How to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper?

Beautiful paintings, prints, reproductions or photographs are an incredibly attractive decoration of any home. They add personality to the interior of the house and add coziness. In some design decisions, the painting serves as the center of the interior, around which other furnishings line up. Many owners refuse to make a hole in the surface of the wall for such beauty and wonder: how to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper? At first glance, such a dilemma may seem insoluble. But in fact, to properly hang a picture on a wall with wallpaper without nails, there are many ways. You will learn about all of them from this article.

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Method number 1. Liquid Nails

How to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper?This is the fastest way to fix a reproduction on a wall. You just need to glue it using the special Liquid Nails glue (Liquid nails).

Important! This tool is widely used in construction and is a fine-grained filler that allows you to connect even not tightly adjacent surfaces.

Use liquid nails as follows:

  1. Apply glue to the back of the canvas in the form of small dots. If the picture is difficult - in the form of short stripes or a snake.
  2. Press the object against the wall with a greased surface.

Important! It takes 12 to 24 hours to dry completely, although the work of art will be firmly held and fixed from the moment you touch the wall. No further action will be required from you: the problem of how to hang a picture without nails on the wall will be solved.

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Method number 2. Double-sided tape

Reliably and safely fix the selected decor item using foam double-sided tape:

  1. Glue strips of tape on the back of the picture.

Important! 1 square centimeter of adhesive tape can withstand a load of up to 4 kg, so use the required amount of material.

  1. Remove the protective coating from the outside of the tape strip.
  2. Press the picture firmly against the wall in the intended place.
  3. Leave the picture for full fixation for 72 hours.

Important! The lack of liquid nails and double-sided tape is the difficulty of dismantling. If you suddenly want to move the picture to another place or you need to remove it from the wall, no matter how delicately you “tear off” a work of art from the wall, you will still notice noticeable traces of glue or areas with a removed layer of wallpaper or paint.

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Method number 3. Cork stopper

This method is more gentle in relation to the wall. Use a wine cork and a small clove as follows:

  1. From a cork cut a strip of thickness from 0.5-1 cm.
  2. Attach a piece of cork to the wall with glue in the right place.
  3. Insert a small carnation into the attached section of the cork. It easily enters the porous surface and is firmly fixed in it.
  4. Hang the picture on the carnation.

Important! If the reproduction is quite weighty, then fix it with 2 or 3 pieces of cork.

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Method number 4. Paper clip, clothes hook

You can use clothes hooks, stationery clips, and the already mentioned liquid nails to fix an art photo in a frame or watercolor painting.Glue a small hook with glue, the design will be inconspicuous, and when dismantling the damage to the wall is minimal.

You can do the following:

  1. At the selected location, indicate the length of the paper clip or hook with a pencil.
  2. Make an incision and another perpendicular to it in the middle (to make a cross).
  3. Gently push the edges apart.
  4. With a knife, make a void between the wall and the wallpaper.
  5. Fill the void with a small amount of glue.
  6. Insert a hook or a modified paper clip (bend one side at an angle of 90 degrees).
  7. Return the edges of the wallpaper to its place.
  8. After 10 minutes, press the fruit of your labor with your fingers.
  9. After drying (after about 24 hours) hang the picture.

Important! You can make any suitable metal product in the form of a hook yourself and fix it in the described way.

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Method number 5. Rails and kapron threads

How to hang a picture without nails on the wallpaper?This is a rather interesting system, which consists of kapron threads and rails. You can use an old curtain rod or purchase a rail separately. Tie kapron threads of the required length to the movable hooks inside the rails. Attach a convenient fixture to the ends of the thread, which will hold the intended objects of art.

Important! The advantages of this design include the ability to increase or decrease the number of paintings in a row, and you can also change their height. This method is best used when you want to hang not 1, but several paintings.

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Method number 6. Spider Hook

Despite its size, the spider hook can withstand up to 2 kilograms of weight. It is sold in any construction or hardware store. To use it to hang the picture on the wall without nails, nail the device in the right place and fix the desired object on it.

Important! Such a hook after removal will not leave significant holes on the wall and wallpaper. Traces after this device are easy to smooth out with your fingers. Thus, using a spider hook you will not do much damage to the wall and wallpaper.

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Method number 7. Board for pictures

This method is suitable for those who plan to place several pictures or photos showing a cycle or sequence of something. Not bad such works of art will look on vertical or horizontal boards. Contrasting colors relative to the general atmosphere for coloring the cooked board will help to make the plot more expressive or to emphasize the whole interior on it.

Important! It is better to place the device at a distance of 7 or more centimeters from the wall. The board is attached with brackets from below or from above.

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Method number 8. Decorative ribbon

This non-standard solution is suitable for aesthetes. Use any satin ribbon of your choice, fold it in half and fasten to the wall with a stud with a wide hat. To hook the picture with ribbons, attach 2 hooks to the frame.

Important! Select the length of the tape depending on how many paintings will participate in the composition.

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Useful Tips:

  1. Special kits for hanging pictures are on sale - use them to cope with the task as simply and quickly as possible.
  2. If you use special systems from racks, you can freely move, add reproductions, while you do not need additional nails or screws.
  3. Hanging the picture evenly will be easier if you use two hooks and attach them a short distance from each other.
  4. After hanging a work of art, attach a level to the top or bottom of the frame to adjust the position.
  5. In the museum, paintings are suspended so that the center of the image is about 1.5 m from the floor - this is the most convenient way to view the image. Consider this factor when choosing the height of the reproduction in your home.
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As you can see, there are a lot of options for how to hang a picture on a wall without nails.Apply your favorite and enjoy the beauty of the house!


