How to hang the blinds?

After you have installed plastic windows, you need to adjust the light in the room. It is advisable to do this with the help of blinds, as this is not only an element of window decor, but also a means of protection from the sun. In this article we will tell you how to hang the blinds on a plastic window yourself.

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What are convenient blinds?

Before you hang the blinds with your own hands, it will not be amiss to understand what are the advantages of using them. The main characteristics and advantages of blinds are as follows:

  • convenience in operation;
  • ability to easily attach to windows;
  • regulation of light in the room;
  • good protection of the room from direct sunlight;
  • construction material does not fade;
  • blinds do not absorb dirt and dust;
  • Do not accumulate static electricity.

Important! Installation of blinds is exclusively a personal matter, it is based on your own taste and need. Many people like blinds because of their beauty. With their help, you can visually decorate the window, especially using “window curtains” of a certain color or with various patterns that fit into the interior of the room and thematically transform the window. Some want to replace curtains, curtains that are fed up with them. Blinds are necessary especially if your windows face the south or east side, as the sun's rays raise the temperature in the room and you feel discomfort. Also, with constant work at the computer, it is impossible to do without blinds, so the only question in this case is how to hang the blinds on a plastic window, what material to use, and which look is better.

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Types of blinds and features of their fastening

How to hang the blinds?Window manufacturers provide a wide selection of “window shades” of various configurations. Before you hang the blinds, you have to decide which products to buy so that they fully meet your purpose.

Design options from manufacturers

Among the possible variations, the main types are distinguished:

  • vertical
  • horizontal
  • rolled (fabric, internal shutters).

Blinds can be made of the following materials:

  • aluminum;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • the cloth;
  • bamboo.

The choice of blinds for the device

To quickly decide which option to give preference to and already search for video instructions on how to hang vertical blinds or any others, take note of the following recommendations:

  1. If you do not plan to hang curtains and curtains, then install vertical blinds, although the option of installing vertical “curtains for windows” in a residential apartment or house is quite doubtful, as it is strongly associated with an office room. But for some interior design decisions it’s quite suitable. They are mounted above the window instead of curtains, which limits their usefulness.
  2. More extensive use is represented by horizontal blinds. They can be installed both on top of the window opening, and directly on the window structure (separate shutters for each leaf), and along the outer edge on the upper slope of the window. The last two options are perfectly combined with any curtains and curtains.
  3. Roller blinds are the most popular in the modern world. This model goes well with curtains and fits any interior design.Roller blinds are attached to the window with the help of special brackets, screwed to the window glazing with screws or fixed with adhesive tape.

The choice of blinds by style

As for the styling, here are some secrets:

  1. If you prefer classics and simplicity, then choose aluminum horizontal blinds.
  2. If you choose beauty and elegance - then at your disposal fabric blinds. They are very beautiful, besides they are easier to wash, unlike the other two options for window shades.
  3. If your room is made in oriental style or ethno, then we recommend that you opt for blinds made of wood or bamboo.
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DIY step-by-step installation of blinds

The rules for how to hang the blinds on a plastic window are quite simple. If you carefully read the instructions below and act in sequence, you will surely succeed and there will be another reason to be proud of the result of your work.

Step number 1. Measurement of a plastic window

Due to the fact that plastic windows may differ in size, make the following measurements before buying “curtains for windows”:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure the length and height of the window.
  2. Add 5 cm on each side to the resulting width results (the blinds should completely cover the glass and go beyond the frame).

Important! If you want to install the blinds in the window opening, then vice versa, remove 2 cm from the width.

  1. Choose the length of your choice: to the floor or to the level of the windowsill.

Important! It is better, of course, to consult with the seller about the dimensions, providing him with the calculations of the dimensions of the glass packet. When purchasing blinds for a double-leaf window, check with a specialist for the presence of a lifting mechanism on the left and right sides.

Step number 2. Purchase of blinds and unpacking

The packaging from the manufacturer should contain everything necessary so that you can easily hang the blinds:

  1. The main part is wound with fishing line and control chain.
  2. All additional items and screws are packaged in sachets.

Important! Before you hang the blinds on a plastic window, carefully unpack the bag and untangle the cord, as well as examine the fasteners. Read the instructions carefully.

Step number 3. Markup

How to hang the blinds?You will need:

  • yardstick;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • drill with a thin drill;
  • fasteners (if not included).

