How to connect a chandelier with 3 wires?

Any repair can be divided into several phased parts. Indoor lighting occupies a separate position in this tricky business. You can always use the services of an electrician, which will require a fee. But why not save money and do the installation and connection yourself? At first glance, installing a chandelier seems like a very simple operation, but it's not so easy. How to connect a chandelier with 3 wires yourself? Let's look at this and other cases for a complete understanding.

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Wiring diagram for a chandelier with a double switch

Everyone wants to make the interior of their home the most harmonious and beautiful. For example, the same coating on the ceiling should always be verified with the type and method of installation of the chandelier:

  • the stretch ceiling must be installed simultaneously with the chandelier;
  • if the installation takes place with the help of a tile, then you can take a while.

The choice of a chandelier is another question. You need to decide in advance on the size and method of connection, also do not forget about other consumables.

After selection, installation and connection follows. It will be easier to deal with a single-key key, but today we are not talking about them. Let's deal with the frightening connection of the chandelier, which has a double switch.

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What do we need?

Before carrying out all the manipulations you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. A screwdriver that is equipped with an electric indicator. We need it to ring the chain and find the phase.
  2. A set of screwdrivers with a wide variety of nozzles. We will need them for the assembly and disassembly of the entire structure.
  3. Multimeter. A multimeter is a measuring device, without which it is not necessary to carry out any work with electronics.
  4. Optionally, a terminal block can be purchased. With it, it will be much easier to assemble the wires during their connection. The diameter can vary from 1 to 5 mm.

All these things can be found in any household electronics store. The rest of the “tools”, such as a chair or electrical tape, you can even find at home.

What to do next, how to connect a chandelier to two switches? Let's not rush and get acquainted with all the subtleties of this matter.

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What do the wires in the chandelier mean?

In order to deal with installation and connection, you need to understand the purpose of the conductors that exit our device. To do this, take a look at the instructions. If the instruction is written in a foreign language, then we recommend that you follow these tips:

  • Inspect the appliance carefully. If wires come from each lamp and are connected in one terminal cell with an external contact, this is phase L.
  • Earth is a PE contact. Most often it is painted yellow. This contact is useful to you if the house has a central grounding.
  • If you find a single conductor on which all the zero contacts from the lamps converge, then you have a neutral wire - N. You can also independently determine it using a multimeter or a symbol in the form of the aforementioned letter.

Important! Today, there is a law that prohibits the use of all alloys of wires, with the exception of copper.

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How to connect a chandelier with 3 wires? If your device has three or two lights, and there are several keys on the switch, then you will have to act according to one of three options:

  • The key will turn on immediately all the lights.
  • If there are several keys on the switch, it becomes possible to set the sequential start of the lamps.
  • If the chandelier has many horns, then you can choose a group, simultaneous or sequential launch with a single button.

How to decide?

  • For those cases when two ends of conductors are visible from a hole in the ceiling, you can choose the first of the options. The documentation from the manufacturer must indicate the connection method, which will correspond to the functionality of the device.
  • Those fixtures that have several lamps are equipped with paired contacts, which are necessary for connecting the shades. Such devices can also be connected according to the second principle.
  • With the third connection option, things are more complicated. The wires must be connected in parallel. This connection method will help to achieve the inclusion of each lamp individually.

Important! Do not tackle installation and connection if in doubt of your abilities. Thoughtless decisions and actions can lead to damage or harm your health!


Multi-path chandelier without earth

This method looks a little more complicated, but in practice, everything is simple. The most important thing is to understand the purpose of all the wires and correctly connect them together.

In most cases, 2-3 wires come out of the ceiling. If there is no ground contact in the room, then only two cables are required.

Important! To determine the phase, you will have to use a multimeter or a screwdriver with a digital indicator - just touch the bare leads of the conductor. If a signal sounds or the light comes on, you have managed to find the phase.

Now we need to inspect all the cables for a break - the factory markings and colors will tell us little, so you have to rely on yourself only.

Important! Before carrying out all work, be sure to disconnect the room!

To do the following:

  1. It is necessary to strip the cables. A special tool or the most ordinary lighter will help you with this.
  2. If a multicore conductor is used in the circuit, then the ends will have to be pressed in with the tips. For monocable additional insulation is not required.
  3. It remains to distribute the ends of the conductors into groups and fix them in a special terminal block.
  4. To distribute the cables into groups, focus on the color of the upper sheath. By standards, chandeliers are equipped with white and black wires.
  5. Screw the block to the main part of our device. Take care of the tight connection in order to avoid overheating and oxidation in the future.
  6. Connect the chandelier to the wires that extend from the ceiling. Repeatedly check the phase and fix the ends of the conductors on the second side of the block.
  7. Feel free to apply voltage and check the correctness of the work done.
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Now you are familiar with how to connect a chandelier to two switches, and not only. Do not forget about basic safety rules and take your time!

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