How to hang a ceiling curtain rod for curtains?

When designing an interior, you need to consider any trifle. Even poorly selected curtains can ruin the impression of a carefully planned repair. The main purpose of the curtains is protection against the penetration of sunlight, wind and prying eyes, which is especially true on the lower floors. In addition, they create comfort in the room, decorate window openings and doors. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the assortment of curtains, cornices, fixtures. This will help us to correctly solve the question of how to hang curtains on the ceiling cornice.

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Types of Curtains

All curtains can be divided into two types:

  • decorative or daytime, which mainly serve as decoration and are made from light fabrics%
  • work or night - they are closed at night, made of dense fabrics, so that in the cold season they can serve as an additional means for thermal insulation of the room.

Depending on the design, the curtains can be of the following types:

  • Classic - the usual curtains made of soft textiles that create vertical waves.
  • Roman - flat canvas made of dense fabric, folding when folding into horizontal folds. Such curtains are suitable for any interior. Often combined with classic products.
  • Japanese - rectangular dense canvas with rigid inserts in the upper and lower parts. For such curtains, a special multi-layer cornice is needed.
  • Austrian - with the help of laces they are gathered in soft folds, and completely straighten at night.
  • French or marquises - such curtains are always gathered in folds - festoons. They should not be hung on windows that open, as this will create inconvenience when moving the canvas. But they are great for decorating dull windows at the top.
  • Blinds - strips of fabric, metal or plastic, connected by cords and chains into a mechanism for lifting and sliding them. They are vertical, horizontal, rolled or roller shutters. Can be fixed to ceilings, walls or windows.
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Types of ceiling cornices

The cornice on the ceiling visually increases the height of the room and allows you to hide small defects on the walls behind the curtains.


There are different types of cornices, according to the material of their manufacture they can be divided into the following types:

  • Wooden. Suitable for any style of room, beautiful, high wear resistance. They can be made of rare wood, which affects the price.
  • Metal. Suitable for rooms in a modern style, they are the best option for heavy curtains.
  • Plastic Simple and inconspicuous products with a low price, most often attached to the ceiling.
  • Aluminum. Recently, aluminum profile ceiling cornices have been gaining more and more popularity. They have several advantages - lightweight, durable, have a long service life, with all this, low cost.


According to the design of the profile, all cornices can be divided into:

  • single-row - have one track for attaching curtains;
  • multi-row - a system that includes from two to four tracks, which allows you to create a multilayer composition.
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Mounts for curtains

There are many different mounts with which you can hang curtains.

Hook rings

Most often they are sold along with a cornice, they are the most popular. Rings can not be used, just sew on the curtains loops.


The curtain is located at the base of the curtain or a narrow strip of fabric, hemmed onto the main material and used to pull the cord.


Metal rivets with a hole that are inserted into the fabric using a special press. To do this, you have to make holes in the fabric and hem them.

Important! For these fasteners, only narrow tubular-type cornices are suitable.

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A fastener similar to a small clothespin with teeth. Suitable for light tissue, as sharp teeth can break through heavy tissue and damage curtains.

Fabric loops

Made from the same material as the curtains, they are best combined with tubular cornices.


Like crocodiles, only without teeth, suitable for tulle curtains. Currently, many different types are available with original finishes, even with magnetic snaps.


A braid with sewn-in laces is sewn to the curtains, with the help of which the fabric is pulled together and formed into folds.

Having figured out what curtains are there, fastenings to them and cornices, you can proceed directly to the combination of the system and its installation. So, how to hang a ceiling curtain rod for curtains.

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Useful tips for installing the cornice:

  • When buying a ceiling cornice, make sure that all necessary fasteners are included.
  • If the cornice exceeds 2 m in length, then it must also be attached in the middle to reduce the risk of structural breakage.
  • If the curtains or the cornice itself is too heavy, then you can increase the number of fasteners to 5-6 pieces.
  • When choosing a cornice, you need to consider the weight of the curtain. Under considerable weight, the plastic cornice can bend, in which case it is advisable to use a metal one.
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Installation of ceiling cornice:

  1. First you need to make markings of places where the cornice will be attached using brackets.
  2. If the cornice is installed without brackets directly on the ceiling, then first the holes for the fasteners are drilled, and then the cornice is applied to the ceiling and marking of the attachment points is made.
  3. Then, the cornice is assembled and mounted on the ceiling.
  4. It is advisable to attach the cornice so that the curtains are wider than the window by at least 10-15 cm - so the room will look more attractive.
  5. When all attachment points are marked, holes are drilled in the ceiling or wall using a hammer drill. Dowels are installed in these holes.
  6. Brackets are mounted. If they are not used, the cornice is screwed directly to the surface of the ceiling.
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Mounting to a plasterboard ceiling

Drywall has become very popular recently, it is also used for ceilings. But since this is fragile material, there are some nuances of installation that you need to know. How to hang a ceiling cornice for curtains on a plasterboard ceiling? There are two ways to fix the cornice:

  • Install a mortar beam during repair. Its dimensions should correspond to the ceiling cornice.
  • For light curtains, you can use special butterfly dowels. Such dowels after screwing open and form a pattern, which allows to increase the supporting area. But the multi-tiered design, he can not stand. In this case, fastening is done on anchor bolts to the base floor. To do this, holes for anchors are drilled on the ceiling, and then the same is done on drywall. The cornice is applied to the surface and fixed.
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Mounting to a false ceiling

How to hang a curtain rod on a suspended ceiling? The stretch ceiling canvas is not designed for heavy loads, so you need to plan the installation of the ceiling cornice in advance, at the stage of ceiling assembly:

  • A wooden beam is driven into the right place, the lower edge of which should go flush with the taut flow.On the film in this place marks are put on which the eaves strip is mounted.
  • The stretch ceiling is not installed close to the wall, but indentation is made, as a result of which a niche is formed. It should be the size of the installed cornice. The bar is fixed directly to the ceiling. A bar is stuffed next to it, which must first be impregnated with an antiseptic. A fixing profile for a vinyl film is attached to it. After tensioning the film, this bar will be completely hidden.

Important! In the interior design, the distance from the curtains to the floor also plays a role. Drapes lying on the floor are mainly used for bedrooms, as this gives the room a special cosiness. In addition, this method allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings.

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We hang curtains

Now we just have to solve the question of how to hang the curtains on the ceiling cornice. This is easy to do:

  • Typically, such cornices are equipped with special plastic hooks for curtains, and the curtains themselves, respectively, should have curtain tapes. Threads along the edges of the curtain tape must be tied to a knot.
  • In order to have a beautiful assembly on the curtains, the threads on the tape are pulled together and fixed along one edge.
  • Plastic hooks are hung on the finished curtains. For this, there are special loops on the tape.
  • The optimal distance between the hooks is 5-6 cm. If there are not enough hooks, it is advisable to purchase them.
  • At the last stage, the hooks are inserted into the slots of the cornice.

Important! When choosing a cornice and curtains, consider the style of your interior. Even the most beautiful French curtains will not look in a room furnished in Japanese style.

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In this article, we examined all the possible options for curtains, fixtures for them and cornices. We hope you were able to choose the most successful solution and securely fix the window decoration system without much hassle.

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