How to coat copper metal at home?

In order to prepare a metal object for further processing, it must be coated with copper - this process is called electroplating. The principle of its action is the deposition on the surface of the workpiece from another metal, which is dissolved by a suitable tool. In this article, you will learn how to coat metal with copper at home in order to realize all your subsequent ideas with a blank.
to contents ↑What is it for?
Electroplating technology includes the creation of a solution and the formation of various electrodes. During this process, copper ions, which are dissolved in the electrolyte, are attracted by the minus pole of the workpiece to their surface point.
Electroplating of metal parts in industry is used not only as a final processing process. It can be used in order to prepare parts for the subsequent operation (for example, chrome plating, nickel plating, silvering of any objects).
At home, chemical copper plating of parts is most often carried out. It is also worth noting that there are many ways to carry out such a procedure, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.
to contents ↑Areas of use for electroplating
Plating with copper metal at home has recently become very useful. Most often, such a procedure is suitable for the following purposes:
- In the decorative. For example, in this way various details are aged in order to give a vintage look.
- In electroplating. Very often a copper layer is applied to souvenirs, jewelry.
- In the technology industry. This is due to the low cost of copper plating.
- For applying a protective and decorative layer of a product.
- In order to restore or restore any details.
Electroplating Electroplating
In this way, copper can be used to coat steel at home, as well as other parts except aluminum and zinc.
For the further procedure, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
- Small plates of copper.
- Conducting wire (it is better to stock up on several meters).
- A current source whose voltage should not be more than 6 V.
- Rheostat to regulate current.
- Ammeter.
- Electrolyte.
Important! The last component can be purchased in a special store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to make a solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water at a ratio of 2/100 ml. The right solution will be obtained when you add no more than 20 g of copper sulfate to the composition.
The essence of the work is as follows:
- To clean the workpiece with sandpaper - this is necessary in order to remove the oxide film. Further, coating copper with metal at home will not be so difficult.
- Degrease a metal object with a hot soda solution, rinse it with clean water.
- Pour the prepared electrolyte into a suitable glass container.
- Dip two copper plates on the prepared conductive wires into the liquid. An oil-free part is suspended between two copper plates on the same wiring.
Important! Make sure that the copper plates are completely immersed in the electrolyte.
- Next, the ends of the wires from the copper plates are connected to the positive terminal of the current source, and the part to the negative. Next, an ammeter with a rheostat must be connected to the created electrical network. After the current is connected to the circuit, the rheostat needs to install it about 15 mA per 1 cm of the detailed surface area.
- Further, the part is aged for about 15-20 minutes.
- After the time has passed, you need to turn off the power and pull out the processed metal from the solution.
In the end, you will notice that you were able to cover the metal with copper at home, because it is completely covered with a thin shiny film.
to contents ↑Important! The thickness of the copper layer will depend on how long the part has been aged in the electrolyte.
Electroplating in another way
This method is perfect for metal exceptions that were mentioned earlier - zinc and aluminum.
Work algorithm:
- Armed with a stranded copper wire, remove insulation from both ends.
- Fragment a soft wire on one side, getting an imitated brush. Attach a handle-like object to this end.
- The opposite side of the wire must be connected to the positive terminal of the electric current source.
Important! The voltage should be no more than 6 V.
- Prepare the electrolyte as described above, pour it into a wide container - this is necessary for the convenience of dipping the “brush” there.
- Put a small piece of metal inside the prepared container. Connect it, using the wire, to the negative terminal of the current source also with a voltage of 6 V.
Important! The part must be pre-cleaned and degreased.
- The process of coating aluminum with copper at home is as follows: the cystic end of the wire needs to be blotted with an electrolyte solution and held on the surface of the metal object being processed without touching it. Further, a negatively charged metal will attract copper ions to itself and its surface will acquire a copper film.
Important! Make sure that there is a small layer of electrolyte solution between the end of the ragged wire and the metal (both the cathode and the anode must be moistened with this solution).
- After the item acquires the desired color, it must be thoroughly dried, and then grated to shine.
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Almost every metal part can be covered with a thin copper film, while it will be perfectly protected from undesirable external factors. You learned how to coat copper metal yourself, the conditions from this article, and now you can do everything as expected.
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