How to make a bar for the press?

The bar is one of the isometric exercises that is performed statically. It is rightfully recognized as the universal and most effective type of training for strengthening the abdominal muscles and raising overall tone. But in order to achieve the desired effect, it is very important to know how to properly make the bar for the press, because the final result of your training depends on it. In this article, we will reveal all the secrets of performing this exercise so that you can achieve the physical form you are striving for.
to contents ↑Features of the technique
The bar is a very effective exercise, thanks to which you can keep all your muscles in good shape. In the process of its implementation, the support rests exclusively on points, which can be counted from two to four, depending on the type of exercise being performed. The essence of this training is that you “hang” above the floor surface for a few seconds.
to contents ↑Important! Despite its apparent simplicity, with the correct execution of the bar you will have a hard time, and at first the muscles involved in the work may even hurt.
The right effect of training
The bar is an ideal exercise for the prevention of osteochondrosis, since lumbar muscles and the cervical spine are involved in its implementation.
Important! Standing in the bar, the stomach should always be pulled in and not hang down!
In addition to the spinal muscles, others are involved during training, such as:
- Internal and external muscles of the press;
- Muscles of the buttocks;
- The muscles of the lower and upper extremities.
Also, the bar is good in that:
- Allows you to exercise without sports equipment;
- For a short period of time you get tightened and embossed muscles;
- It is an excellent exercise for rehabilitation after injuries;
- Increases Stamina;
- Suitable for everyone, regardless of gender or physical fitness;
- Beneficial effect on the muscles of the spine and strengthens them;
- It is an excellent workout for warming up muscles before more serious workouts;
- Due to the fact that the muscles are stretched, tension is relieved from them;
- During the execution of the bar, not only character is trained, but also the ability to concentrate on something.
Important! The plank exercise is strictly prohibited when:
- Elevated body temperature;
- Abdominal pain of a different nature;
- Hypertension
- Lightheadedness.
If you have any health problems, it is best to consult a doctor before starting classes.
to contents ↑Press strap - how to do it right?
Before you start training, you should understand that you can only improve the appearance of your body if you perform this exercise correctly. Otherwise, the effect will be zero. As with other exercises, the bar also requires preliminary training and warming up the muscles. Therefore, before starting a workout:
- Stand near the wall so that the points of contact are at the level of the buttocks, shoulder blades and neck.
- Pull your shoulders down and your pelvis a little forward. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
Important! You should have a deflection between the wall and the lower back so that your palm passes easily.
- Lock this position.
- Take 10 breaths and move away from the wall.
After your body is prepared, you can go directly to the exercise itself. Next, we consider in more detail the variety of planks and how to properly do it.
If you are a beginner, then you should start your classes with this exercise, since it is basic:
- Lie down on the floor with your stomach down.
- Bend your elbows so that the bend angle is 90 degrees.
- Go to the supine position with emphasis. Your body should be stretched like a string.
Important! Your support should be at your fingertips and forearms, and your elbows should be strictly under your shoulders.
- Tighten your abdominal muscles and tighten your buttocks.
- Keep your lower back straight, and do not bend your hips.
This exercise is done on expiration and is maintained until the first appearance of muscle discomfort. For starters, you can start with 10 seconds, gradually bringing up to 2 minutes.
Important! If it’s hard for you to stand such a stance, then at first you can kneel down.
Plank on straight arms
Thanks to this exercise, you can work out your abdominal muscles well:
- Place your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Straighten your legs so that they do not bend at the knees.
- Straighten your back and raise your head.
- Tighten your buttocks and tighten your abs.
Important! For the correct execution of this exercise, it is very important that the gaze is directed only directly.
Performing this version of the bar, you can well pump the oblique muscles of the press:
- Arrange your legs so that they are one on one or one in front of the other.
- Tighten your abs maximally.
- Put your hand on your lower back or pull it up.
- Tighten your pelvis.
Important! Depending on the complexity, this exercise can be performed both on a straight arm and on a bent elbow.
To quickly achieve the desired effect, the side bar should be kept for 30 seconds on each side in 3-4 approaches.
Torsion bar:
- Become in a starting position, focusing on outstretched arms.
- As you exhale, turn the lower body to the side up.
- Stand this position for about one minute.
- Turn the housing in the opposite direction and repeat the same steps.
Back strap
Standing in this position, you can use the gluteal and calf muscle groups:
- Lie on your back and focus on your hands.
Important! Hands should be shoulder width apart and form a right angle.
- Lift the case up, and look at the ceiling.
- Lock in this position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise about 3-4 times.
Important! If this type of strap is given to you with ease, then you can complicate it by lifting your leg up.
Thanks to this exercise, you will strengthen your arms, stretch your shoulders and tighten the muscles of the abdomen. In order to do the exercise shelf:
- As in the previous version, it is necessary to lie on your back and put emphasis on your hands.
- Bend your knees.
Important! Knees should be directed only in one direction.
- Keep the body in this position for 30 seconds.
Mistakes to Avoid
In order for the execution of the bar to be effective and bring the desired results, it is very important to know the typical mistakes that are made in the process so that they can be avoided in the future. Here are the most common ones:
- Incorrect lumbar position. If the lower back is located below or above the desired level, then the effectiveness of the training is reduced to zero.
- A look directed to the floor. Due to the fact that the cervical spine is not positioned correctly in this position, you may experience pain.
- Frequent or slow breathing. Complicates exercise and reduces oxygen saturation.
- Long approaches. In the early stages, when the body is not yet trained, it is better to make small but frequent approaches, since they will be more useful.
- Irregular activities. Training should be regular and monotonous. The execution of the bar should take place daily.
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The bar - this is one of the basic exercises that can be performed as an independent training, or to include it in a set of exercises. The most important thing is to do it right and not make mistakes. Following the advice and recommendations of our experts, you will find a flat and pumped up press as soon as possible, without spending a lot of time and money on visiting expensive fitness rooms.
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