How to wash a cat?

Pets - cats, are considered the most neat, because they clean themselves several times a day. That is why many people think that there is no need to regularly wash down pussies, but this is not so. Any animal needs proper care, of which water procedures are part. In the article, we will tell you how to wash a cat so that this procedure does not become a psychological trauma for your pet and yourself.

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Why do I need to wash a cat?

The tendency to neatness and cleanliness in cats is laid by nature itself. From an early age, they regularly lick their wool and clean it of dust, various daily impurities. The fur and skin of all furry dogs is protected by the lubricant that their glands produce. This lubricant protects the skin of animals from parasites and skin diseases. Therefore, a healthy cat should not be washed often, so as not to remove the protective grease and not spoil the hairs of the coat.

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When to wash a cat?

Any cat needs to be washed 3-4 times a year. However, if a pet often walks on the street, then the interval between bathing should be a couple of months, and cleaning the legs after a walk should be regular. It is such care that will help the pet always maintain its coat in an attractive, and most importantly, healthy state.

Unscheduled washing of a cat must be carried out in the following cases:

  • The presence of parasites in the coat. Those animals that spend a lot of time outdoors may have fleas and ticks. In this case, one can not do without thorough water procedures and special treatment.
  • The cat got dirty and cannot cope with pollution on its own. In situations where chemical contaminants are present on the cat’s hair, it is necessary to start washing immediately, otherwise the animal may be poisoned.
  • During the period of strong seasonal molt. During this period, the cat, washing herself, swallows too many hairs that can collect in the stomach and create a digestive problem.
  • Preparation for the exhibition. We are talking about purebred cats, which regularly take part in various exhibitions. In this case, the frequency of water procedures can increase significantly.

Important! If you picked up the animal on the street, then wash the cat must be immediately upon arrival home. After water procedures, show the “foundling” to the veterinarian.

Important trivia:

  1. If you are the owner of a long-haired cat breed, then get ready for frequent water procedures, as long hair needs additional care.
  2. If you wash the cat regularly, this will simplify the subsequent process of combing the hair.

Important! It must be remembered if you still doubt whether it is worth wash the cat. On the coat of your pet, in addition to dust and dirt, various microorganisms accumulate. A considerable amount of microbes is brought by the owner himself from the street on shoes or clothes. Therefore, to keep your pet healthy, you must bathe it, even if it does not go outside the room.

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At what age do you need to bathe a kitten?

Owners of exhibition animals are advised to begin to teach a kitten to water procedures already in a month. This will simplify the care of the pet in the future and relieve him of stress, panic fear of the sound of water and bathing.

But many experts consider this age too early. Optimum is the age of 3-5 months. During this period, a small kitten will more easily bear the stress of swimming.

Important! When washing a baby, it is necessary to remember that small kittens are more sensitive to hypothermia than adults.

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The main contraindications for washing

In a certain life period, washing a cat is not recommended. Such contraindications include:

  • Postoperative rehabilitation. First of all, consult a veterinarian and wait for the complete healing of the sutures.
  • Any disease. After water procedures, the pet’s health condition may deteriorate sharply.
  • Pregnancy. Especially in the later stages, it is impossible to wash a cat, since severe stress during this period is extremely undesirable.
  • Feeding period. It is extremely undesirable to wash a nursing cat - because of stress, it may lose milk.
  • The period after vaccination. From the moment of vaccination to swimming, at least 2 weeks should pass.
  • The period after the castration of the cat. Take a break between the procedure and the planned bathing for at least 10 days.
  • Cold room and drafts. If the apartment is cold and drafts are present, then limit water procedures, because the low temperature in the room can cause a pet’s disease. The temperature in the room in which the pet will be after washing should be at least 22 degrees. Windows and doors during this period should be tightly closed.
  • Old age. It is not recommended to carry out water procedures for cats and cats in old age - due to the resulting stress, the animal's heart may not withstand.
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How to wash a cat?

Many pet owners neglect the use of special hair care products. Of course, there is no strict ban on ordinary shampoo, but it must be remembered that the acid-base balance of humans and animals is different. Therefore, detergents intended for humans harm the skin and coat of cats.

Important! The human pH is 3.5-4.5 units, and cats - 3-6 pH. Accordingly - applying hair shampoo, you dry the cat's skin. After such a washing procedure, the cat will begin to itch, and dandruff will appear on the coat. In addition, a number of components included in the detergent for people can cause allergies in the pet.

In order not to expose the pet to even greater troubles, get special shampoos for wool in any pet store. They can be in various forms, so you are not limited in the choice of how to wash the cat. Give preference to one of the following tools:

  1. Dry. This option is most relevant if the cat is afraid of water. Shampoos are presented in the form of powder without a pronounced smell. The powder is applied to dry hair, and after a while it is actively combed out. Dry shampoo effectively copes with everyday dirt, simplifies the process of combing. This tool can be used regularly, as it does not harm the health of the cat.
  2. Classic liquid. On the shelves of shops you can see shampoos of different functionality: moisturizing, antiparasitic, hypoallergenic, etc. The main advantage of liquid shampoo is the high efficiency of removing contaminants. Pick up a shampoo to wash your cat based on the type and color of the coat.
  3. Sprays These funds are practically no different from ordinary shampoo, but they are much more convenient to use. There is no need to pour detergent into the palm of your hand, rub it into the coat. In addition, after using the product, you can notice a pronounced antistatic protection. Some products have a light and pleasant aroma. Therefore, applying a spray to wash the cat, you will make the pet's hair soft, shiny, attractive and fragrant. However, many cats react very nervously to the sound of the spray and this can cause additional inconvenience during water procedures.

