How to tighten the skin at home?

Any girl strives to maintain the beauty and healthy appearance of her skin. However, this is not always easy to do, because dealing with certain problems is sometimes not easy. Loss of elasticity, facial wrinkles, the appearance of sagging are extremely unpleasant signs of aging and aging of the skin, but, nevertheless, they can be quite effectively combated without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons and expensive beauty salons.
It is within the power of any member of the fair sex to independently control this problem at home - systematic procedures in the form of compresses, masks, massages and other methods will help restore beauty, freshness and healthy color to the skin of the face. In this article we will tell you how to tighten your skin at home.
to contents ↑Why does wilt occur?
The first and main cause of facial skin aging is age-related changes. However, there are also factors that cause premature wilting. This may include:
- Getting into bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
- People with too much facial expression are also prone to premature aging.
- Improper skin care, excessive enthusiasm for different diets, non-observance of the correct drinking regimen - all this also throws factors harmful to the skin into the “piggy bank”.
to contents ↑Important! Not the last role in this matter is played by genetic predisposition, chronic diseases, transfer of frequent stresses, much more.
Causes of sagging skin:
- Sagging, sagging can occur for many reasons, but more often this happens when collagen production is reduced. This is a natural process. It occurs in women whose age has exceeded the thirty-year mark.
- The same effect may appear due to a decrease in the layer of adipose tissue. This aging process does not always have a natural character. Often this happens with a sharp decrease in weight.
- In addition, the skin begins to sag if collagen fibers begin the process of degradation. This can be caused by inflammation. In cases where this phenomenon takes on a chronic form, the upper layer of the skin may lose its elasticity.
to contents ↑Important! Sagging can also occur due to insufficient skin hydration. So, the hydrobalance is also capable of causing similar consequences, because moisture is essential for keratin, due to which the cells retain elasticity.
Problem areas for each age group
Each age group has certain problem areas:
- After 30 years, the area around the eyes is problematic, which from this age needs to be paid a lot of attention so that the problems do not worsen.
- The first deep wrinkles appear at the age of forty. Here the most problematic areas are the corners of the mouth, the area around the eyes, where the thinnest skin is.
- These processes are considered natural, however, they can be slowed down.
Important! Moreover, you need to know that at the age of 40, collagen production slows down significantly, and the process that is responsible for cell renewal slows down.Because of this, the skin loses its elasticity, which leads to excessive dryness. During this period, the skin seriously needs hydration, which it needs to provide.
- The production of estrogen, which protects female skin, is significantly reduced by 50 years. At this age, sebum is also produced in much smaller quantities. Actually, for this reason, wrinkles become so noticeable.
All these reasons lead to sagging, a noticeable loss of elasticity.
to contents ↑Important! The most problematic areas are the cheekbones and the chin area.
Facelift with massage
There are a number of measures that can be taken to tighten the skin at home. To do this, it is not necessary to rush to the beautician. Consider the simplest thing you can do to restore your former beauty.
- Massage your forehead with a moisturizer, starting from the center.
- Dynamic movements, without stretching the skin, move your fingers horizontally to the side.
- Pressing lightly, draw lines from the eyebrows to the temples.
- Then press the palms at the roots of the hair on the forehead and pull back for 10 seconds.
- Open your mouth as wide as possible and push your tongue forward for five seconds, then close your mouth and try to smile without opening your mouth.
- Next, gain air and tighten your cheeks, as if you were going to inflate a ball.
- Look alternately up and down, left and right, keeping your head straight.
- Close your eyes tightly and after a couple of seconds open wide.
- Blink often while taking a break to relax your eyes.
The chin
- Slightly open your mouth and push your jaw forward while straining your neck muscles.
- Place your hand on your chin and push your jaw against it with all your strength.
- With the backs of your palms, perform pats on the chin.
Face oval
- For a more beautiful contoured oval of the face, alternately bite the lower and upper lips.
- Then use your fingers to make massaging movements from the nose to the cheekbones and temples, and from the lips to the ear. Slides should be without pressure.
See for yourself? There is nothing complicated in slowing down the signs of aging. The main thing is to do this exercise regularly and methodically, then you will be able not only to prevent destructive processes, but also to tighten your skin at home, giving it a tone and a beautiful appearance.
to contents ↑How to tighten the skin with masks?
