How to submit water meter data via the Internet?

Today, water meters are installed in almost every house and city apartment, because the feasibility, cost-effectiveness and benefits of their installation have long been proven, so there is no doubt. The only thing is that every month we have to transmit evidence to the appropriate authorities to calculate the amount that must be paid for the water consumed. You can transfer data by filling out and transmitting a receipt to the housing and communal services, by phone or using modern technology. Today we will consider the most simple and popular option in our time, how to submit water meter data via the Internet.

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Why is it so beneficial to transmit testimonies over the Internet?

In modern times of innovative and mobile technologies, many of the already familiar actions and manipulations have become easier to perform through the global network, because thanks to it, the life of modern society has become more convenient. More recently, we have the opportunity to transmit online the readings of a water meter. Thanks to this, it became easy not only for the residents themselves, but also for the water utility workers.

The main advantages of this method of data transfer are:

  1. The ability to transmit information at any time of the day and on any day of the week, that is, when there is a free minute to visit the Internet.
  2. The simplest procedure, which over time is only easier to perform, since some kind of automatism is already being developed.
  3. You don’t have to waste your time and nerves trying to contact water utility operators, where, despite the large number of telephone lines, it’s very difficult to get through.
  4. No need to go for forms in the housing and communal services for the transfer of evidence.

Important! This service is completely free, it does not require any additional connections.

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How to take readings from water meters?

Despite the fact that counters of the consumed water are in almost every house, many people still have problems with the process of taking readings. As a result, they transmit incorrect data, which leads to confusion in receipts and payment. If you provide incorrect figures for a long time, then in the future there may be more serious problems, threatening with penalties.

In order to figure out how to submit water meters via the Internet, you first need to decide whether you are taking readings on which particular water - hot or cold. Thanks to the tips below, you will certainly succeed:

  • Counters for cold and hot water, as a rule, differ in color, respectively - blue and red devices are installed.
  • If they are the same in color, then you can simply hand-check the pipes leading to them, and you will immediately understand which one is cold and which is hot.
  • With proper design, a hot pipe is usually located slightly higher than a cold one.
  • If no advice has helped you, then simply turn on, for example, cold water and see how the values ​​change on one of the counters.
  • Another proven option. In almost all houses, cold water is consumed much more than hot water, respectively - the readings on the meters are very different.

Important! Data transfer will take you a minimum of time and effort. Once registered in your account you will not need to do this anymore, you can immediately go under your name and transfer testimonies. You can do this even with a mobile phone, the main thing is that it has access to the Internet.

As soon as you decide on a device that controls the flow of water you need, you need to understand how to apply and what specific numbers:

  • On any counter there are eight digits, three of them are red, that's it they take into account liters.
  • But when transmitting data, we need to specify cubic liters, so only the first five numbers should be taken into account.
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Detailed instructions for submitting data over the Internet

Even a novice who can even work with a computer and the Internet worldwide can understand how to submit water meter data via the Internet. So, in order to transfer your testimony, you should perform the following actions:

  • Entrance to the public service portal of the water utility. This can be done through any browser that is available on a computer, tablet or laptop. Then we enter the address, press the start button, after that the main page of the necessary portal will open in front of you.
  • Registration on the site. So that you can always freely testify, go through the registration procedure. Indicate your personal data for this, come up with a username and password that you need to write down or remember. You only need to do this once.
  • Log in to your account. Data is transmitted through a personal account, for this we open it by entering a username and password.
  • Go to the page “Form for entering meter readings”. After you enter the office, a special form will appear on the screen, in fact, you need to enter your data, personal account and address into it.
  • Entering current readings. It is necessary to enter readings in special columns in the form. Everything should be filled carefully, because even a minor error can lead to problems in the calculation.

Important! You need to transmit exclusively reliable numbers, otherwise - you will face heavy fines. If problems arise, you can first look at the sample and study the instructions for entering data.

  • Once again, we carefully check everything and if everything is correct, then you can safely press the button to continue working.
  • Confirmation of sending. In order for the data to go to a government agency, you need to confirm the procedure in a new window that appears.
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When is it better to transfer readings to a water utility?

It is important not only to understand how to submit water meters via the Internet, but also to do it within a clearly specified time frame. As a rule, water utility employees recommends performing this manipulation before the third day of each month following the reporting period.

Important! If the utility does not receive the testimony in time, then the receipts will indicate the average for the last three months.

As soon as you send the data, they will recalculate. It is also recommended to pay for services at strictly defined dates to a bank account.

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That's all the wisdom associated with submitting water meter data over the Internet. See how easy and easy it is? Then go ahead! Submit the indicators on time, and then the savings from installing the water meter will be real.

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