How to connect an amplifier in a car?

It's nice to have devices on hand to listen to your favorite music. The car has long been no exception. Is a normal audio system sufficient? Basic equipment rarely produce the required quality sound. To provide yourself with high-quality sound, you need to install a more advanced speaker system. In this article, we will figure out options for how to connect an amplifier to a car.
to contents ↑Amplifiers
Let's understand, because there are many nuances that you will need to familiarize yourself with. Let's start by familiarizing yourself with the device itself and its types in order to understand possible ways of connecting the amplifier to the speakers in the car.
Amplifier Types:
- Two-channel type. Such devices allow you to connect two speakers and a subwoofer.
- Four-channel amplifier allows you to conduct sound on four speakers or two speakers and a “loaf”.
Important! Remember that when connecting two speakers to one channel and a subwoofer to the other, it will be very difficult to achieve high-quality sound.
- Five channel type. Such devices can work with four speakers and a subwoofer.
- Also, the technology market is abundantly provided with monoblocks that enhance only the sound of the subwoofer.
With the types of gadgets, everything is clear, but this information will not be enough to fully understand the installation process.
What factors need to be considered?
- The amplifier should not interfere with the driver or passengers, as well as its installation should exclude the impact on the rest of the transport functionality.
- Do not install the device on moving parts of a vehicle.
- To avoid overheating, it is worth providing good cooling.
- In no case do not create labyrinths from wires - such an oversight can lead to breakage.
How to connect an amplifier in a car and where to install it? Let's look at the main places for installation.
Instrument space
The choice of space is a mandatory part of the installation of the device. Check out these installation tips:
- Under the front seats.
- Under the rear seats.
- In the trunk.
- On the boot lid itself.
- On the backs of the rear seats.
- On the walls of the subwoofer.
Each of the places has its advantages and disadvantages, which are obvious. It all depends on the model of the selected device and its case. We are gradually approaching the main question: how to connect the amplifier to the speakers in the car? ”
Wire selection
How to mount the device in a car? Today you can easily find complete sets of wires for connecting devices.
Important! Never use household wires to connect. Kits that manufacturers offer may be of dubious quality. Give preference to special kits from manufacturers with a good reputation.
We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular connection tools:
- For rear and front sound output devices, a PVA cable with a cross section of 2x2.5 mm is perfect.
- For “tweeters”, we recommend using wires having a section of 2x1.5 mm.
- To connect a subwoofer, use 2x4 mm connectors.
Important! An increase in the length of the conductor should be accompanied by an increase in its thickness.
Inputs and outputs in the “amp”:
- 12V This connector is powered by battery. Be sure to install a fuse.
- REM - a connector that allows you to connect an amplifier device with a radio.
- When using the GBD connector, thick, short wires must be used.
- Line inputs.They are used to connect with speakers and a “loaf”. A subwoofer is sometimes connected by a bridge to two of these connectors. The minus must be connected to the minus, and the plus to the plus. The remaining pros and cons should be combined, guided by the instructions.
- The head unit is connected using tulips.
We figured out the device and the purpose of the device, now let's move on to the main issue of the article - connection.
to contents ↑Installation
Check out the following steps for installing your gadget:
- Mount the amplifier in the chosen place with the help of strong screws or bolts.
- We turn to the connection of the amplifier with the radio. Four-channel devices require two interconnect wires, and two-channel devices require one.
- Now you need to connect to the power source.
Important! When carrying out all manipulations, do not forget about basic safety precautions.
- Connect the control wire.
- Only now, observing the polarity, connect the amplifier to all sound output devices.
If now the question of how to connect the amplifier in the car seems easy to you, you can safely proceed to configure the gadget.
to contents ↑Setup:
Most often they use the following settings:
- Gain or Level. These parameters are responsible for sensitivity.
- LowFrequency (LPF) - low-pass filter (low-pass filter). This parameter will help to cut the maximum low frequencies of the subwoofer.
- HighFrequency (HPF) - HPF (high-pass filter). Cuts the low end.
Check out one of the configuration options:
- Set the sensitivity to minimum.
- Using the radio, set the maximum volume until you “catch” the distortion.
- Now increase the sensitivity until you encounter distortion again.
- After these steps, slightly decrease the sensitivity and lower the volume value on the radio.
Stock footage
Now you can easily install the amplifier in your car yourself and enjoy high-quality sound. So - driving a car will be more pleasant and comfortable!
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