
- Lemon acid;
- Chlorine bleaches.
Important! The cover cannot be completely immersed in the selected product, only contamination is processed.
We act until the result is obtained:
- The product is applied to the surface.
- The cover is wiped with a sponge or white cloth.
- We wash the product under running water, wipe it dry.
to contents ↑Important! This method is also used in order to eliminate fresh spots of brilliant green or paint.
My white covers
The white surface, without a doubt, can be called the most vulnerable, therefore, in order to bleach it, use special sprays or liquids. For a dirty, dull or yellow product, you can use toothpaste or powder. Such tools will help with the rapid detection of problems.
The easiest way to clean a white leather case. Here you can use turpentine, which copes with stains of different types. To remove yellowness, you can do this:
- Cooking a mixture of ammonia, water and water in equal amounts.
- Using a sponge, the cover is rubbed and left for a third of an hour.
- Using a damp cloth or rag, the accessory gets rid of the remnants of the mixture.
Paint the silicone case
Very often, users ask a question: how to paint a silicone case? Experts most often recommend just buying a new one, since they are inexpensive.
There is one simple recipe that is more suitable for a transparent case:
- Boil water, drip green or blue there.
- We put a cover in the water and leave it for a while.
Important! In general, experts recommend, if the old case is already very dear to the heart, give it a second life, just by painting it with acrylic paints and decorating it with sparkles and beads.
You should also not look for how to remove scratches from a silicone case. The maximum that you can do with small scuffs is to grind the surface with an eraser or fine-grained emery paper. In any case, buying a new one is much easier.
to contents ↑Useful recommendations:
- Washing silicone covers often needs to be arranged to prevent the formation of stubborn dirty stains;
- If the case is very cheap, cleaning procedures will not help him - it will turn yellow anyway and will tear quickly;
- Products can not be left for long in direct sunlight;
- If there are sticky traces - you can get rid of them with the help of sunflower oil;
- Weak dirt is removed with a melamine sponge;
- The marker can be removed using ether.
Stock footage
Of course, you need to protect the phone. Moreover, the cost of a cover or bumper is low. Such a small accessory is able to protect the gadget from dust and scratches. But, nevertheless, protection is also necessary for “protection” itself. Now you know how to make the case clean.
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