Important! When choosing a suitable detergent, pay attention to the composition of the product - it should not contain aggressive components. Herbal extracts in shampoo are recommended, which soften the skin and eliminate unpleasant itching.

Helpful hints:

  1. In the case when there is no special detergent at home, it is better to transfer the water procedure. Limit yourself to simply rubbing the animal’s hair with a damp cloth. As an option - the services of a hairdresser. The specialist will carry out all the necessary procedures at home using shampoos and conditioners for animals.
  2. To make your pet's coat look neat, purchase an additional balm. It will help solve the problem with dull and brittle hair, restore the structure of hairs and prevent overdrying of the skin.
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How to wash a cat at home?

Before proceeding with water procedures, it is necessary to minimize the discomfort of the ward, that is, to prevent severe stress.

Bathroom preparation

To correctly prepare for the bathing procedure, listen to the following recommendations:

  • On the day when you plan to wash the cat, do not worry her. If the animal is agitated, it is better to postpone the procedure the next day.
  • Feed the cat 4-5 hours before bathing. Do not carry out water procedures with a crowded stomach, as this will harm the health of the animal.
  • Prepare a place for swimming. It is impossible to wash the cat in the pelvis, as the animal will cling to the edges. Better prepare the bathroom:
    1. Remove all unnecessary items from the room: soap dishes, washcloths, bottles, bottles, brushes and other little things that may suddenly fall.
    2. Remove the hanging towels so that the animal does not pull them off.
    3. Put a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub.
    4. Pour the necessary amount of water in advance so that it touches the ward's tummy. The water temperature should be 35-37 degrees, and the premises should not be lower than 22 degrees.
  • Prepare a bowl of water with which you will wash off the soap suds. It is better not to use a shower, faucet or hose for this purpose, as noise can frighten the animal.
  • Open the shampoo, conditioner or balm and place them so that you can easily reach them.
  • Prepare some towels.

Cat preparation

The cat also needs to be prepared for water procedures:

  1. Comb your pet with long hair in advance and remove unaesthetic tangles.
  2. If possible, get special earplugs so that when swimming, water and detergent do not get into the ears of the ward.
  3. Cut the claws with a special tool.
  4. Take the animal in your arms, stroke it, talk gently, try to relieve the pet's nervous tension.

How to wash a cat?

So, the bathtub is typed, you changed into work clothes, you just have to put the cat in the water. Carefully grab the pet by the scruff so that it cannot catch on your clothes and proceed according to plan:

  1. Having entered the bathroom with the pet, immediately close the door tightly so that he does not get out of the room.
  2. Gently lower the cat into the water. Hold him for a few minutes to get used to the water.
  3. Dampen wool with smooth movements. Use your free hand or cup. Take care - make sure that water does not get into your ears. Apply water on the head and muzzle last.
  4. Gently lather the body of the animal. Spread a small amount of shampoo on the back. If possible, place the animal on its hind legs to lather the breast. Lather the forelimbs, tummy and tail.
  5. Finally, wash the chin and the area between the ears.
  6. Wash off the soap suds with water from a basin.
  7. Apply balm or conditioner. Distribute the product with massage movements throughout the coat and body.
  8. After all procedures, give your pet a few minutes to study the environment.
  9. Remove the remaining water by gently and gently squeezing the wool with your hands.
  10. Wrap the animal in a towel.Use a waffle towel that better absorbs moisture for this purpose.
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How to dry a cat?

After water procedures, the pet should not walk around the apartment on its own, and in no case should go outside. After bathing, the cat must be carefully monitored. Better - in a warm room without drafts, spread a large rug or towel and put a cat on it. You can dry a cat with a hairdryer, but if the animal is not afraid of the sound of the device. For this:

  1. Choose the optimal mode (the air flow should not be hot).
  2. Start drying from the head.
  3. Gradually move on to the chest, forelegs, tummy, and back.
  4. Lastly, dry the tail and hind limbs.
  5. Move the hair dryer gently. The distance between the device and the animal should be 30-40 cm.

Helpful hints:

  • Do not dry your coat with a towel, as there is a risk of worsening the condition of the coat.
  • To gradually accustom a cat to the bathroom, put a few toys first in empty plumbing - let the animal play with them and get comfortable. Then carefully add some water before playing with your favorite toys. By teaching a pet in this way, he will understand that nothing is threatening him in the bathroom.
  • Get a special toy that you will use only in the bathroom, for example, a mouse on a rope. Give the toy only in the bathroom to inspire the animal to water procedures.
  • If the bath and the bathroom are combined, then while bathing, close the toilet lid so that the animal in a panic will not rush into the toilet.
  • Do not rub the hair against growth, it is best to pat the fur with a towel. If one towel is not enough, then use two.
  • If the kitten categorically does not want to bathe, then ease your task and put on a harness with a leash on your pet. Fasten the end of the leash so that the animal does not break out.
  • It is most convenient to bathe the animal together. One person holds the pet securely, and the other thoroughly washes it.
  • If you bathe a cat for preventive purposes with flea shampoo, first moisten the neck area. A wet area of ​​the neck will keep fleas away from the head, thereby facilitating the use of the product.
  • Do not wash your pet's face with soap and water. Just take a damp cloth and wipe the face and places near the eyes and nose. It is not necessary to wipe the face during bathing - you can do this later, when the animal calms down.
  • At the first bathing, be calm and friendly, so that the cat understands that she is not in danger.
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We hope that in the process of swimming your cat did not get stress, and you were not injured. If your pet categorically refuses water procedures, do not despair, but simply wipe her fur with a damp cloth. The main thing is to take care of her and your health.


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