How to wash a cat if he is afraid of water and scratched?

If you do not take into account the fact that cats themselves lick their hair every day and thereby make it clean, there are situations when the animal starts to smell unpleasant or the pet comes dirty after a walk. Based on this, the owner decides to wash the pet to refresh its appearance. As soon as you catch your furry friend and try to carry out the bathing procedure, you run the risk of getting a lot of scratches, listening to the cat’s “arias” and getting a water-flooded apartment. Such a reaction to water is quite natural, because, in contrast to dogs, which swim with pleasure in water, the cat family is considered not waterfowl. In order to wash your cat and this procedure brought as little stress as possible for the animal, and for you to minimize the number of wounds on your hands and spilled water, there are small tricks, how to wash a cat if it is afraid of water and scratched?

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Preparing items for swimming

Before you start bathing the animal, you must carefully prepare for this process so that everything you need is at your fingertips. The pet will not sit and wait obediently in the bathroom while you are looking for a towel or other item.

Use the following list and prepare everything you need to wash the cat if she is afraid of water:

  • A few dry towels to wrap up a shivering wet cat after bathing. A couple of them can be laid on the floor so that water does not spread on the floor.
  • A special shampoo that matches the type of animal's coat.

Important! The shampoo that people use is strictly prohibited for washing cats and dogs. Their composition negatively affects the hair and skin of animals.

  • Two small bathing basins. In the first, warm water is poured and the process of cleaning wool from dirt goes through it, and the second is designed to rinse the hair from shampoo.
  • Water poured into the pelvis should reach the abdomen of the animal.

Important! The water temperature should not exceed 36-37 degrees, and also be less than indicated.

  • Mug or stewpan. It is used to water the cat with clean water.
  • For safety reasons, prepare 2 small cotton balls - put the cat in the ears to prevent water from entering them. In this case, it is more likely that you will be able to calmly wash the cat if it is afraid of water and scratched.

Important! If water enters the ear of the animal, inflammation can begin.

  • Adhesive bandage and peroxide in case the fluffy pet does scratch you.
  • Before you start bathing the cat, put on a long-sleeved sweater so that the scratches are not very deep, or just trim the pet's nails.
  • If possible, call for help from a friend. With the help of a friend, you will greatly facilitate bathing for you and your mustachioed.
  • Hide all unnecessary jars and cosmetics. The cat can overturn them when it breaks out.
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Choosing the right cat wash

To prepare all the necessary items for swimming is not difficult. But how to wash your furry friend? Definitely exclude laundry soap and shampoos for people, as well as shampoos for animals of concentrated color and smell.At the pet store, consult a specialist and select a product based on the breed and coat of your mustachioed friend.

There are several types of cat hair care products, which we will examine in more detail.

Dry shampoos

They are mainly produced on the basis of talc with the addition of antiseptic components. Dry shampoo has a powder structure. It should be applied directly to the contaminated area of ​​the wool, rubbed thoroughly and combed out with a special brush. In fact, this is a great tool to wash a cat if he is afraid of water and scratched.

But dry shampoo has a number of negative factors that should be considered when buying it:

  • The processing time for animal hair will take about one hour. And if the animal is restless, it can last even longer.
  • To wash the whole cat with such shampoo, you will need at least several approaches, because you should apply it to small areas.
  • The coat has a fresh and shiny appearance for a short time, so it will have to be washed much more often.
  • If powder gets into the respiratory tract of a cat, a number of diseases can occur.

Spray Shampoo

This type of shampoo has its advantages and disadvantages and is great for an almost instant result, when you need to wash the cat, and he is afraid of water and scratched.

The advantages of the drug:

  • After application, the hair is easier to comb, has a silky texture and a wonderful shine.
  • It has insignificant protective properties against germs and parasites.

The disadvantages of the drug:

  • This tool is preferable to use for animals participating in the exhibition, since the purity effect does not last long and requires frequent repetition of the treatment.
  • Just like dry shampoo, a spray should not be considered a complete tool for cleaning the skin and coat of a pet.

Important! The shampoo has a perfumed smell, so use it carefully so as not to harm the animal's olfactory receptors.

Emulsion Shampoo

These are specially developed products that best clean the animal’s hair from various kinds of contaminants. You just have to choose the right shampoo, based on the type of coat and breed of your pet.

Important! Soap products should not be applied in large quantities, since in the future it will be difficult for you to wash it completely.

Similar tools have the following characteristics:

  • Emulsions have moisturizing components that positively affect the skin of the animal.
  • Expensive shampoos after application cover the cat's body with a protective thin film, which helps to quickly restore the skin from exposure to water.
  • Special components in the shampoo have the properties of bleaching and eliminating the yellowness of the coat.
  • When a mustachioed friend enters the mucous membrane, it does not cause irritation.

But in this case, you will have to find the right approach to your pet in order to fully wash the cat if it is afraid of water.

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How to wash a cat if he is afraid of water? - Instructions for the procedure:

  1. When all the preparations for swimming are ready, catch the cat, gently stroke it, calm it in a quiet voice.
  2. Hold the cat tightly, slowly lower it into the water.
  3. When the cat is completely immersed in warm water, it can begin to break out, scream. Do not scold him, and especially beat him.

Important! If you constantly, confidently, gently talk with the animal, its anxieties will become less, he will understand that you will not offend him.

  1. Take prepared balls from cotton wool, try to plug his ears so that they do not get water.
  2. With a stewpan, draw water, wet the animal.
  3. Apply a small amount of shampoo to the coat, carefully foam, avoiding contact with eyes, mouth, nose.
  4. Wash away the resulting foam in the same basin. When most of it is removed, transfer the cat to the prepared second basin.

Important! When using a shower, bring it as close to the animal as possible so that it is not afraid of the noise from the water.

  1. After thoroughly cleaning the shampoo, wrap it in a towel.Once the towel is wet, replace it with dry.

Important! When you take the cat out of the bathroom, make sure that there is no draft in the room. Wet cats are very sensitive to cold and susceptible to disease.

  1. Put your pet in a warm place, give him some time to move away from the stress experienced.
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Now that you know how to wash a cat, if it is afraid of water, the process will not scare you. And after a few baths, you will adapt and will wash your mustachioed-striped friend without assistance.

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