How to paint glass at home?

Modern building materials are coated on top with decorative compounds to make them more pleasing in appearance and try to fit into any general design. In this regard, in recent years, more and more often masters have been asking themselves how and how to paint glass at home, so that it can be actively used in modern interiors. If you follow the recommended application technology and choose the right color composition, you can achieve perfect adhesion. Let's consider in this article what exactly to use and how to apply dyes on glass correctly.
to contents ↑What is better to paint glass?
It is recommended to finish glass surfaces with special paints and varnishes, which are able to provide the highest quality adhesion to smooth surfaces. If to use paint unsuitable for this purpose, then it will very quickly be erased. In terms of density, the correct paint should resemble not too liquid sour cream, since it will have to be applied on the surface with a thin and translucent layer. Choosing how to paint glass at home, you can independently make a coloring composition or purchase it in a store ready-made.
Ready-made paints for glass
In hardware stores, such products are sold in the form of:
- Acrylic compounds that have excellent adhesion to any smooth planes and form a matte film after application. Such paints, even in a mixed state, are able to maintain perfect color purity.
Important! Their additional advantage lies in their resistance to ultraviolet rays.
- Polyurethane blends characterized by instant solidification and elasticity. Such paints are half composed of glossy compositions, providing for tinting with specialized pastes, selected according to color standards.
Important! These products are characterized by perfect transparency of the applied layers.
Homemade glass stains
When staining glass with your own hands, in principle, you can do without ready-made paints, in particular, if you can’t choose from the colors presented, what you need. If we talk about adhesion, then you can easily prepare yourself a quality composition for processing a glass plane.
There are several recipes that suggest the maximum penetration of the composition into the material:
- White paint can be made by mixing 80 g of silicate glue and 20 g of kaolin. In this case, kaolin is thoroughly rubbed and mixed with the second substance, resulting in a high-quality product.
- You can give the material a black tint by mixing 20 g of charcoal, 60 g of silicate glue and 20 g of printing ink. All components are well mixed in porcelain containers. Then the finished mixture must be filtered.
- Colored paints are best made using special dyes for fabrics. For starters, in two hundred grams of water you need to dissolve 4-6 g of gelatin. Then the coloring matter is diluted in a separate bowl. The desired shade can be obtained by gradually mixing the two prepared solutions.
How to paint the glass yourself?
In fact, to figure out how to paint glass is very simple, and you can then calmly do it yourself without involving professionals. But nevertheless, before starting work, it is still better to study in detail the instructions that provide information on how to do it correctly so that the decoration result satisfies you.
Do-it-yourself staining the glass looks like this:
- Preparation of tools for applying paintwork is being carried out. During work, you may need a spray gun, an end brush with bristles, a paint roller or a foam swab.
- The glass surface is thoroughly wiped with soapy water, then rinsed alternately with warm and cold water.
- The material is degreased with acetone. Remove traces of solvent with a normal dry cloth.
- Places that will not be painted must be protected with masking tape.
- Then the finished mixture is tinted or prepared independently. It is necessary to pour a little paint in a separate bowl to make it more convenient to work.
- We apply the composition to the glass surface with a brush, spray gun, foam pad or roller. The applied paint should be evenly distributed over the surface.
- Once the paint is completely dry, you can remove pieces of masking tape protecting the untreated parts of the glass. If necessary, apply an additional coat of paint.
to contents ↑Important! This way of decorating is quite successfully used today in such styles as Modern, Classic and High-tech.
Additional recommendations for glass painting specialists
If you are considering, for example, how to paint a glass jar with acrylic paint, then follow the above instructions, and you will not have any problems. In addition, there are some additional tips from professionals regarding the technique for painting glass surfaces:
- Drying painted products and planes is recommended at a temperature of 20 to 80 degrees, and air humidity should not exceed 50-70 percent.
- To speed up the polymerization process, it is better to use special devices, just get ready for the fact that they are expensive. An infrared emitter is often used as such a tool.
- The above paint application technology is relevant for the processing of both raw and tempered glass, and it does not matter what thickness and shape it will be.
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So, we found out that it is very important, first of all, to choose what kind of paint to paint glass, because its quality will depend on how sound the decorative coating will turn out and how long it will last on the surface. With the help of colored glass, you can implement the most original design solutions, while protecting it from caustic substances.
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