How to clean gold and silver at home?

Every girl, no doubt, loves jewelry made of gold and silver. Many dreamed in childhood of a prince on a white horse who would make a princess and take her to a beautiful castle, where it would be possible to wear various tiaras, necklaces and rings. However, in real life, one day you will be faced with the question of how to clean gold and silver at home. This is what we will talk about in this article.
In fact, proper care and cleansing is very important, because if you do not carry it out, your favorite jewelry will lose its former appearance. Wearing them will not be the slightest desire. Wipe with a normal wet towel is not enough, use one of the following alternative methods.
to contents ↑Soap and water
The easiest way is to prepare a soap solution. It will help to clean both gold, silver and many other metals:
- Pour water into a small pot and set it on fire. Add some detergent.
- Once the liquid is brought to a boil, dip your rings and bracelets into it.
- After 5 minutes, remove, wipe and dry well.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use this method for jewelry with stones! Many of them may not withstand such a temperature difference.
Family jewelry
Old family decorations look better over the years. The dark shade that they acquire indicates the solidity and successful position of their owner. However, often a plaque forms on the family ring or chain. In order to eliminate it, use the Coca-Cola.
Important! Do not be afraid for the condition of the jewelry. As part of this drink there is phosphoric acid, and it also has excellent cleaning properties. But its concentration is not so great as to harm the jewelry.
The steps to clean gold and silver at home in this way are pretty simple:
- Pour the drink into a small container, place the problematic jewelry in the liquid.
- Soak for an hour.
- Then rinse thoroughly in cold water, wipe with a soft cloth.
- From pollution there will be nothing left.
How to clean gold and silver at home with citric acid?
Lemon juice is a universal substance for purification from pollution at home. In particular, it is able to clear plaque on silver and gold:
- Squeeze a couple of lemons, add the problematic products to the juice. You can notice a solution of 1 tsp. citric acid powder and 1 cup of water.
- For greater effectiveness, add a tablespoon of vinegar or a teaspoon of ammonia to the solution.
Expensive jewelry
If you are afraid that “Cola” or boiling may cause damage, then we offer you softer, safer options.
Crushed chalk
Everything is quite simple, but you will have to be patient, assiduous, as this method will take some time.
Crush the chalk, add some water. Rub the paste with gruel for twenty to thirty minutes.
Use tooth powder as an alternative to chalk. It is quite difficult to find it on the shelves of modern supermarkets, but you can search for it in small industrial stores, order it on the Internet or ask your grandmother - maybe she stayed with her.
The principle of application is similar to chalk.
to contents ↑Foil and soda
Of course, it is better to clean the rings, bracelets immediately, as soon as darkening appears on them. However, even strong plaque can be removed. This can be done with foil and soda.
How to act:
- Put foil on the bottom of the pan and jewelry on top.
- Fill the container with water so that the liquid covers the jewelry.
- Bring it to a boil, then add a couple of tablespoons of soda.
to contents ↑Important! Do not be afraid as soon as the chemical reaction begins - silver tolerates it very well, as a result - even the strongest coating will lag behind.
If the other options than cleaning gold and silver at home did not help, you will have to take radical measures:
- In a glass, mix a small amount of warm water, one spoon ammoniahydrogen peroxide and a little dishwashing detergent.
- Dip the decoration in the resulting solution and leave for a day.
- After - rinse in running water.
to contents ↑Important! It is worth noting that you can start this method only if the other methods did not help. But everything remains on your conscience, so if you worry - go all the same to a professional jeweler who has the right means for cleaning various metals and stones.
Tips & Tricks
Consider the tips, recommendations that must be observed when wearing rings, bracelets, chains, because most of the pollution appears during the fact that this is done incorrectly:
- The cleaning of gold and silver at home for everyday wear should often be done at least once every seven days.
- Special care should be taken if there are decorative inserts on the decoration.
- Be sure to remove the product before taking water procedures.
- It is also necessary to remove them before cleaning, exercise.
Stock footage
So we examined all the ways how to clean silver and gold at home quickly and efficiently, and also talked about how to carry out proper care, why it is so important. Follow our recommendations and you will never have any difficulties in caring for your jewelry - they will always shine, making your look even more expressive, interesting!
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