How to choose an indirect heating boiler?

For some time, storage water heaters have gained great popularity, especially among owners of cottages and large dachas equipped with boiler houses. Many prefer indirect heating boilers to other units - for example, storage or flow heaters. How to choose an indirect heating boiler? Read about it in our article.
to contents ↑Boiler Benefits
Indirect heating boiler - which is better? The answer to this question depends on many reasons. But first you need to understand what are the advantages of this type of device.
The reasons for the growing popularity are many:
- profitability;
- convenient working principle;
- compactness;
- high heating rate.
Important! To heat water intended for domestic needs, the thermal energy of the heating system is used. Electricity is not needed, respectively - you will not have to pay extra for it. Water heats up just as quickly and to the same temperature as with the help of a powerful heating element. Heat losses are minimized - if the tank has good thermal insulation, the water cools down just a couple of degrees a day.
Principle of operation
The indirect heating boiler works like this:
- Water for heating enters through the inlet pipe into the tank.
- There is a coil in the tank.
- Hot water from the heating system passes through the coil.
- Part of the heat through the walls of the coil is transferred to the water in the tank.
- The water in the tank is heated.
- Heated water due to convection rises and enters the outlet pipe.
to contents ↑Important! Some models do not have a coil; instead, a tank-in-tank system is used.
What to look for?
The rating of indirect heating boilers will not help much if you do not take into account the characteristics of your home. First things first, you need to figure out the volume. To do this, consider:
- for what purpose is water used;
- how many consumers will be;
- how many people will use this water.
What exactly do you need heated water for? Are you going to just wash the dishes and wash your face or do you intend to take baths, and you don’t have a washing machine at your cottage?
- A small boiler is enough for dishes, a volume of 30 liters is enough for the eyes.
- If you are going to warm the bath water, you will have to buy an aggregate in which at least 100 liters of water are placed.
These are the devices that will be connected to the boiler:
- kitchen faucet and sink;
- bath;
- shower stall ;.
For each of them there is an average indicator of consumer volume of hot water. It can be approximately calculated by first measuring the amount of water that is consumed during peak hours (for example, in the morning):
- kitchen sink - 8-16 l;
- bathtub - 90-108 l;
- shower - 27-30 l;
- wash basin - 5-8 l;
- hand wash - 1-3 l.
Important! An additional 10-20% must be added to the calculated amount.
It is very important to calculate how many people are going to use hot water from the boiler. For example, the average consumer volume for a shower is 30 liters. If two people will use the cabin - you need a boiler of 60 liters.
to contents ↑Specifications
An indirect boiler must be reliable, efficient, durable and convenient. Therefore, it is worth evaluating such characteristics:
- material;
- temperature;
- power;
- pressure,
- corrosion protection;
- method of placement;
- additional functions.
When deciding to choose an indirect boiler, pay attention to what the tank is made of. The best options:
- from stainless steel;
- enameled;
- titanium coated.
Tanks made of other materials can also be found on sale, but it is better to choose these, since they have the necessary qualities:
- low thermal conductivity;
- strength;
- durability.
Important! Remember to see what the coil is made of. The best option is brass. For most boilers from good manufacturers, the coil is cast from this material, but in cheap models you can find fake.
See also how this part is attached. There must be a flange connection so that the element can be removed. Refuse the purchase if the coil is attached tightly.
An important parameter is the temperature of the water that the boiler can provide. According to technical standards, the water in the heating system is heated to 60-70 ºС. It is such a liquid that will flow into the coil. In this case, it is important that the unit can be connected directly to the boiler.
Power and pressure
On sale you can find units with an output power of 2 to 60 kW. Your choice of indirect boiler depends on the volume of the tank and the temperature that you want to get at the outlet.
Important! The larger the capacity, the more powerful the device should be.
Do not forget that water comes under pressure. The certificate indicates the maximum pressure that your unit can withstand. It usually ranges from 6 to 10 bar.
The boiler must be reliably protected from scale and corrosion. The best option is a magnesium anode. It looks like the most ordinary rod. Located inside the tank.
The form
In equipment stores you can find boilers of various shapes:
- cylindrical;
- cubic;
- rectangular.
You can choose the one you like best - the form does not affect the quality of heating. A lot of space in the tank is occupied by a coil, which heats the water evenly throughout the volume.
Placement method
According to this parameter, boilers are divided into two types:
- wall mounted;
- outdoor.
Important! Wall mounted ones have less volume. In such a tank is placed no more than 200 liters of water. If there is more fluid, the unit simply can not stay on the wall. Floor - more, moreover, it can be placed directly under the boiler, and this reduces heat loss.
Do I need a heater?
Despite the fact that the water in the boiler is heated due to the thermal energy of the heating system, in some models they put heating elements. Other things being equal, this is a kind of bonus, because if necessary, your indirect boiler can easily turn into an electric storage heater.
Important! On sale there are boilers with two coils. One - ordinary, takes water from heat supply systems. The second is connected to an alternative heat source - for example, a heat pump.
Additional devices
When deciding how to choose an indirect heating boiler for the home, pay attention to additional functions:
- the presence of a thermal relay;
- additional branch pipe.
to contents ↑Important! Pay attention to thermal insulation. The best option is polyurethane foam, the worst is foam rubber.
Popular brands of boilers up to 100 l
The production of boilers is carried out by many well-known companies that have long and firmly established themselves in the market. At the same time, the units are divided into groups by volume, the best indirect heating boilers up to 100 l:
- Baxi Combi 80;
- Gorenje GBK80ORRNB6;
Baxi combi 80
Small boiler of Italian production. How to choose an indirect heating boiler to the boiler if the boiler is weak? Pay attention to the products of this company.
