How to choose an amplifier for a subwoofer?

Many motorists love to please themselves with a good sound. Are you no exception? Then this article is for you. Today we will talk about how to choose an amplifier for a subwoofer. Is it so difficult to choose the right device? What are the subtleties of choice? You can find the answer to this and other questions here.
to contents ↑Choose an amplifier
As you know, a subwoofer is needed for transmitting low frequencies, without it any music seems not so lively and immersive. But if you really want to achieve quality, you need to choose the right amplifier for the “bread”. But the pursuit of quality has its price, you need to take into account all the possible risks and costs, and only then go directly to the choice.
to contents ↑Power
Which amplifier is best for a subwoofer? In order to choose the right amplifier, you first need to get acquainted with the three most common opinions:
- The power of the selected device should be less than the power of the subwoofer to prevent overloading the speaker.
- Power should be equal.
- The amplifier must have more power.
Where is the truth? Let's understand a little.
Amplifier weaker than subwoofer
When choosing a resistance value, you need to understand that the amplifier should work at such a load, now you can take on the power. We need to know the value of the nominal power. The speaker should work stably at such values without disastrous consequences. For the amplifier, this is the maximum power at which the distortion level is acceptable.
There are nuances for the speaker and amp. The speaker can be damaged by mechanical or thermal effects, if not all at once. With mechanical action, the mobile system fails. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to choose the values of the maximum cone stroke. It should not exceed twenty percent.
The thermal effect is manifested in the overheating of the system, which can occur for the following reasons:
- Clipping amplifier. The reason for this problem is the lack of power of the device. In other words, you turn up the sound volume, and the amp starts to “choke” and give out harmonics, sending a lot of high frequencies to the speaker. The voice coil will overheat very quickly and burn out if you do not turn down the volume.
- The movement of the coil outside the working gap of the magnetic system. If the turns of this coil come out of the working gap, all the energy of the device will be spent on heating the coil. Before overheating, of course, it will come slower, but you can not keep track of it, having lost the speaker.
Important! It is advisable not to listen to tracks with very low frequencies. It is at these frequencies that it is possible to destroy the movement of a signal even by low power, even if it is much less than the nominal one.
Do not think that the selection of an amplifier for a subwoofer will now come to a standstill. The main thing in this matter is to understand all the nuances.
Power equal
Such a case also does not bode well. Most often, the nominal power of the amplifier is regulated for the supply voltage, which is 14.4 volts. Unfortunately, real conditions do not allow such voltage to be maintained at the terminals of the device.
The amplifier will immediately go into the clip, without even approaching its rated power. In this case, the voice coil will be at risk.
The amplifier has a lot of power.
So which amplifier is best for a subwoofer? Sometimes, you can see devices with values one and a half or even two times higher. But is it worth it to fear mechanical damage in this case? Of course, but only if you are determined to make fun of the speaker. But to do this, of course, is not worth it. If you do not bring the speaker to the maximum and do not get involved in compositions with very low frequencies, his life will be long and happy.
Well. So we came to the conclusion that it will not work for us to protect ourselves from all sides, and the main thing in this matter is to have our heads on our shoulders. But if you look at the statistics, the third option is the most optimal, since the speaker in this case will live longer.
to contents ↑frequency range
Power is not the only criterion for selection, and it is not the only important parameter. It is the frequency range that is responsible for the scatter. Most often, goods equal to approximately 15-350 Hz flaunt.
to contents ↑Important! Numbers dramatically above average are the move of marketers. Such a device may work at such frequencies, but the sound quality is being called into question.
The amplifier class is also an important parameter. Modern devices can be divided into two well-known types:
- AB. This is an analog device that has excellent gain quality, but is characterized by rather small indicators of efficiency and power.
- D type. Digital amplifier with good efficiency but lame quality.
Which amplifier is best for a subwoofer if you choose it by class? Only you can answer this question. It all depends on the desired result and means.
to contents ↑Number of channels
Also an important parameter for selection. We classify the device according to the following criteria:
- Single channel In plain language - a candy bar. Such devices withstand the load only at low values (somewhere a couple of ohms). These amplifiers are suitable for owners of professional audio systems, the power of which is one of the main indicators. Most often, these are D-class gadgets.
- Two-channel. Such devices are easy to install with subwoofers that are rated from four to eight ohms. The connection is carried out using a bridge circuit or by coil.
- Three-channel. Such devices can boast of the leading representatives: Eton SR 100.2 or Genesis Profile Two. But such devices are more difficult to find due to the lost relevance.
- Four-channel. Such amplifiers can be easily used for at least four speakers and a subwoofer or for several high-quality “rolls”. Installation and operation rarely raises questions, which makes such gadgets extremely popular.
- Five channel. They are also very popular, since the additional subwoofer channel allows you to use both front and rear speakers. A clear advantage is the price and small size.
- Six-channel. It is extremely rare to find such an apparatus, since the systems existing today are not yet so demanding on amplifying elements.
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