How to use eyelash curlers?

Since olden times, by all possible means, the fair sex sought to make their eyes more expressive. Here both folk remedies and cosmetics were used. More recently, a device was invented that allows ladies to curl their eyelashes. However, many women do not use this useful tool for one simple reason - they do not know how to do it right. We will tell you how to use eyelash curlers in this article.
to contents ↑What are eyelash curlers?
In the vast majority of girls, eyelashes do not have a smooth, beautiful bend. For this reason, they make many sacrifices in order to at least slightly raise them. The safest and most affordable of them is the use of such a simple device. Few people know, but such tweezers have their own name - curler.
Having resorted to the help of such an object, girls, because of the inability to use it, injure their eyelashes. However, subject to all the rules, the likelihood of harming your cilia will decrease to the minimum, and the result will not be long in coming.
Curler has many forms:
- The device is a rectangular view with a falling “curtain”.
- It can be a clothespin clip.
- May look like small scissors.
to contents ↑Important! The latter option is the best eyelash curler, and therefore the most popular. It reliably fixes eyelashes and reduces the risk of them falling out or causing any other harm to a minimum. Most often, such tweezers are made of hard plastic or reliable metal. The best material is the latter because of its reliability and long fixation.
A little bit about the principle of work:
- Any model has a window. It anatomically repeats the shape of the part of the upper eyelid on which the eyelashes grow. On these windows along the edges are rubber gaskets that protect them from mechanical damage during squeezing.
- The twisting itself is due to the fact that the upper and lower bars of the device are compressed. Ultimately, because of the mechanical pressure, the eyelashes take on the shape set by them.
How is the procedure carried out?
When girls pick up such a device for the first time and don’t yet know how to use eyelash curlers, they are afraid of many factors, for example, pinching the upper eyelid or tearing the cilia completely. Of course, getting used to using such an object is not so easy right away, but you should not be afraid of such things either. Just one to two weeks of practice is enough, and such a procedure will be carried out with confidence: all fear will disappear after several repetitions.
So, to make your view several times more expressive and attractive, you should follow this procedure:
- Fix the curler so that all the upper cilia get into the window.
Important! Make sure that the device is located near the base of the growth of eyelashes, but not near the mucosa of the upper eyelid. Otherwise - the risk of pinching the eyelid really will be.
- When everything is securely fixed, the levers gently squeeze. This should be done with a little effort - so that the strips of the device are compressed.At this point, you can notice how the eyelashes rise up. They need to be clamped for 2-3 seconds.
- When the vise is squeezed for the first time, it will need to be loosened. Further, without removing the eyelashes from the window, move the tongs up a couple of millimeters.
- Then you need to again fix the eyelashes in this position, and again squeeze the vise. This procedure is repeated 3 times, clamping eyelashes in three places.
- Having achieved the effect of twisting, the result is fixed with mascara.
to contents ↑Important! In no case should you curl your eyelashes if they have previously been applied with mascara. Otherwise, the crystallized cilia will begin to break and the look will become far from attractive.
Useful Tool Tips
Even the fact that you are absolutely following the algorithm for using eyelash curlers does not guarantee a lasting result. Using the following tips, any girl can extend the effect of curled eyelashes for a long time:
- You should not tint the bend itself with mascara, otherwise - its wet consistency will straighten them and reduce all efforts to nothing.
- Too much mascara is also not worth putting under the threat of an early eyelash straightening.
- After applying the mascara, you can draw the root of the cilia with a pencil. This is necessary to get rid of the contrast of the tinted tips of the eyelashes and their roots. If the eyelashes are light, it is recommended to color them in advance.
- Basic makeup is best applied before the procedure.
- For additional fixation, you can apply the most common hair spray to the eyelashes (not from a balloon!). To do this, varnish is sprayed onto the index finger, carefully run them along the cilia, slightly bending them as needed.
- For a longer effect, the curler can be wetted with hot water and, curling eyelashes, blow on them with a hot stream of air from the hair dryer.
- If the eyelashes are still straightened, you can use the most ordinary hot spoon. To return the volume, just hold the back of the eyelashes.
Electric model
Many girls prefer the electric curler, calling it the best eyelash curler. Such models are rather an aid to their mechanical counterpart. It helps restore dyed eyelashes to their former volume.
to contents ↑Important! Its principle of operation is similar to the principle of a conventional hair curler. But working only with "electricity", you will not be able to achieve such a result as when working with its mechanical "brother". It is recommended that you first curl with a mechanical curler, and only then reinforce it with an electric curler.
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You learned a lot from this article. Now you will stop being afraid and still start using eyelash curlers. Remember that a beautiful, alluring look will never leave indifferent any passerby.
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