How to paint chipboard furniture at home?

Stylish, beautiful furniture is the basis of any interior. Probably everyone knows the feeling when you want to completely change the situation in the house. But if the situation with the replacement of curtains or lamps is more or less simple, then updating the furniture is much more difficult. First of all, because it is not cheap pleasure. In addition, it is not at all a fact that you can buy things that are better in quality than those that you have. DIY furniture painting from chipboard is a good solution to this problem. Implementing this on your own is not a very complicated matter. It will take only accuracy and patience. Well, and desire, of course. So let's get started! We will consider step by step how to paint furniture from chipboard at home.
to contents ↑Preparatory work
Preparation of surfaces for painting is the first step. And it is also divided into several processes.
Step 1
First of all, you need to decide what paint to paint the furniture from chipboard with your own hands (we are talking about the shade). If desired, you can use several colors, combining with each other, or - on the contrary, contrasting.
Important! If you do not have experience in such work, it is advisable to practice worse furniture. To experiment with a valuable cabinet or chest of drawers with zero skills is somehow scary.
Step 2
Before you paint furniture from chipboard at home, remove the handles, doors, pull out all the drawers. For work, you need the following set of materials and tools:
- Sandpaper is coarse and fine-grained.
- Flat brushes of various widths.
- Screwdriver.
- Sponge.
- Two pieces of cotton textile.
- Scotch.
- Primer is acrylic.
- Dye.
Important! The best paint for furniture made of chipboard is acrylic. It is environmentally friendly and has no pungent odor. The dye is based on water; no sharply smelling compounds are needed for the preparation of the composition. In addition, excess paint can easily be washed off with water.
Acrylic dye dries quickly, but a freshly painted surface requires extreme care.
Step 3:
- Using a rough skin, remove the varnish from the product to the very bottom.
- Also make sure that the surface of the product is not contaminated and does not have greasy stains.
Important! This is necessary so that the varnish lays evenly and with maximum accuracy.
- Sand the entire surface in this way, guiding the skin along the fibers of the material.
- Using a wide brush, clean the surface of excess polish removed.
Important! In this case, you do not need to use a rag, since it will only drive the varnish particles into the fibers, and it will not be possible to paint the furniture qualitatively.
- Now it is the turn of the fine-grained skin to process those areas where it was not possible to get with a coarse skin.
- At the end of this step, sweep away the remaining varnish with a brush.
to contents ↑Important! After the surface is sanded, put the perfect order in the workplace. If this is neglected, the freshly painted surface instantly becomes dusty. Wipe the furniture first with a moistened piece of textile, and then wipe it dry. Allow the cabinet to dry completely (this will take about 15-20 minutes).
Before painting, the surface should be treated with acrylic primer. Be sure to read the instructions for applying a primer, although there can be no difficulties. You can apply the soil with a brush and a roller.The main thing is that he lay down in a thin layer. At the end of the priming, leave the furniture to dry (drying time is indicated on the packaging).
to contents ↑Paint shade selection
This is the broadest field for experimentation. You can use ready-made shades, or - on the contrary, mix different colors. However, keep in mind that the acrylic dye changes color when it dries. However, this also applies to other dyes.
to contents ↑Important! Before painting the old cabinet, paint on a small piece of wood and let it dry.
Staining procedure
It is very important that the applied paint is not too thick or liquid. How many layers to apply to the surface is a matter of taste.
Important! If you apply paint in several layers, keep in mind that the previous one should dry properly.
To keep the paint even, apply it in the same direction. Cope with staining? Are the surfaces dry? Take your time collecting furniture. It remains to cover the painted surface with varnish:
- Apply it with a soft sponge, “stamping” movements.
- It is advisable to apply varnish in 2-3 layers, allowing each previous layer to dry.
- After the varnish is completely dry, you can assemble the furniture.
to contents ↑Important! To give the handles and other accessories a “brand new” look, paint them with gold paint and screw them into place.
How to repaint a cupboard: hand-painted decoration
If you know how to draw, you can show your talent by decorating an old piece of wood chipboard with a painting. Chipboard furniture is painted in the following order:
- To paint the surface, it is best to use acrylic dye. First apply the drawing to the base. Subject - any. Of course, it should match the interior of the room.
Important! Patterns with floral motifs look best. Optionally, you can use the craquelure technique, creating an artificially aged surface.
- If the cabinet is equipped with many drawers, it will be interesting to look at the transition from one shade to another. It can be different colors or different shades of the same color. Gradually adding color pigment to the paint, you will achieve an unusually beautiful effect.
to contents ↑Important! Graduation in 7 colors of the rainbow is appropriate for the nursery.
Stock footage
So, you know how and how to paint old chipboard furniture. However, this applies not only to "outdated" things. There is a lot of cheap furniture on sale, the “stand-by-standard” look of which is disheartening. A little imagination, ingenuity, good taste, and your interior will gain a completely new look! In any case, the answer to the question: is it possible to paint furniture from chipboard, is definitely positive.
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