Do-it-yourself wallpaper painting стен and walls with water-based paint, video

Wallpapering a room is not so difficult, but it takes time. It is necessary to remove the old coating, tidy up the wall - in general, it will take at least three days, or even a week, but I want to manage quickly. There is a way out! Repair time is required much less if the walls are painted directly on paper. How to paint old wallpapers yourself? This will be discussed in our article.

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What can be painted?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint and repaint the wallpaper depends on what the walls are glued to. You can change the color of the walls in this way if they are:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • silk plaster.

Important! There are special wallpapers for painting - there are no problems with them, they are designed for this. The interlining is beautifully painted, while you can paint both the wallpaper itself and the wall under them. Silk plaster can be removed, and with the help of other dye and all kinds of additives to get a new color and texture, and then again cover it with walls. Such repainting is to many's liking.

There are coatings that do not make sense in the usual way:

  • textile panels;
  • cullet.

In these cases, other technologies are used.

Important! As for vinyl-based coatings, painting them is harder than gluing. The easiest way is to apply paint to the paper.

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Is it possible to color the wallpaper if they are torn?

A very important question: when exactly does it make sense to paint paper wallpapers? Paper is a fairly cheap material, however, it has a number of unpleasant properties:

  • fade;
  • becomes covered with spots that are poorly rubbed;
  • torn;
  • if the repair is not done very well, it is separated from the walls without your participation.

If the wallpaper holds well, but faded - they can be painted. As well as when the spots appeared on the wall - greasy, from a felt-tip pen, etc.

Important! Do not be afraid that they will appear on a new coating, you will still be priming the wall.

Torn wallpaper can also be covered with paint, but it all depends on how serious the damage is. If these are just scratches, cuts or small scraps behind, you can safely go to the store for paint. But if the coating was poorly glued and leaves by itself, it is easier and cheaper to replace it.

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What do you need?

Having received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to paint ordinary wallpaper with paint, think what you need for this:

  • the paint itself;
  • priming;
  • masking tape;
  • roller;
  • narrow and wide brushes;
  • several meters of plastic film.

Primer, masking tape, film:

  • Soil will provide better adhesion of the paint to the surface. In addition, paper has the ability to absorb moisture, and water, in turn, dissolves the glue. So without water-repellent soil, all your work will go down the drain - just painted sheets will perfectly separate from the wall.
  • Masking tape is necessary to protect the skirting board and other parts that should not fall on it. You can buy it at any hardware store.
  • Take care not to get dirty floors and furniture that cannot be taken out. They must be covered with plastic wrap (for example, for greenhouses).


Brushes and rollers

And why brushes of different widths? Very simple - you have to paint over corners and places near sockets or switches. In a word, a wide brush or a roller alone cannot be dispensed with.

You can find on sale several types of rollers with different pile lengths. Which one to choose to paint the old wallpaper - depends on the quality of the coating on the walls:

  • if they are smooth, the pile should be short;
  • if textured - long.
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How to color paper wallpaper?

It is very important to choose the right paint. The first rule that should be followed - it should be for interior decoration, and not for facades.

Important! You should not use oil paints for a room - of course, once the rooms were finished exclusively with them, but simply because there were no others.

Surface quality

Now you can see on the shelves paints that give different types of surfaces:

  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss;
  • satin;
  • matte;
  • semi-matte.

Important! Which option to choose depends on the purpose of the room, lighting and size:

  • Matte walls are more suitable for a large living room or bedroom with large windows.
  • It is better to paint a small kitchenette with glossy paint - it will appear larger and brighter.


Operational characteristics

Choosing a finishing material to paint the old wallpaper, you need to focus on its other coloring qualities:

  • Resistance to light. If the paint burns out very soon, you will have to do a new repair soon. So try to choose one that does not change color too quickly when exposed to sunlight.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress. The less sensitive the coating to mechanical stress, the better. In principle, all interior paints give a solid surface that is difficult to scratch, but still do not forget to find out from the consultant.
  • Transparency. Pay particular attention to a feature such as transparency. The paint with which the walls are already covered should not shine through a new layer, otherwise - you risk getting the walls of the wrong shade you want.
  • Environmental friendliness. Finishing materials that decorate the interior of apartments or houses should not emit harmful substances. It is advisable that they do not react at all with the environment.
  • Moisture resistance. Resistance to moisture is important so that surfaces can be washed without severe consequences for them.
  • Drying time. The time it takes to dry completely depends on how quickly you can repair.
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Types of paints

Paints that can be used to paint paper wallpapers come in different ways:

  • alkyd;
  • one;
  • latex.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compounds adhere well to the paper and form a protective film that allows you to wash the walls with any detergents. The undoubted advantages include the fact that the composition always has antifungal supplements and antiseptics.

