How to wash roller blinds at home?

Cute curtains on the windows with incredible frills, flowing ruffles and frills, with cozy floral patterns - this is only a separate area of ​​interior decoration today. In most cases, owners of apartments and private houses give preference to more practical protection from the sun, while receiving the comfort they seek. Therefore, more and more housewives using modern textile for windows are wondering how to wash roller blinds at home? This is what we will deal with in this article.

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What are roller blinds?

Roller blinds are one of the most popular modern options for decorating a window opening. Today it is a more practical option compared to fabric curtains and a more comfortable and warm option compared to blinds. Therefore, roller blinds are chosen by an increasing number of consumers. They can often be seen also in the works of fashion designers.

Important! With the design of the windows, you can differently beat the existing interior. By introducing various nuances, it is possible to refresh the design easily and without special investments from time to time. To do this, use the master classes from our publication. Do it yourself roller blinds.

Not knowing all the nuances, it might seem that caring for roller blinds is very difficult and the process can be time-consuming. But this is not so. Firstly, thanks to the special fabric from which the roller blinds are made, dust does not accumulate as actively on the canvases as on ordinary fabric. Therefore, it is sufficient to periodically clean it with a cloth.

And if you carefully read the recommendations on how to wash roller blinds at home, you will see that it is not so difficult and the process is very short. Yes, and resort to such cleaning will have to be very rare.

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How to care for roller blinds?

Curtains like Roman curtains, vertical blinds, as well as other similar types of furniture for windows, are treated with a special dust-repellent composition. It simultaneously protects the fabric from stretching and burnout, but also imposes specific care requirements.

Conventional washing is not particularly suitable for such an interior decoration. Therefore - you need to do so that as little as possible there is a need to wash the roller blinds at home. To do this, it is enough to adhere to several recommendations:

  • When buying, you need to choose the most high-quality and expensive fabric options. The better the material, the better it is treated with special antideforming, anti-mud and color-protective compounds. Thanks to this, the dust will not settle so much on the canvas, and spots become a rare occurrence.
  • Try not to use rolled products near radiators and other heating devices, and also in rooms with the increased humidity, temperature and pollution.
  • It is better to buy cloths with a special protective tube or cassette. When washing and cleaning windows, turn the canvas into a protective tube.
  • To avoid contamination from cooking oil when cooking on the stove, it is better to raise the curtains.

Important! By the way, if you like fried foods and often have problems with splashing drops, find out why oil shoots when frying, how to avoid it.

  • It is necessary to prevent the formation of creases on the fabric during care, to protect products from cuts and punctures.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to lubricate the curtain mechanism with a special compound (oil or silicone spray), so that the construction mechanism functions properly.
  • It is not necessary to exert increased efforts on the chain mechanism during the raising or lowering of curtains. When controlling the shutter, the movements should be smooth, without jerking.
  • Keeping the roller blinds clean helps with normal ventilation. At least once a day you need to open the window wide open, while leaving the curtains in a curtained state.

Important! No need to make a draft so that a strong gust of wind does not damage the design of the curtains. And also any window decor strongly accumulates dust. You can prevent this problem - read than wiping the dust so that it is less.

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How to wash roller blinds?

If your product, despite regular preventive maintenance, nevertheless has lost its original appearance and needs to be cleaned, there are several ways to wash roller blinds at home.

Important! Do not forget that frequent washing negatively affects the fabric of rolled products. Try to produce it as little as possible. It is strictly forbidden to wash curtains made from natural materials, such as bamboo.

Dry “wash”

Before washing roller blinds, you can resort to dry cleaning:

  • Since the curtains are impregnated with special dirt-repellent impregnation, dust is collected only on the surface of the canvas and does not penetrate deep into the fabric. Therefore, once in one to two weeks you need to wipe the material with a slightly damp cloth.

Important! No need to rub the curtain with effort. Rags should only be used with soft tissue.

  • To clean roller blinds at home using a dry, reinforced method, use a vacuum cleaner with a delicate, fabric nozzle. Carefully and carefully walk them along the surface of the fabric so as not to deform it with a stream of air.

Dry cleaning

Many doubt whether it is possible to wash roller blinds and seek dry cleaning for professional help. This is a more expensive but easiest way to clean your roller blinds from dirt. Dry and wet dry cleaning is possible at the discretion of specialists. Your task is simply to hand over the product to the service and get a ready-made clean canvas.