In this case, the LUNA-3 Comfort boiler is ideal. The unit is placed on the floor under it. Made of stainless steel, there is protection against scale and reliable thermal protection. For its class, this is a fairly powerful unit that produces 31 kW.
Gorenje GBK80ORRNB6
A relatively small, but effective unit from a Slovenian company. Very compact.It is equipped with an electronic unit, two tubular heat exchangers. It has protection against corrosion, from freezing, can be connected directly to the boiler.
The well-known Belgian company offers its customers a boiler with the principle of "tank in tank" - there is no coil, but there are two stainless steel tanks, one is inserted into the other. The inner tank has a corrugated surface. The volume is 100 l, power -23 kW. Various mounting options are available.
to contents ↑Boilers up to 200 liters
In this category, we will also highlight several of the most popular models as the rating of indirect heating boilers.
Baxi Premier plus 150
And here one of the leaders is Baxi, which offers consumers a Baxi Premier plus 150 brand unit. As the name suggests, it is designed for a volume of 150 liters. An interesting design is the “coil in the coil”. The drive is quite light, mount - wall. Like all boilers of this company, it is made of high-quality stainless steel. Most importantly, it can be used with different types of boilers, so choosing an indirect heating boiler according to the boiler power becomes quite simple.
In addition to “Baksi”, the leaders in this “weight category” are:
- Protherm FE 200 BM.
“Bosch” is a traditional German quality. The model is designed for a gas boiler. There is a recirculation system.
Important! It is very interesting that this particular model works excellently in hard water. This is achieved using a special glass-ceramic coating.
Protherm FE 200 BM
High-quality stainless steel, titanium anode, antibacterial additives in the coating. High productivity - in a minute you can heat up to 25ºС as much as 30 l of water.
to contents ↑Important! There is, however, a drawback: like some other models, it only works with “its” boilers.
Boilers up to 300 liters
To choose an indirect heating boiler with a capacity of up to 300 liters is optimal for a private house or a small enterprise.
According to consumer estimates, ACV is the leader in this category. Its ACV COMFORT 240 model is a reasonable combination of price and quality:
- The tank-in-tank system is used.
- Designed for three draw points.
- Corrugated inner tank - this prevents corrosion.
Important! No recirculation loop.
Gorenje KGV 300-2 / BG
Despite the large volume, the unit looks pretty elegant and compact. Tank - enameled, magnesium anode, thermometer, overheat protection system. In addition, the boiler has two heat exchangers.
Important! You can put the heater and connect the heat pump.
Protherm FS B300S
Like other boilers of this company, it is designed to work with its own boilers. The positive qualities include:
- A large tank in which there are two flanges to connect the heater.
- Reliable protection against scale - enameled surface and a magnesium anode.
- The composition of the coating includes an antiseptic.
Boilers up to 400 liters
The rating of indirect heating boilers would not be complete without a review of high-capacity models. Let's get started.
Drazice OKC 400 NTRR / 1 MPa
The Czech model Drazice OKC 400 NTRR / 1 MPa leads in the heaviest “weight category”:
- Two tubular heat exchangers. One of them can be connected to the solar collector. The second is traditionally attached to the boiler.
- You can also put two heating elements.
In short, a universal and economical device made of stainless steel and with a magnesium anode.
Bosch SK 400-3 ZB
The German company offers a rather expensive, but very reliable unit. A very simple and practical model of good stainless steel, with all the protection against scale and corrosion that relies in such cases. You can connect a recirculation line.
Important! Thermal protection is foam, and this somewhat reduces the quality of the unit.
This model, unlike the vast majority of boilers of the Italian company, is connected to the solar collector. This is a purely summer residence option, of course, if you are not going to put the unit where the sun shines brightly all year round. Stainless steel tank, but covered with titanium enamel.You can connect a thermometer and various sensors. A recirculation scheme is provided.
to contents ↑How to install a boiler?
For this, it is not necessary to invite plumbing. In principle, you can handle this task yourself if you have:
- the boiler itself;
- pipes;
- ball valves - 5 pcs.;
- explosive filter;
- return filters - 2 pcs.;
- pump;
- air vent;
- expansion tank;
- three-way valve;
- anchor bolts;
- hammer drill;
- level;
- pencil;
- spanners;
- sealant.
Seat selection
This is the most important point. The best option is a floor boiler, on which the boiler is installed. Provide access to the heater. Fix the wall unit to the main wall with anchor bolts. For this:
- Choose a place.
- Mark the locations of the upper mounts by level.
- Drill holes.
- Screw in anchor bolts.
- Try installing a boiler.
- Remove the unit.
- Screw in the remaining bolts (one or two).
- Install the boiler.
Important! The floor device is simply put in the chosen place.
Pipe connection
Pipes from the heating system are connected through a three-way valve, in front of which a ball valve is placed:
- Connect the cold water supply pipe through the check and explosion valves.
- Put another ball valve.
- Connect the return pipe to the outlet pipe.
- Bring a pipe through which water will flow to the equipment, to the outlet pipe.
- Mount a ball valve at the connection point.
- Connect the expansion tank.
- Connect the air vent.
- Seal joints.
- Open the ball valves and check the system for leaks.
to contents ↑Important! If recycling is provided, install a ball valve, a non-return filter, an air vent, a pump to the boiler.
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Now you are ready to improve the living conditions in your cottage or country house without additional waste, because you can now cope with the selection of an indirect heating boiler and its installation without the involvement of specialists.
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