How to hang a chandelier?

A pretty significant event for any person who prefers to live in comfortable conditions is the installation of a new chandelier. But first you need to assemble it correctly. It is very pleasing that the design of such lighting devices is quite simple, and all the preparatory work can be done independently. Today we will find out how to hang a chandelier in all possible ways and on different types of ceiling surfaces.

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Methods of fixing the chandelier to the ceiling

You can hang the chandelier on the ceiling in two ways - using a hook or a mounting bracket. The first method was previously considered the most common method, but it gradually fades into the background. Despite this, still today they still produce models of chandeliers with such a fastening.

Important! Many craftsmen solve this problem in their own way, they simply replace the plastic hook with a homemade one made of a welding electrode.

A mounting bracket is often included with lighting fixtures, which must be prepared before installation, and then:

  1. Screws must be attached to it in such a way that the caps are inside the strap, but they can not be tightly clamped.
  2. Then, from the inside of the bowl, the plank is inserted into the chandelier as it will then be installed after tightening the decorative nuts.
  3. It is important that the plank is flush with the edges of the chandelier.
  4. Once everything is checked, you can tighten the screws so that they do not rotate.
  5. Then the bar is applied in the right place to the ceiling and marks are made on it through the holes.
  6. The bar is removed, and the base of the ceiling is drilled, then dowels are inserted there.
  7. Next, the plank is attached to the ceiling, then a chandelier to it.
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Features of connecting to the mains

Mounting the chandelier to the ceiling has a lot of nuances, this also applies to its connection to the mains:

  • When the contacts of the switch are open, the wires should not have voltage, which can be determined using a screwdriver with an indicator - in this case it does not light up. As soon as the power is turned on, the indicator immediately shows the voltage on the two wires.
  • The third - the remaining one, will play the role of grounding, it connects to a common beam of the device.

If something is wrong with you, it means that your switch turns off the ground, but not the phase. When connecting incandescent bulbs or LED lamps, you can leave it that way, since such a connection is not suitable for housekeepers - they begin to blink very much.

Important! Do not install economical lamps if your chandelier is connected using the dimmer.

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How to attach a chandelier to a concrete ceiling?

You know what options exist for attaching lighting fixtures to the ceiling, what rules must be observed when connecting them to the mains, but now it's time to talk about the most important thing. Now we will consider in detail how to hang a chandelier on a concrete ceiling with all possible methods.

Bracket Installation

All manipulations are quite simple, there is nothing intricate in them. Naturally, before starting work, it is necessary to remove all decorative ornaments, shades, etc., turn off the light in the room.

Important! To protect yourself, completely disconnect the wiring throughout the apartment - this can be done in the shield.Installation work is best done during the day, using daylight.

Mounting fixtures according to this scheme is as follows:

  • To begin, remember which side of the lamp is wired. If you didn’t do this, it means that it is located at right angles to the wall, in the location of the junction box, because this is exactly what the professionals who trust such work do.

Important! The main thing is not to drive the fasteners directly into the cable. The holes for the bracket must be marked so that the bar is perpendicular to the wire.

  • If there is a hook for hanging on the ceiling, it must be bent.

Important! You can cut it, but this is a rather time-consuming task, besides, perhaps in the future you will decide to change the lamp to the one that hangs on the hook.

  • Drill holes in the designated places, drive in the dowels, attach the bracket and screw in the screws.
  • Power up the wiring, check everything with the indicator. As a rule, the phase is in red, black or brown isolation, in green or yellow - zero. But it is better to make sure that the marking is correct.
  • Turn on the current, connect the wiring terminals and the chandelier wires of the same type. Tape the ground with electrical tape.
  • On the pins sticking out of the bar, hang the base of the device, screw on the nuts until the metal saucer sits firmly on the ceiling.
  • Return back everything that was removed before installation.


Attaching the chandelier to a hook

Now consider how to hang a chandelier with a strap on a hook.

Important! Similar fixtures are mainly used for the most heavy fixtures. These include models that weigh more than 5 kilograms. In houses of the old construction, hooks, as a rule, are already present on the ceiling, in new houses you will have to install them yourself.

If your purchase is quite weighty, then you can not do with the usual hook, you will have to replace it with a stronger one. The anchor bolt with the spacer hook handles this job perfectly. It is important that in diameter it is not more than a centimeter.

Attaches to any hook any lighting device according to this scheme:

  • Choose a drill of the required size so that the anchor fits tightly into the recess drilled by it.
  • Drill a hole along the marked length of the bolt.
  • Insert a bolt into the hole with a light tapping so that it goes as deep as possible.
  • Tighten the anchor all the way - it will take about 3-5 turns.

Important! When twisting, the clutch creeps onto the tail, due to which the spacer goes along the entire length, thanks to this the hook from the socket will no longer break out.

  • Insulate the hook.
  • Hang a chandelier on it.
  • In the same way as in the previous case, connect the wiring.
  • Hide the installation site with a decorative masking bowl. It just needs to be pulled close to the ceiling mount, then locked.
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How to install a chandelier on a plasterboard ceiling?

Many are interested in how to fix a chandelier to a ceiling made of drywall. This question does not arise by chance, because during repairs it is often necessary to level the ceilings using this material. But in this case, you need a detailed wiring plan, otherwise - you will have to remove everything or ring the entire ceiling to find the wires.

You can make a small hole on the side near the wall and throw power through it to the new device. It will take a lot of gestures to pull the wire to the desired location, but the skin will remain intact.

Important! Do not try to hang the chandelier directly on the drywall, it will definitely fall. This should be done in concrete with a hook.

Follow the instructions below to avoid serious damage:

  1. The general rules to be followed are fully consistent with those that are installed on the ceiling without the participation of a layer of drywall. Just to start, you need to make a hole in the casing. It must be slightly larger than under the anchor, but smaller than the head of the mounting hook.
  2. As soon as you reach the level of the plate, you should change the drill and drill a hole for the bolt. In depth, it should be no more than 10 cm - it all depends on the length of the anchor.
  3. According to the method described above, screw the fasteners, hang the chandelier, connect the wiring.
  4. Lift and lock the bowl.
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Only light fixtures can be attached to the profile, but the craftsmen do not like this option, since more often the profile is made of aluminum, as you know this is a soft metal that can bend even under light weight. Now anyone can learn how to attach a chandelier to the ceiling without a hook and with it, on different types of surfaces. Such work can be performed even alone, without using the services of specialists. The main thing is to always remember your own safety and not to rush.

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