How to wash the windshield from the inside without streaks?

A car with dirty windows is a sight that no responsible car owner can indifferently watch. Layers of dirt and stains can significantly impair the driver's viewing quality, which is important for a timely response. Given these factors, it can be argued that anyone who decides to drive a car must know how to wash and clean the windshield from the inside without any streaks in any car.

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Washing methods for common dirt

Before choosing a specific cleaning method, you should determine what condition the windows are in, then you will know how to wipe them:

  • If the windows are not very dirty, then chemistry should not be used. Rags and soapy water will suffice. In order to make the washing as comfortable as possible, it is advisable to use special rags to clean the car and napkins, which allow you to quickly and correctly get rid of residual moisture.
  • Many motorists use a solution of water and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. This method allows you to easily clean with the condition that the pollution is not too large. As the experience of many drivers shows, with this solution you can wash the glass from the inside - the dirt is eliminated quickly, and there is no unpleasant odor in the cabin.

Important! Cleaning products that contain ammonia are not recommended for use inside the cabin. Those owners who nevertheless make the decision to wash the glass with such means, in the future may encounter unpleasant consequences, such as damage to trim elements made of plastic, leather and rubber.

  • If there is not much pollution and the complete absence of any chemistry at hand, the windows can be wiped with water and old newspapers.
  • It would be logical to recall such a tool as “Aquagel”. With its use, the driver will receive reliable protection against dirt and dust, which will make it possible to wash windows much less frequently.
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Complex dirt cleaner

In that case, if the layer of dirt can not be called light and it can’t be cleaned simply with a rag, it is better to resort to more radical methods of cleaning. Under not light pollution means a dense coating of soot, an oily film and the remains of insects that met with the surface of the car. How to choose the best cleaning option?

  • There are many very good cleaners on the car chemistry market that are designed for different levels of pollution and temperature conditions in particular. For example, there is a chemistry that was developed specifically for contact with tinted surfaces.

Important! Also, in car dealerships, you can find a lot of products that make it possible not only to wash windows, but also to form a protection layer that produces the anti-rain effect.

  • To work inside the cabin, you should pay attention to cleaning products that were originally designed to remove dirt from the inside. Such tools can effectively clean the windshield from the inside and easily remove nicotine deposits, protecting the interior of the car from their further appearance. It is also worth washing the mirrors and windows of the car with auto chemical goods because it does not leave stains and stains, and also allows you to quickly achieve an excellent result.

Important! Modern cleaners do not contain ammonia, which makes them safe for rubber, leather and plastic inside the car.

  • In order to wash the windshield from the inside as little as possible, you can use an aerosol anti-mist - it protects the windows from moisture and dirt.

Important! In theory, liquid glycerin can be used for similar purposes, but it’s better not to do this, because it forms a film that can get dirty.

  • If the car glass took on too many different oily deposits, it is recommended to use special chemical cleaners containing surfactants, solvents and other powerful compounds. Such chemistry is often diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5.

Important! Undiluted concentrate is not recommended.

  • When it is necessary to wash a tinted surface, it is advisable to abandon those types of cleaning products that have an abrasive effect. You should also not use brushes, otherwise the tint film may be damaged.

Important! As a cleaning agent, both a popular household spray - “Mr. Muscle” and its analogues, and a special automobile spray — for example, LOC — can be used.

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Useful Tips:

  • To protect the windshield from untimely wear will help the correctly calculated speed of the wipers during snowfall or rain. The main goal is to try to avoid the wipers of the car scratching on a dry surface.
  • If small pieces of ice stuck to the wipers, it is worth spending time to remove them. You can get rid of ice by turning on the heater in the cabin - after some time, the ice itself will melt.
  • In winter, it is recommended to minimize the use of scrapers and brushes, because they can also cause cracks. With the onset of spring, attention should be paid to polishing car windows - this will help remove microcracks formed during the winter.
  • When cleaning the machine, both inside and out, you should use only high-quality chemicals for cars, otherwise you can get stains and turbidity.
  • Also, for those who seek to care for their car, it will be correct to change the wipers on time. Neglecting this, you can significantly accelerate the wear of the windshield.
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The conclusion is simple: you should properly care for the windows of any machine. You need to make very little effort and the appearance of your “iron horse” will always be at its best, as well as visibility during overcoming long and sometimes dangerous routes.


