How to paint the refrigerator?

For most people, the kitchen is the most favorite room in the house. It is associated with warmth, comfort and delicious food. Many houses have old household appliances that are in working condition, but they do not fit into the interior, and it is a pity to throw them out. In most cases, this is a refrigerator. Hence, many people have a question, how to paint the refrigerator and transform its appearance? There are many ways to paint the refrigerator with your own hands. The implementation of such a procedure must be approached wisely and take into account all the nuances. It is necessary to choose the right materials and tools for a high-quality staining result. We will deal with everything in detail on this topic in this article.

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Prepare the surface

During cooking, a layer of soot and fat forms on the surface of kitchen appliances. This layer of dirt attracts dust and fine debris. As a result, a dirty coating forms, which is not amenable to conventional cleaning products.

Before painting the refrigerator, carefully remove all contaminants so that the paint goes well and evenly. To remove contaminants, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • Hard sponge.
  • Remedy for stained spots.
  • Rags.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Acetone or gasoline.
  • Adhesive tape or masking tape.
  • Rubber gloves and face shield.
  • Sheets of paper or newspaper, as a lining.

After acquiring all of the above tools, you can proceed to the preliminary preparation of the surface of the household appliance. The following manipulations must be performed:

  1. Unplug the refrigerator from the wall outlet and remove all removable parts (shelves, drawers).
  2. Wash the outside of the refrigerator well with a sponge and detergent.
  3. Using fine-grained emery paper, sand the old paint off the refrigerator. Also, with the help of sandpaper, you can mask small cracks and chips on the surface of the kitchen appliance.
  4. Wipe the surface of the appliance with a damp cloth and then dry. This will help remove particles of old paint.
  5. Degrease the outside of the refrigerator with acetone or kerosene.
  6. Primer the surface of the kitchen device (this manipulation is not necessary, but contributes to better adhesion of the paint to the main one).
  7. Cover the handle of the refrigerator with masking tape so as not to stain them with paint. Also, using tape, you can depict some kind of drawing (optional).
  8. Lay sheets of paper or newspapers on the floor so as not to stain it with dyes.
  9. Check the quality of the paint in an inconspicuous area of ​​the refrigerator. Be sure to pick up a good and high-quality colorant for the refrigerator.

Important! If you decide to paint the kitchen appliance on the street, then do it in good calm weather. The wind may blow the device unevenly and the paint will fall unevenly. Experts recommend painting the refrigerator in a well-ventilated area.

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Choose a dye

In order to freshen up the old refrigeration appliance, enamel dyes are used, which are made in factories for the initial painting of products. These dyes include:

  • Enamels in banks.
  • Car dyes in the form of sprays.

Important! The cost of aerosol dyes is quite high, due to components that provide resistance to external adverse effects.But working with them is much more convenient, especially if there is no experience in painting in principle.

Enamel has the following advantages - durability and glossy gloss. That is why it is so popular among buyers. But such dyes have one very serious drawback - high toxicity. Therefore, when applying it, security measures must be observed without fail.

In addition to such dyes, people often acquire the following types of coloring substances:

  • Epoxy dyes - practically do not differ from enamel. However, the application technique is more complicated. The cost of a good quality epoxy coloring agent is quite high.
  • Acrylic mixtures are one of the most affordable options for coloring household appliances. They contain strong and durable components that are in no way inferior to epoxies. The main advantage of acrylic dyes is a wide range of colors.


Important! When painting the refrigerator, do not forget to use reducing agents. They are necessary to prevent rust. It is recommended to purchase such compositions in which there are elements of aluminum and zinc (for example, Zinga paint).

Paint the refrigerator with a spray can

If you decide to paint the device with spray paint, then:

  • Manipulations should be carried out at a distance of 25 cm from the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to paint the surface from left to right, for a long time without lingering in one place. If you apply paint to the same place for a long time, smudges will appear. They can be eliminated with a solvent, but the work is not easy and quite dirty.
  • Staining is carried out in two or three layers with an interval of 30 minutes.

Important! To withstand half an hour between layers is the main rule, since the dye should dry slightly so that the next layer lies evenly.

Paint the refrigerator with a brush or roller

  1. We collect a small amount of paint on a brush or roller.
  2. Then in a vertical direction we apply paint on the surface of the device.
  3. After 30 minutes, apply a second coat of dye.
  4. Hard-to-reach areas can be painted with a small brush.
  5. If any errors were made during staining, then a third layer of dye can be applied. He will hide all the flaws of the first two layers of paint.

Important! If you want to give the refrigerator a matte or glossy shine, you can apply acrylic varnish in the form of a spray. He will fix the result of staining.

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Staining recommendations

In order to qualitatively paint the refrigerator the first time, you should consider several important recommendations:

  • Get high-quality coloring substances. Pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Observe safety measures - wear a respirator, an apron and protective rubber gloves.
  • Buy reliable brushes so that the villi do not spill from the brush.
  • Use stencils or masking tape to decorate.
  • Do not rush when painting, give each layer time to dry.
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Stock footage

Observing a few simple rules, you can transform the old household appliance, which will delight your view not only households, but also guests. And also you will transform and enliven the interior of your kitchen without major replacement of household appliances.


