How to color a leather bag?

Each of us has favorite things in the wardrobe that are worn for more than one season, for example, a bag. Unfortunately, over time, its quality does not improve - scuffs appear on the surface, the thing loses its former color and some other characteristics. Of course, you can give it to a specialist for restoration or just buy a new one. But why, if you return the original appearance of the bag without leaving your home? This is a great option that does not require much time and money.
If you want to radically change the color of a thing, for example, from black to white, then it is very unlikely that this will succeed. However, to eliminate some damage, give the desired shade and slightly refresh the look is a completely feasible mission. So how to paint a leather bag? Now let's figure it out.
to contents ↑Can I paint?
Many people think about whether bags can be painted? Will the coloring matter spoil the thing completely? In fact, there is nothing terrible and forbidden in this. Dyes normally affect the skin, but you need to be careful when choosing them, because we are talking about the subject of wardrobe, which is used for daily use.
to contents ↑What is needed for this?
What does it take to color a leather bag?
First of all, this, of course, is a special paint. Moreover, not necessarily it will be one color - you can mix paints with each other and get completely new colors and their shades. Thus, you will not only restore the bag, but also be able to give it a new, interesting look.
Important! Do not try to save money: do not do it yourself or buy it cheaply somewhere in the subway - there is a high risk that you will buy a poor-quality product that can really ruin a thing.
Some try to use iodine, brilliant green, and even ink from pen paste for coloring purposes. These substances are not quite suitable:
- Firstly, in the rain they are most likely to molt.
- Secondly, the coating after staining will turn out uneven.
An excellent plus is that on sale you will find a huge assortment of dyes for leather bags. They are presented for every taste and color:
- The best of them are made on an oil and water basis.
- If you know how to paint a leather bag at home, but doubt that you can do it carefully, then pay attention to the means in tubes. Unlike the spray cans, they can be used to paint the entire surface without affecting the fittings.
Important! It is best to give preference only to well-known and trusted manufacturers. You can read reviews about them on the Internet. Typically, such brands provide for sale a huge palette of colors, among which each person is guaranteed to find what he was looking for.
You can buy it in a specialized store, or you can cook it at home. It is pretty simple. All you need to do is mix a liter of water with a glass of regular vinegar and a spoonful of table salt.
Thanks to this solution, the coloring will be fixed, and it is also an excellent protection against sunburn.
In addition to dye and fixing agent, you will also need sponges, ethyl alcohol and a dense, soft cloth.
to contents ↑Surface cleaning
Before you dye your leather bag, be sure to wear rubber gloves. They will help protect the skin of your hands from exposure to chemical elements. Next - thoroughly clean your bag from dirt, dust and stains:
- Do not forget about pens and decor. Pay particular attention to joints and seams.
- Clean the surface in good faith. It is very important that it is perfectly clean before painting, because it is completely unknown what will happen to the stain and how it will behave after painting.
Important! Do not use too much water, and soap and other detergents should be completely abandoned.
- An ordinary, dry cloth is suitable for dusting. Ethyl alcohol is a terrific option for degreasing and a universal detergent. You need to dampen a rag in it and walk around the bag. It is very important that the rag is slightly damp - squeeze out excess liquid.
- If the pollution is difficult to remove, then you can resort to using children's soap or ammonia, but you must immediately dry the bag. By the way, the same advice can be used to clean light accessories.
Staining process:
- Add a small amount of dye to a sponge or a rag made of dense material and in a circular motion, carefully treat the entire surface. You may need to do this several times for seams and joints.
- Apply paint with light movements, do not try to rub it.
- Leave the bag to dry at room temperature. This in no case should be sources such as a fireplace, heater.
- When you are sure that the item has dried well, carefully polish it with a dry cloth.
- Next, the surface should be treated with a fixative. Do not use it in large quantities. Squeeze the cloth thoroughly before applying.
to contents ↑Important! In addition to its main function - to fix the color, the finish gives the bag a fresh and glossy look that it had when buying.
Professional liquid paint in a bottle
Alternatively, you can use a special dye. If you are still thinking about how to paint a leather bag and renew it, then this will be a great, effective method for you.
You will need:
- Deep enameled basin.
- Latex gloves.
- Paint.
Staining technology
Next, you must act in accordance with the instructions:
- First of all, of course, thoroughly clean the thing from dust and dirt.
