How to clean a non-stick pan inside and out?

Any housewife knows that the kitchen just can not do without a frying pan, because it is one of the most necessary tools for preparing a wide variety of dishes. In recent years, the most popular teflon pans - This material is lighter and more convenient than cast-iron counterparts, in addition, it has a unique non-stick effect. Unfortunately, no matter how high-quality a frying pan is, a layer of fat always forms during cooking, and eventually a deposit that cannot be avoided even with careful use. It spoils not only spoils the taste of food, but also the condition of the dishes. Therefore, an urgent question arises - how to clean the pan with non-stick coating inside and out. We bring to your attention some effective tips.

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How is carbon deposits formed?

In order to understand how to get rid of the problem, you need to know what to deal with. So, soot is an unpleasant layer of dark brown or black color, loose in its consistency and sticky to the touch. It appears during the frequent use of the pan, but even if the utensils are near the cooking place, there is a chance of this unpleasant problem.

By its nature, it is ordinary fat, which during cooking eats up on the surface - it doesn’t matter, Teflon or cast iron. After each use, it becomes thicker and stronger until a dark crust appears, which is very difficult to remove. Sludge in a pan is an accumulative phenomenon, so it is very important to clean the Teflon pan from soot inside and out after each cooking.

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Household cleaning

Modern cleansers perfectly remove almost any dirt. Nagar is no exception. There are many modern household chemicals, with which you can clean even the dirtiest pan.

Important! Means such as Schumanit, Fairy, Sorty, Mr. Muscle and the like cope well with this task.

Liquid products

The easiest option is to clean the pan with a liquid substance. Despite the high efficiency, this method is very aggressive for the skin of the hands, so you should wear rubber gloves.

The product must be applied to the dirty surface of the pan and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. Active substances will penetrate the fat and begin its destruction. After that, you need to thoroughly clean the dishes with a sponge or soft brush and rinse with running water.

Important! Before washing the pan from the outside with a liquid, soak it in a sink with hot water for 10 minutes. This will help soften the carbon deposits, thereby facilitating the cleaning process.

Foam cleaning

Household chemicals can also be in the form of a foaming agent. It is believed that this method copes better with soot, but this can only be verified experimentally. Dilute a small amount of liquid with water and beat until foamy. Spread the finished product evenly inside the pan and let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.


Many manufacturers of cleaning products offer their products in the form of a spray. This is a more economical option, because very little solution is needed.Sprinkle a little bit of dirt on it, let it stand for a couple of minutes and rinse with water.

Important! This method only works with light deposits, because for a thick layer of fat, strong pressure and the use of a brush will be required.

Gels and creams

This consistency suggests the strongest concentration of cleansing agent. Put it on the surface of the pan and leave for an hour. After that, it remains only to remove the remnants of soot with a sponge - the gel perfectly corrodes fat.

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Folk ways

Among folk methods, there are many useful ways to clean a pan with a non-stick coating inside and out. Cleaning with improvised means is most useful, because it does not contain aggressive chemicals. In addition, there is no chance to leave chemistry on the dishes, washing it poorly. Here are some ways.depositphotos-27402261-m-2015

Boiling a pan with soda

To clean the teflon surface you only need soda and water:

  1. Add a liter of water and 5 tablespoons of soda to the pan.
  2. Put on fire and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. After that, allow the solution to cool, and you just have to rinse the dishes with running cold water.

Important! This method is perfect not only for removing thick soot, but for cleaning from burnt food.

Hot Laundry Soap

The most common piece of laundry soap is the best assistant for any housewife, because he copes with almost any pollution:

  1. Rub a quarter of a bar of soap on a medium or coarse grater and spread evenly over the surface of the pan.
  2. Add warm water and put on fire.
  3. Maintain a high temperature without boiling.
  4. After that, let the dishes stand for two hours and remove the remaining carbon deposits with a sponge.

Silicate glue cleaning

This method is perfect for the most persistent pollution, which other means can not cope with, because sometimes you don’t want to throw out your favorite pan:

  1. Mix 2 tubes of silicate glue, half a glass of liquid detergent and a tablespoon of soda.
  2. Dilute this mixture in 2 liters of room temperature water.
  3. Pour the resulting product into the pan and heat it.
  4. If possible, leave the product for a day.
  5. The next day, use a sponge to remove residual grease and other contaminants.

Important! This is a great way to clean the Teflon pan of carbon deposits without damaging the coating.

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Pan Care - Carbon Prevention

In order not to be tormented by cleaning a dirty pan, you can follow a number of simple rules that will help to keep the Teflon coating and the beautiful appearance of the product longer:

  • Immediately after cooking, wipe the bottom of grease, dirt and food debris, because carbon deposits are old fat that tends to accumulate. As a rule, a new skillet can only be washed with a sponge using a conventional dishwashing detergent. The longer the pan is dirty, the greater the likelihood of carbon deposits.
  • It is not recommended to heat a Teflon coating over 250 degrees. Such overheating leads to deformation of the product at the molecular level, and the surface loses its non-stick properties.
  • Scratches and other mechanical damage are a sure way to ruin a teflon surface. When cooking, try to use only a wooden or plastic spatula or tongs with protection at the ends.
  • Once a week or two, depending on the frequency of use, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the pan using any of the above methods. This will protect against the accumulation of fat in hard-to-reach places, and also completely remove dirt in the pan.
  • If after high-quality washing of the product during cooking, soot constantly appears, this means that the Teflon layer began to deteriorate, its integrity is violated. In this case, it is worth replacing the pan, and this completely removed from the routine, since when the Teflon is destroyed, harmful elements will constantly come from the base of the dishes.
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The taste of food largely depends not only on the quality of the products from which it is prepared, but also on the state of the dishes. Care for the pan is a must for every housewife. In addition, the destroyed Teflon coating is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to health. Fortunately, now you know how to clean a non-stick pan inside and out in a wide variety of ways.