However, they have some very significant drawbacks that make such a paint more suitable for glass-walled than paper-based ones:

  • walls do not “breathe”;
  • the texture of the wallpaper is lost;
  • serve only about five years;
  • contain toxic substances;
  • are burning.

Important! Alkyd dyes are used mainly for non-residential premises, where, in addition, there is little danger of fire.

Water and latex based paints

Is it possible to paint paper wallpapers with water-based paint? It is possible and even necessary if you have already decided to take up this lesson. In addition to the low price, a water emulsion has a lot of useful properties:

  • does not smell;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not contain harmful substances, respectively - does not emit them when the coating is destroyed;
  • not sensitive to mechanical stress;
  • passes air;
  • does not react with the environment.

Important! Since water-based paints let air through, the fungus does not settle on paper. Surfaces finished with such a material are easy to clean, and aggressive detergents are usually not needed.


Types of water-based paints

Water-based paints come in two forms:

  • latex-based acrylics;
  • water based acrylic.

Both are suitable for decoration of premises.


Latex formulations do not allow paper to get wet and fall off walls. You can wash them with any detergents. You can paint both smooth and textured surfaces, and the texture is preserved.

Latex-based acrylic paints are the most popular type of decoration materials. They perfectly protect the paper coating from mechanical stress, and excellently maintain relief.


A lot of positive properties of acrylic paints based on water:

  • do not smell;
  • dry very quickly;
  • let air through;
  • at work does not form smudges.

What to give preference to?

When choosing a particular composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface:

  • Water-based acrylics are more suitable for non-woven surfaces.
  • For paper, it is better to choose latex.

Important! An important condition for the popularity of these paints is the low price. They do not contain expensive solvents, which makes such materials available to most.

In addition, the choice of such paints in stores is quite wide, and if you wish, you can order any suitable shade, or even make it yourself by taking a white water emulsion and the corresponding color. This allows you to get original color schemes.

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Cooking the wall

Before you paint the usual wallpaper, you need to tidy up the wall. The procedure is quite ordinary, and perhaps even simpler than preparing for gluing new wallpapers:

  1. First of all, take out all the furniture that can be taken out of the room.
  2. The one that remains, move away from the walls, cover over the plastic wrap.
  3. Remove dust from the wallpaper in any suitable way, best of all with a vacuum cleaner, but you can also use a soft cloth.
  4. If possible, get rid of stains - they, of course, will go under the paint, but it is better if the surface is as uniform as possible.
  5. Cover the baseboard with masking tape - you can do with a wide adhesive tape, but it is not very convenient.
  6. If somewhere the pieces of wallpaper have moved away from the walls, stick them or remove them.
  7. If it doesn’t stick very smoothly, sand the area with a fine sandpaper.

Important! It is necessary to remove not only dust, but also cobwebs, if any.


After the walls are prepared, you need to apply soil. This is a fairly simple procedure, familiar to anyone who has ever done repairs. The compositions may be different.

For coloring paper wallpaper suitable, for example, soil based on PVA. Water-based paint lays on it just perfectly. The most important thing is to let the wall dry completely. In this case, starting work a little later than planned is much more useful than hurrying. You need to wait at least a day.

Important! When applying the soil, the room should be completely closed, it is impossible to ventilate the room until the composition is completely dry.

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Cooking paint

Each jar is accompanied by instructions, and it is best to read it carefully. But there are a few general considerations to consider:

  1. The paint must be mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  2. Kohler is best added not by ourselves, but ask a consultant to do this at a hardware store.

Important! Do not forget to save the check: if suddenly there is not enough paint, you can always contact the same outlet and order the exact same composition by the code on the check.

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Apply paint

Well, everything is ready, you can proceed to the final stage - directly painting the old wallpaper.

Important! If you do not have much experience in painting, try first to paint the sections of the walls where the cabinets and the sofa will stand - when you put everything in place, these pieces will not be noticeable, and you can practice.

But it is better to adhere to this order:

  1. Start painting on top with large horizontal strokes going in the same direction.
  2. Apply the paint evenly, without spaces, in an even layer.
  3. After the entire surface is painted, paint over the corners, areas adjacent to the baseboard - it is more convenient to do this with a thin brush.
  4. Wait 3-4 hours.
  5. Apply another coat.

Important! To check how you coped with your task, carefully inspect the wall, holding a bright lamp to it. If the surface is flat, without streaks, drops and places where the old coating appears, everything is in order. If there are defects, paint over them or apply another layer.

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Stock footage

Have you made sure that painting old wallpapers is not only possible, but sometimes very profitable? But remember that painting wallpaper with a pattern is not so easy. Proceed to update the design of the room you need, because now you know how to simply and efficiently do it!


