How to catch a rat?

Increasingly, you can hear the complaints of residents that rats appeared in the apartment, basement or house. The cute and restless Remmy from the cartoon "Ratatouille" has nothing to do with our harsh truth of life, so more and more citizens are asking themselves how to catch a rat.

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Why catch rats?

Rats cause harm and loss not only property. They are very dangerous for human health and life, as they can be infected with the most dangerous infectious diseases, such as plague, leptospirosis, tularemia and about 70 more diseases. Neighborhood with such a dangerous neighbor is unlikely to please anyone.

How to catch a rat?It would seem that rats should not have a place in the city. However, cellars, attics, cluttered porches, barns, and garbage chutes create excellent conditions not only for existence, but also for the breeding of rodents.

Important! There are many methods and ways to get rid of rats, but the fight must be waged comprehensively, using proven means and it is advisable to seek the help of specialists.

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How to catch a rat in an apartment?

Rodents rarely appear in apartments. More often they can be seen in private homes. If you still found a pest in your apartment, then before you catch a rat, put in your home the perfect order:

  1. Inspect the room for holes in the wall. If you notice even the smallest crack, be sure to close it right there.
  2. Do not litter your home, throw away all unnecessary things.
  3. Put all food in the refrigerator.
  4. Do not leave the dishes in the sink.

Important! You can get rid of rodents only if your house shines with cleanliness and properly organized space. The accumulation of any rubbish, garbage can lead to the fact that, having solved the problem of how to catch a rat, in relation to one individual, you will soon notice its other relatives.

Be sure to calculate the habitat of the rat, as any hunt will not be effective away from the nesting site of the rodent. Pay attention to traces of things spoiled by a rat, as well as a handful of characteristic droppings. From them you can identify her nest.

Further, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following ways to catch a rat.

Pied Piper

The method is very simple, but difficult to practice, since, unfortunately, there are very few real rat traps. If you are lucky, get a kitten from the mom of a cat-rat trap and raise him. He alone will help you catch a rat, and they will not require any reward, unlike specialists from specialized services.


The method is old and proven, but few people use it, especially in an urban environment. The rat trap, in fact, is the same mousetrap, however it is several times larger. The murder weapon is the frame under the spring, which fires when a piece of bait (meat, candy) is removed.

Install it near the habitat of the rodent, but as far as possible from the paths of movement of people and pets, hiding behind large objects. Expose rat traps in large numbers along the walls, since it is there that rodents most often move. With this device you can not only catch, but also kill the rat.

Important! The bait must be of high quality and attractive. Waste, spoiled products will not lure the animal.As a treat, you can use: cottage cheese, pastries from wheat, oat, rye, pea flour, bread, crackers, minced meat fried in vegetable oil, sausage, smoked fish, etc.

Keep your fishing tool clean, because, despite their arrogance, rats are very clean animals and will avoid dirty objects.

Deratization Service Call

This is the most effective method, but it requires certain costs and inconveniences. There are enough performers on the market, but we recommend that you listen to those who have already used the services of firms.

Sticky traps

This is a fairly simple method of controlling rodents. You will need high-quality specialized glue and a plastic or cardboard tray (plywood or a piece of cardboard). Cover 1 side of the prepared area with glue, and in the middle put the bait. The rodent, attracted by the smell of food, will go into a trap and get bogged down in glue.

Important! Note that after you complete the task of catching a rat with an adhesive trap, you will have to be puzzled with how to kill it.

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DIY rat traps

To catch a rat it is not necessary to buy special devices. You can make traps with your own hands. We offer you several such options.

Flower pot trap

How to catch a rat?Its principle of operation is quite simple:

  1. Turn the pot (or other container) upside down.
  2. Set it on a wooden “gatehouse” at an angle.
  3. On the edge of the “gatehouse" put the bait.

Important! The rat, climbing inside, pulls off the bait, while the "gatehouse" falls, lowering the pot. Thus, the animal will be captured. Set a trap on a piece of plywood to prevent the rat from escaping by digging. Thus, the question of how to catch a rat will be solved for sure.

Trap of 3 or 5 L cans

This is the cheapest option:

  1. Take a can and pour in it sunflower oil (a small amount).
  2. Turn the container horizontally and drop the bait to the bottom.
  3. As soon as the rat gets into the container, do not hesitate, run up and turn the jar upright.

Important! No matter how the rat tries to run away, but due to the poured oil, it will only slide along the bank. You just have to deal with how to kill a rat.

These 2 methods are very easy to install and low cost, but with their help you can catch no more than 1 rodent.

