How to use Esmarch's mug at home?

Enema is a cleansing or therapeutic manipulation, which consists in the introduction of water, decoctions, medical solutions or oils into the rectum using special devices. Self-enema is a complex process that requires careful preparation and some skill. Before you begin to make yourself an enema, you need to know what tool is needed to carry out this procedure, what volume of fluid is allowed for an enema, what enema can be done to achieve one or another effect. In this article we will tell you how to use Esmarch's mug at home, and other features of such a cleansing procedure.

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When and why is an enema needed?

  • This procedure is most often performed within the walls of medical institutions before conducting diagnostic procedures (for example, before examining the rectum with an endoscope, cystogram), operations on the organs of the small pelvis.
  • Also, a cleansing enema is used in maternity hospitals (before childbirth or cesarean section) and in the infectious wards (for intoxication and poisoning).
  • Sometimes such situations arise when it becomes necessary to make an enema with Esmarch’s mug at home. Most often, at home, enemas are performed to quickly and gently cleanse the intestines with constipation or with a prolonged absence of bowel movement. In such cases, oil microclysters can be used. Oil, enveloping the walls of the intestine and feces, contributes to their advancement to the anus.
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What and how do an enema? Basic recipes and rules

To set the oil microclysters, an oil solution should be prepared.

Important! As a rule, for this type of enema, vegetable (sunflower, olive) or pharmacy oils are used.

Before starting the manipulation, the oil solution is heated to body temperature (36-37 degrees). Warm oily solution has a relaxing effect, promotes bowel movements and relieves cramping.

Important! It is worth considering that an oil enema has a delayed effect. So, the volume of the injected solution is approximately 15-100 ml, and its action in the rectum is 5-12 hours.

Performing the usual cleansing enema, during normal bowel movements take purified water at room temperature, or a little warm. The volume of injected fluid is 1-2 liters. The duration of this enema is 15-30 minutes.

Before starting an enema on your own, you need to choose the right posture, in which it will be most convenient to introduce fluid:

  • for microclysters, it is desirable to use a pear;
  • complete cleansing of the intestine is best done with Esmarch's mug.

Important! An enema with an Esmarch mug is a reliable way to correct the work of the intestines and the whole organism as a whole, which has long been used in medicine. In addition, this method is very simple and can be used independently.

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The device of Esmarch's mug

Such a well-known medical device, as Esmarch's mug, is intended for water cleansing of the intestines and the introduction of medicinal preparations in liquid forms into it.

Features of the mug:

  • The device consists of a plastic or rubber bag with an outlet tube attached at one end, the length of which can be up to 2 meters.
  • At one end this tube is attached to the container, and at the other end it has a tip for insertion into the anus.
  • The capacity of this product can vary from 1 to 2 liters. A graduated scale is applied to one of the surfaces of the Esmarch mug, thanks to which it is possible to calculate the required volume of fluid used.
  • Mugs can be single or multiple use. Thanks to its functional perfection and ease of use, this device remains almost unchanged today.

Important! Before using a new, just purchased enema, thoroughly sterilize it - boil all parts of the device to eliminate the risk of infections and bacteria that live on the street getting into the body and protect yourself from new diseases.

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How to make an Esmarch enema?

In hospitals, cleansing enemas are delivered by medical personnel. But this procedure is quite simple and can be performed independently.

The venue may be a pre-laminated bed or a bathroom.

An algorithm for making an enema at home for yourself with an Esmarch mug:

  • Pour the cleaning solution into the container.
  • Bleed the air and close the tap again.
  • Suspend the container so that it is located above the patient and fix.
  • For easier insertion of the tip, lubricate it with petroleum jelly, cream or oil.
  • You can choose any pose for an enema: embryo, knee-elbow, squatting - the main thing is to be comfortable.
  • Carefully insert the tip into the anus and open the cock. The amount and rate of fluid injection is controlled by a tap.
  • For a one-time procedure, it is recommended to use no more than 2 liters of liquid.

Important! No need to try to pour in more fluid than the intestines take.

  • Take out the tip, hold the fluid in yourself for a while so that it can have a healing effect.
  • If you have a strong urge to defecate, go to the toilet. For bed patients, a duck is needed.

Important! After using the reusable system, do not forget to rinse it well, and boil the tip.

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Contraindications and how not to become an “enema fan”

An enema is contraindicated for those who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the colon, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the postoperative period on the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs.

Important! With hemorrhoids, this procedure should be done extremely carefully.

An enema, including at home, is prescribed by a doctor before, for example, a colonoscopy, preparation for a gynecological or proctological operation, during poisoning and similar justified cases.

You need to know that a healthy body does not need any “cleansing” - from nature it has all the mechanisms for self-cleaning from unnecessary and harmful substances.

Important! Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom, that is, a sign of either a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition, or some kind of pathology of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous or endocrine system. In any case, it is necessary to look for the initial cause, take tests and comprehensively approach the fight against the main cause, and not make enemas to exhaustion.

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How to make an enema for hemorrhoids

Patients suffering from hemorrhoids can do these types of enemas:

  • Cleansing - done in the standard way, lying on its side or by the Hegar method - independently in the “on all fours” position;
  • Hypertensive - to enhance intestinal motility;
  • Oil - up to 100 ml of slightly warmed oil is injected using a regular syringe;
  • Medicinal - solutions of therapeutic action.
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How to make an enema pregnant?

  • The standard enema volume for pregnant women is half a liter.
  • The tip of the syringe should be greased with oil or petroleum jelly.
  • The position of the pregnant woman is relaxed, lying on her left side.
  • The liquid is injected slowly and carefully, then lie down for about 10 minutes and visit the toilet.

Important! Pregnant women can do this procedure no more than once every ten days, after consulting with a doctor.

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Now you can safely do an enema according to your testimony yourself, because you know how to use Esmarch's mug at home. We hope this procedure will bring you relief and help you get extremely clear diagnostic test results.


