How to polish GOI paste with metal?

Recently, GOI paste has become increasingly popular in the chemical industry in terms of household and industrial exploitation of products. Although for the first time they talked about this tool in the thirties of the last century, but it was only recently used actively. It is widely used in the technical industry, in applied art and for restoration. Today, this paste is found in almost any hardware store and on the shelves with electronics. Despite the fact that it is still considered a specialized tool, almost any person has an idea about its existence and purpose. Today we will learn how to polish metal with GOI paste, because this is the most popular industry for its application.

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What is GOI paste and why is it needed?

GOI is an abbreviation that stands for State Optical Institute, in fact, it was created there. Initially, it was developed as a chemical product intended to restore damaged surfaces in order to protect them from aggressive influences and improve the reflective qualities of any planes.

What is it used for?

  • Today, this tool is used widely enough for processing plastic, metal, glass and many other varieties of surfaces.
  • Polishing metal with GOI paste is relevant in terms of eliminating scratches from the surfaces of kitchen knives and high-quality grinding.
  • No less high-quality product cleans chrome surfaces, which after processing become mirror and shiny.
  • Using this paste and special tools you can even polish plexiglass. Damaged and scratched glass after such polishing becomes completely intact.
  • Car lights that have lost their former transparency are polished in the same way.

After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that the main purpose of this paste is polishing and restoration.

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GOI paste composition

This product consists of a fine-grained granular powder, supplemented by a whole set of components that give the substance the necessary texture and properties. GOI paste is based on a powder of chromium oxide, which is included in its composition in various quantities, depending on its variety. All other substances are added in proportion to the type of paste.

Important! On sale there are compounds with different levels of hardness, and the percentage of chromium oxide is present in such quantities of 74, 76 and 81%. In addition, this polishing agent may include such substances:

  • Kerosene.
  • Fat.
  • Stearin.
  • Soda.
  • Silica gel.

Due to such specific proportions, the resulting paste can have a different appearance and differ in numbering. Due to the fact that this product has such an effective effect, it has become one of the best tools for the technical processing of various kinds of surfaces.

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Varieties of pasta GOI

Granularity is the main parameter that determines the separation of regenerating and grinding paste into varieties.It must be remembered that this tool is widely used in many industries, where there is a need for accurate and high-quality study of parts.

Important! If you use the wrong kind of paste for grinding, you can just ruin the plane and scratch it with abrasive particles.

This paste is produced in four types, each of which has its own number, which determines the number of abrasive particles in their composition:

  • No. 1 - is a small crumb, due to which this paste is used to polish extremely smooth surfaces in order to achieve perfect shine.
  • No. 2 - has a more pronounced granularity than the previous version.
  • No. 3 - ideal for sharpening steel and polishing metal.
  • No. 4 is the best option for removing scratches from metal surfaces.
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How to prepare the surface for polishing with GOI paste?

For example, such an event as polishing a knife with GOI paste does not require any preparatory action. The only thing that needs to be done is to prepare the necessary equipment and, in order to achieve the best effect, remove all dirt and dust from the subject. The product itself is not required to be applied directly to the object, because experts believe that this action can significantly worsen the result.

Important! It is also recommended to pay attention to the material of the tool that you will use for grinding. Please note that the coarser and harder the object, the rougher, accordingly, the material should be. For example, to care for metal surfaces, as in our case, it is better to use felt or denim.

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Features polishing paste GOI

Now we will consider how to polish a knife with GOI paste in stages. In principle, there is nothing complicated in this process. If you intend to simply make its surface more shiny, then you can do it either manually or use the nozzle for a grinding machine or drill. Such nozzles are made of felt, and they can be used without the use of any tools, simply by manually working with a felt circle.

Polishing includes the following steps:

  1. The selected fabric is rubbed with GOI paste, and you can begin to grind the surface of the knife. To give the item extra shine, you can use additional engine oil or gasoline, but, of course, then you will have to thoroughly wash it before use.
  2. If you also want to sharpen a knife, then first you need to rub a paste or a wooden surface previously fixed on some solid object with a bar of paste. Then, by carrying out the blade of a knife, movements along the area processed by this compound are similar to ordinary sharpening of knives on a grindstone.
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Features of grinding surfaces, depending on the material

We must not forget that grinding and polishing objects made of various materials, using GOI paste, has a different look and technology. As we have already noted, it is first necessary to determine the material with which grinding will be performed, and only then proceed with the work to restore the integrity of the surface and give it its former shine.

That is why below we will consider situations in which the processing technology will vary depending on the type of surface in order to get the best result.

GOI paste application for plastic and glass processing

Quite often there are situations when it is necessary to polish or sand plastic or glass, for example, some parts on a mobile phone or watch. Doing this at home is not a problem:

  1. It is necessary to apply paste No. 2 to a piece of fabric with soft nap.
  2. Then rub the fabric with a solid bar of the product so that the paste layer becomes noticeable.
  3. Now you can start grinding, and for this, gently rub the surface for several minutes.

GOI paste cleaning silver

Silver jewelry quite often becomes dull and unsightly. So, with the help of paste GOI №3, you can restore their original appearance:

  1. First, take a product bar, a soft cloth and a piece of felt.
  2. Then rub the felt with paste, take the product, work it with a felt base.
  3. In the next step, take a softer cloth and give the subject smoothness by sanding for several minutes.
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As you have seen, GOI paste is a universal tool for restoring the integrity and external attractiveness of surfaces of various materials. Feel free to use it, and you will see that there is nothing easier than polishing with GOI paste metal, glass or silver.