- Dilute the paint in water in the proportion you need. It all depends on the size of the bag that needs to be painted.
- Put the item in the basin with the solution. Turn it over periodically to stain evenly.
Dry powder with coloring pigment
This is another option to achieve the desired result. This common tool is being prepared as follows:
- Dilute the powder in warm water in the required ratio.
- Strain the resulting liquid, pour it into one or two liters of water.
- Put on fire, bring to a boil.
- Allow the solution to cool, after which it will be ready for use.
to contents ↑Important! In order for all air to escape from the pores of the material, some manipulation is necessary. Put the bag in water for several hours. It is very important that it is well saturated. All this is necessary for even coloring.
Spray paint
This dye will help to color the necessary thing without undue difficulties in the shortest possible time. This is one of the fastest and most convenient methods. You can buy aerosol in almost any shoe store. At the same time, a wide selection of colors is offered for the sale of goods. This method is best suited for things of light shades. For example, if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to color a white leather bag.
to contents ↑Folk methods
You can also resort to folk methods, which, most likely, were used by our grandmothers. We present to your attention some simple ideas:
- It’s a good idea to use egg white, but you need to beat it well.
- If the bag is made of fair skin, then a good option is to use diluted lemon juice.
- You can grate the dark model with strong tea or coffee, leaving the product on the material for a while.
to contents ↑Important! A solution of glycerin, water and a small amount of soap will not change the color, but add gloss to the material.
Additional recommendations:
- If vinegar as a fixer does not suit you because of its specific smell, then you can purchase a special acrylic fixer. Of course, the smell will be less caustic, but will still be present. You can find this tool in any store of the corresponding household chemicals.
- Paint the bag in a well-ventilated area or in the shade outside. In no case under the sources of open rays.
- A woolen rag can be used instead of a sponge.
- It does not matter how high-quality paint - the stage of preliminary cleaning of the surface is required in any case.
- A hairdryer, fireplace, browser and other similar sources cannot be used to speed up the drying process. Best of all, if everything goes by itself - in a natural way.
- A thing will be irreparably corrupted if you try to repaint it from one color to another. You can only return the shade that the item had at the very beginning or change it to one of the closest tones of the same color.
- Try to keep the bag away from the washing machine. Do not hang wet clothes in the closet where the item is hanging. Then the staining process will have to be carried out much less frequently.
to contents ↑Important! For a thing made of artificial material, it will be necessary to degrease the surface more than before painting a bag made of genuine leather.
After cleaning and staining the bag, it is very important to know how to care for it. Proper and proper care reduces the number of necessary restoration procedures. And there is nothing complicated.
Basic rules
Thanks to some simple steps, you can endow a bag with properties that protect it from external factors:
- It is best to store bags on shelves in the closet. You can’t throw it anywhere, to prevent deformation, because someone can accidentally sit on it. In addition, the bag may get dirty.
- The skin should breathe well, so refuse to store leather bags in plastic bags. You can put the bag in a fabric bag - this will be the best option.
- Leather products should be kept away from sunlight. Otherwise, they quickly fade and lose their original color.
- You can’t wash a thing often. The fact is that genuine leather will wear out very quickly.
- If the thing is dusty, do not wash it with soap and repaint. Just use a dry cloth.
Improving material properties
If you purchased a bag in order to carry it in the cold seasons, then most likely it will rain or snow at this time. To protect the surface of your item from rain, you need to make it waterproof.
Silicone and acrylic polymer spray not only preserves the gloss of things, but is also great for these purposes:
- Impregnate with a tool a thing is necessary before going out.
- Repeat the procedure once every few weeks.
Important! Thanks to this, the bag will not only become water-repellent, it will also be protected from dust and dirt. And if spots appear on the surface, then removing them will be much easier.
Castor oil
Sometimes it happens that a thing “zadeubivaet”, the shape of the bag is deformed. What to do in this situation? Castor oil is an amazing tool that can help with this. You need to moisten a cotton pad with them and walk over the entire surface. Dry the item and repeat the action two to three times.
to contents ↑Important! You do not have to remove the residual oil, because it is perfectly absorbed, moreover, it is completely odorless.
Stock footage
That's all. As you can see, it is not necessary to throw out the bag if it has lost its original color and cracks have appeared on the surface. All of this is solvable. Follow the tips, tricks, and methods above, and your things will always look amazing. And with them - and you!
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