How to make a press?

In order to be healthy and have a beautiful figure that will attract the attention of the opposite sex, it is not necessary to go to the gym or fitness centers. You can make yourself a flat and beautiful waist at home with significant savings in the family budget. To do this, you just need to start doing exercise with a load to strengthen the muscles of the abs. Unfortunately, due to the fact that many people are pumping the press incorrectly or do not follow the required number of approaches, the result of such training remains unnoticed. In order for your efforts to be productive, and you have achieved the required volumes, you should know how to do the press correctly, as this is the basis of a beautiful and toned figure. We will talk about this in this article.

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Fundamentals of the correct swing of the press

There are quite a few universal tips and ways to do exercises for the press area. Due to their versatility, they are suitable for both women and men. Most already have experience with these physical activities, so they try to conduct training at home. