How to choose a boxing bag by weight?

Every athlete or parent who gives the child to martial arts knows how important it is to buy a punching bag. This sport cannot be imagined without this attribute. The main purpose of the bag is to practice strikes and improve techniques in boxing and similar sports. With the help of this projectile, a person develops rigidity, speed and accuracy of the swing. How to choose a boxing bag by weight is one of the common questions of young athletes and parents of young men, because with the help of this silent friend you can conquer new heights! We will deal with all the nuances of choice so that you can make a competent purchase.

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Punching bag and its device

The domestic market offers a huge number of different bags for martial arts. All of them differ in type, weight, design, type. The above nuances affect the training process and achieve the desired result.


The most common option for acquiring a “silent friend” is a stuffed bag. This attribute is most popular among boxing fans. Inside this sports equipment rubber crumb is used. Due to this feature, pain during training is quite small.


Another popular sporting attribute is a pneumatic or inflatable boxing accessory. The main advantage of this model is that after hitting for several seconds, the rubber is restored to its original position. The inner cavity is an air chamber.


The most modern, popular and sought-after attribute for martial arts is a pear. The essence of this sports equipment is that it is filled with water. It is made of high-quality dense rubber. The service life of such a bag is very large.

Important! Before you pick a punching bag by weight and purchase it, you need to feel the sports equipment. Content should be pressed equally in all places. There should be no soft spots anywhere.

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Varieties of Pears

Before deciding how to choose a boxing bag by weight, it is necessary to consider all types of attributes that are by far the most demanded in the gym for all types of martial arts. In this case, we will take into account possible training options and weight.

Classic pear

It has a mass of 25 to 45 kg. This attribute can be used both in the gym and at home.

Important! With the help of this shell you can work out the basic techniques and various complexes of blows.

Uppercut model

This sports equipment is shaped like a cylinder. Its mass index varies from 25 to 50 kilograms. For children, the mass of the cylinder is from 5 to 30 kilograms. The bag is installed in a horizontal position.

Important! It is an indispensable accessory for practicing the technique of swinging from below, which is referred to in boxing as an “uppercut”.


Pneumatic bag

With the help of this accessory you can learn to put a sharp and swift blow, as well as develop combined ligaments. The main feature of sports equipment is that it has an elastic counteraction. Thanks to this, a small effect of a real battle at home is created.


We have already talked about this sports equipment above.It has high quality and durability. Quite often, there is such an attribute in the form of a human body. This is the main feature and advantage, since you can work out all the techniques on the projectile.

Important! It is very popular among beginner athletes and experienced craftsmen.

Wall bag

This sports equipment is a wooden frame, which is very firmly fixed to the wall. A bag having a convex shape is mounted between the two bars.

Important! With this design you can work out strength exercises. Most popular for practicing jabs and hooks.

Serial bag

It has a mass of 60 to 110 kilograms. An indispensable accessory for the work of professional athletes in all types of boxing and martial arts.

Important! It is used for practicing slaughter and serial strikes.


Mannequin pear

This attribute has the shape of a person. Its mass can be very different. If it is filled with water, then the maximum figure is 135 kg. However, when using sand, the mass of a projectile for sports can reach a higher mark.

Important! It can be used in the gym and for practicing at home.


This is a small kind of boxing bag. Its main indicator is 18 kilograms. It has little freedom of movement. After a strong push, he moves in a circle and returns to its original position.

Important! It can only be used in the gym.

It is not very easy to choose a punching bag for boxing by weight, since there are a lot of varieties of sports equipment themselves.

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Choose the weight of the pear

One of the most important nuances when buying sports equipment for practicing any equipment is weight. Let's take a closer look at all the factors on how to pick a punching bag by weight.

Boxing sports equipment is divided into three categories:

  1. Heavy Inventory Category. Here are the big cylinders. The mass of attributes varies from 60 to 110 kg. This category is popular with professional athletes.
  2. Middle category. In this group is an inventory ranging from 30 to 60 kilograms. In this category, the main attacks are practiced. You can use such attributes at home and in the gym. The middle category is the most popular in the sports world of martial arts and boxing.
  3. Category of light attributes. The mass of shells varies from 5 to 30 kg. Most popular with children, young men and novice lovers.

Important! The weight for daily training should be the same as the mark on the athlete's balance. In this case, you will achieve an amazing result.

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Choose a pear for a child

So, you have already figured out how to choose a punching bag by weight for adults. However, for children there is a group of sports equipment:

  • All trainers advise instilling a love of boxing for children aged 3 years to 5. In this case, a boxing bag weighs only 1.5 kg. The sports attribute is filled with foam rubber.
  • If the age of the child is from 5 to 7 years, then it is worth giving preference to attributes weighing about 4 kg. In this group, pears are filled with lightweight sand or heavier polypropylene.
  • There are bags filled with rubber crumb. The mass of this sports equipment reaches 8-9 kg. Suitable for children from the age of 8 years. With constant loads, active training and observing the recommendations of the trainer, the mass of sports equipment can increase up to 16 kg.
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We told you how to choose sports equipment according to the preferences and age of the athlete. With the help of such a bag and our tips you can conquer new heights in the world of sports!

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