Important! When choosing a dry cleaning service, you need to contact a reliable organization, where they are well aware of the features of caring for roller blinds. If you are not ready to pay for such services, choose from our rating that is suitable for you in price and quality dry cleaner.

Stain removal

There are troubles when it is required to wash the roller blinds not completely, but partially because of the planted spot. To do this will be quite simple by the following means.


Unstable partial dirt on the fabric, you can clean with a conventional eraser. You just need to rub these places with an eraser, the dirt should easily move away.

Stain remover

Grease and other stubborn stains are locally best removed using natural-based stain removers.

Important! Before using the stain remover, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the canvas. Do not use solvents or aggressive liquids such as acetone, gasoline, or other similar products, as they will damage the tissue.


  1. Apply stain remover to the contaminated area and keep the set time as indicated in the instructions.
  2. Remove the remaining product with a soft sponge.

Important! It is not recommended to actively rub the contaminated place. Otherwise, you can get a stain on the web, which will noticeably differ from the main tone of the product.

Wet cleaning

It is best to wash the roller blinds at home in the bathroom.In order for the washing to be successful and not lead to damage to the material, you must carefully handle the product, following the detailed instructions.

Important! When caring for roller blinds, only gentle washing is allowed and only in the most necessary cases. It is strictly forbidden to wash the linen in the washing machine.


  1. It is necessary to remove the blade from the lifting mechanism. To do this, use a chain to wind the canvas on the shaft. Then with a screwdriver drowning the spring-loaded axis into the body of the plug, remove the pipe from the bracket.
  2. Unfold the curtains in the bathtub in the unfolded state so that the fabric does not form creases and does not wrinkle.
  3. You need to carefully inspect the canvas for stains. Found contaminants can be removed using one of the above methods.
  4. Thoroughly dilute the detergent in slightly warm water. When using washing powder, make sure that it is completely dissolved and there are no lumps.

Important! It is necessary to use completely neutral detergents (with a neutral acid balance), since various additives can adversely affect the color saturation. Never use abrasive powders or other harsh cleaning agents.

  1. Moisten a soft sponge in the resulting solution and carefully, with a gentle circular motion, wipe the surface of the curtain with it.
  2. Wash off the remnants of the soap several times with clean water. You can rinse the product in the shower.

Important! It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the product, so that subsequently on the canvas there are no stains when exposed to sunlight.

  1. After washing, you can blot the surface of the canvas with dry cloths.
  2. It is necessary to dry the roller blinds in a straightened form in order to prevent stretching of the product.
  3. In some cases, you can steam cloths with an iron through a damp cloth. At the same time, you should carefully walk along the seams with the tip of the iron.

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How to care for roller blinds that cannot be washed?

When buying such window decorations, you must immediately clarify whether it is possible to wash the roller blinds by completely soaking them. Not all products tolerate washing well. There are models that cannot be wetted, because together with the dust, the composition is washed off, which prevents the product from burning out in the sun.

Therefore, if you purchased just such a decor, follow the rules below:

  • Care for such curtains consists in performing dry cleaning twice a month with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. A fabric cover can be worn over the nozzle if the curtain fabric is very thin.

Important! In order not to damage the canvas with an air stream, it is necessary to carefully brush the surface of the product.

  • Once every six months, curtains that cannot be washed should be dry cleaned. This cleaning option is the most expensive in terms of money, but the most reliable and does not require time and effort from you.
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What is strictly prohibited?

So that after washing or cleaning the roller blinds look decent and do not lose their attractiveness, you need to know what you can not do:

  1. It is forbidden to wash, spin and dry the cloths in the washing machine. This rule applies even to fabric curtains. After such a washing, the coating of the rolled products will definitely be damaged.
  2. It is impossible to dry curtains in a crumpled, wrinkled look.
  3. Ironing should be done only in extreme cases. Be sure to use gauze and a special ironing grid.
  4. Do not use alkaline solutions for cleaning.
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Today, roller blinds for windows are a very practical, stylish, beautiful and convenient option. Thanks to the proper care and prevention, your roller blinds will retain their attractiveness and neatness for many years.