You need to correctly place the mounting brackets in such a way that it is then easy to insert a container into them. For this:

  1. Mark the location of the brackets with a pencil on the level.
  2. Make sure that the strips do not move outside the glass.

Important! Modern blinds have already drilled holes for fasteners, so use them for marking.

Step number 4. Attach mounting brackets

To securely hang the blinds on a plastic window, the brackets must be secured with the latches up. Pre-drill a hole in the window with a thin drill and direct the screws to the side of the plastic.

Step number 5. Put on a container

Insert the container with the blinds and close the latches of the bracket - if the brackets are firmly located on the window, and the container is removed and put on without difficulty, then you did everything right.

Step number 6. Installing the bottom holders

The role of the lower holders is to fix the canvas from the strips, and they are also used as a mount to protect against free movement. In order to install the lower holders and properly hang the blinds:

  1. Lower the blinds down.
  2. Mark the position in which the curtain will be in a stretched state (without hanging). With a dangling web, it is not possible to precisely position the lower holders.
  3. After the measurement, drill a hole and screw the holder with screws.

Step number 7. Set curtain control

The blinds are controlled by a nylon cord. Insert the plastic control lever to rotate the louvre strips.

Important! At the end of the work, make sure that the whole structure is workable and you have correctly hung the blinds.

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Installation of blinds without drilling

If you do not want holes in the window frame, then use the blinds, the designs of which allow you to fix them without using a drill. Consult the seller before buying “window shades” about the technology of fastening them, since not all types are designed for this method.

There are 2 technologies on how to hang blinds without a drill.

Method number 1. Gluing the product to the window frame

To complete the procedure, proceed as follows:

  1. Degrease the work surface before installation (you can use acetone).
  2. If the frame is cold, heat the surface with a hairdryer.
  3. Glue the product on glue, double-sided tape or magnet, depending on the choice of type of fastening.

Method number 2. Use of brackets

Fixing blinds without drilling will help using brackets. They can be fixed on the frame in various ways, and to fasten or snap on them the carrier of the blinds themselves. The ring bracket works on the principle of a clamp.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Mark the mounting location of the brackets.
  2. Secure the mechanism with the screws provided with the upper brackets.
  3. Install the blinds on top of the sash.
  4. Secure with a special key.
  5. On the bottom of the sash, install the flare bottom brackets.
  6. Insert the bushes through the springs into the holes along the edges of the upper cornice.
  7. Fasten the cables to the bushings.
  8. Fasten the cornice to the brackets.
  9. Pass the cable.
  10. Insert the plastic bushings into the holes in the lower brackets.
  11. Secure the cable with screws.
  12. Lock the handle hook in the control mechanism.
  13. Install the pen holder.
  14. Verify that all structural members are operational.

Important! The advantage of this system is that subsequently, the blinds can be easily detached for thorough cleaning or completely removed. In this case, there will be no extra holes and, importantly, the tightness of the window profile will not be violated.

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Useful Tips:

  1. Before buying a product, find out what is included in the full price, as some companies offer to pay only for the canvas, and all other components (curtain rods, weights, controls) must be purchased additionally.
  2. Choose the material "curtains" depending on their location. It is better to hang fiberglass or aluminum in the kitchen, as these materials do not burn. Fabric blinds are suitable for the bedroom, living room, dining room. For the bathroom, choose plastic ones that are not afraid of high humidity and are easy to clean.
  3. During installation, pay attention to how the panel opens: if it is smooth and easy, the service life of the blinds will be much longer.
  4. Do not correct the detected defects yourself, but contact the company where you made the purchase or call a specialist.
  5. Use the curtains carefully. Do not pull the cord sharply when opening and closing the vertical blinds, as you may damage the mount, which will cause the panel to fall out.
  6. All new designs have a protective coating, so too often do not clean them so as not to wash it off. If thorough washing is required, soak the cloth in a container with liquid detergent, then wipe with a soft sponge and rinse. Then remove the water stains with a rag.
  7. In order not to damage the sash, do all the fastenings on the frame, masking the holes with silicone.
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If everything described above seemed to you a rather complicated process, then use the services of specialists. Sometimes the cost of buying blinds includes both metering and installation. The choice is yours. We wish you good luck and hope that in any case, the blinds will serve you for a long time and please the eye.