Zürner's trap

To catch a beast, you can make or purchase a Zürner trap. This type of device is a box cased with galvanized iron inside and closed on the outside with a sloping lid.


  1. There are 2 open inlets on the sides.
  2. Opposite each of them is a wooden bridge mounted on a hinge.
  3. The outer ends of these bridges rest on the edges of the holes.
  4. The inner ends of the bridge have no supports and practically close to each other, while they form a bridge stretched over the abyss between the holes.
  5. A hook is mounted above the junction of the bridges, on which the bait is mounted.

Important! Operating principle: the animal, sensing the bait, runs along the bridge, which, under the weight of the rodent, falls down and the rat falls into the lower body of the trap, and the bridge returns to its original position.

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How to kill a rat in a house?

If 1 or 2 rats can appear in an apartment, then in a private house it is always an invasion of an innumerable family of rodents. Rats usually appear in the fall with the onset of cold weather.

If the invasion of rats became a real problem, and in addition to the house they migrated to the chicken coop, then immediately contact the professionals who will carry out the deratization of all rooms where rodents were seen. Specialists use various means, both technical and chemical.

Important! In chemical deratization, poisons are sprayed in the habitats and breeding of rodents. These are the drugs that do not harm the health of pets and people.

How to catch a rat?The most common remedies for this pest are as follows:

  • “Ratid-1”.Sold in the form of granules of 40 pieces in 1 package. It can be used in rooms of any type. Using this tool, you can kill rats in the shortest possible time.
  • "Goliath". This is one of the most effective means in the fight against rats. Used by professional disinfectors. Sold in small containers. Packages of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 kg. Using the drug, rodents die in 8-12 days. At this time, the rest of the rats believe that the bait is safe and also begin to eat it. After 2 weeks you will get rid of the rats completely.
  • “Rat”. The drug is excellent for use in both residential and industrial premises. This is a quick action tool. The method of use is as follows:
  1. Ampoule "Rat" mix with 0.5 kg of seeds.
  2. Add 3 g of sunflower oil.
  3. Spread out in places of emergence of rats.

Important! In addition to seeds, the product can be mixed with fish, cottage cheese, meat or other food. Animals, after eating poison, die in 1-2 minutes.

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Folk method

It is possible to exterminate rats without the help of poisons; for this, mix flour with alabaster (gypsum) in a 1: 1 ratio. Spread the mixture near the rat holes and place the bowls with water there. After eating the mixture, the rodent will want to drink, and water, if it enters the stomach, will dissolve gypsum. Thanks to the properties of alabaster, the rodent's intestines become cemented, and you just have to get rid of the corpse.

Important! This method is far from humane, but given the threat posed by these pests, all means are good. In any case, you will have to kill the rat, even if you use the usual traps. You just can't let her go free.

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How to scare away a rat from home?

It is noted that in houses built on the site of the fire, rats do not start. Ash scares them away, which causes trouble to rodents when cleaning their legs from it. Ash is an alkali, and when a product enters the body, it gives an extremely unpleasant sensation to rodents. Therefore, to scare away rats from the house, sprinkle ash around the perimeter, and they will leave an attempt to get into the house.

Rats are also afraid of peppermint: dry the plant and spread it throughout the house or in places where rodents are likely to appear. Scare off rats and peppermint extract.

For those who not only want to drive out pests, but also to prevent their occurrence, we recommend using ultrasonic repellers. The most common devices are:

  • The “Riddex” electronic repeller repels with electromagnetic waves and ultrasound. The average radius of action is 20 m2. It can be used in enclosed spaces where there is a power grid. To activate the device, just plug it into a power outlet. 2 indicators indicate the use of electromagnetic waves (red) and ultrasound (green). This device is absolutely safe for human health, so you don’t even have to bother with how to catch a rat.
  • Ultrasonic “Dual Pest Repeller” repeller. This device is used both to fight rats, mice, cockroaches, and insects. Differs in high efficiency. It will take you only 2 weeks to lime the pests. When you turn on the repeller in the outlet, a field is created in which rodents simply cannot be. The advantage of this repeller is as follows: safe, huge range, unlimited service life.
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Helpful hints:

To fight rats led to the expected positive results, create such conditions in which rodents will feel extremely uncomfortable:

  1. Deprive them of their access to food and drinking water.
  2. Keep your home in complete cleanliness and sanitation, because rats do not like open spaces, and their appearance may indicate clutter in the house.
  3. Always make sure that there are no holes or cracks in the walls, otherwise the process of getting rid of uninvited guests will never end.
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Take preventative measures and use the methods and methods of fighting rodents described in the article. We hope that in this “war” you will emerge victorious!