Buying a face-lift mask in the store will not be difficult, but, to our great regret, we have no guarantees that this or that cosmetic product will really give the desired effect. In addition, some dishonest manufacturers, in order to extend the shelf life of their products, add various chemicals to creams and masks that are very harmful to the skin and can even cause allergic reactions.
Of course, you should not completely refuse to buy cosmetics, but you need to carefully read the composition on the label and make the right choice. But is it worth the unnecessary risk and additional costs, if it is possible to prepare wonderful lifting masks right at your home from available means and following popular recipes?
We offer you some excellent masks made from natural ingredients that will help tighten your skin at home:
- Oatmeal. Steam regular oatmeal and apply on face for 30 minutes.
Important! You can add a spoonful of honey to the mixture - the skin will become more toned, supple, supple and radiant.
- Egg. Mix the egg yolk with one tablespoon of olive oil and a couple drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your face for 20 minutes.
Important! As a result, the skin tightens, acquires an even color, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.
- Wheat flour. In a small amount of warm water, stir one tablespoon of flour and add one chicken egg. Apply the mask to your face, wait 10 minutes.
Important! After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, supple, supple and has a healthy color.
- Potatoes.Peel one medium potato and grate it on a fine grater, then add a spoonful of olive oil to it. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
Important! Starch, which is found in potatoes, has a tightening property.
- Bran. Mix one tablespoon of bran with whipped protein, zest of one lemon and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mask is kept on the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with milk.
Important! This mask has not only a tightening, but also a whitening effect.
- Paraffin. Melt 50 g of pharmaceutical paraffin in a water bath and apply it on the face with a brush (except for the area around the eyes). Leave on for 20 minutes, and then remove the cured paraffin and apply face cream.
Tighten the skin with compresses
Compress is a wonderful and very useful procedure for absolutely any type of skin. It moisturizes, nourishes, restores, eliminates traces of fatigue, heals and tones.
Important! For aging skin, applying compresses is especially useful, as they have a rejuvenating effect.
If your skin has lost its freshness and elasticity, it looks tired and dull, then a great option is to pamper it with a useful compress that is prepared at home. This is a very good way to prevent skin dehydration and premature aging.
The following recipes can help you rejuvenate your face, make your skin supple and toned:
- Chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. During this time, the broth cools down, so you should slightly warm it and moisten it with flannel or flannelette tissue, which then apply in pre-cleaned skin for 3-5 minutes. After the time has passed, repeat the procedure several times.
- Mint. Pour a tablespoon of mint with one glass of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. After this, strain the decoction through cheesecloth. Next, moisten a soft napkin in the broth, put it on your face, covering with a plastic wrap on top. This compress is done for 10 minutes.
- Rosehip. A glass of boiling water, pour one tablespoon of berries, leave for an hour, then strain. Dampen a piece of soft tissue in the broth, apply to the face for 15 minutes.
Important! A similar compress can be prepared from plantain, calendula or birch bark.
- Aloe. Mix 30 ml of aloe juice with 100 ml of cold water, soak a soft cloth with the resulting liquid. Put it on your face, cover with a plastic bag for 10 minutes.
Important! Aloe can be replaced with cucumber or apple juice.
- Greenery. Parsley and dill in equal proportions pour one cup of boiling water, leave to cool. Then warm, soak a decoction of a napkin, attach to your face.
Other facelift
To tone, invigorate the skin, increase blood circulation, experts recommend contrasting washing, rubbing the face with ice cubes. Such procedures, of course, are not very comfortable, but incredibly useful for any type of skin. It is a kind of warm-up for the face. Wash yourself with warm and cold water, wipe the skin with ice cubes (you can make them from decoctions of medicinal herbs).
to contents ↑Important! Contrast wash is recommended every morning and complete the procedure by wiping with ice cubes. These treatments will help narrow your pores and tone your skin.
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Now you have a whole arsenal of tools that will help make your skin taut and supple, and as you can see, they will cost quite inexpensively. And the effect will be absolutely amazing - see for yourself by applying certain recipes from this article!
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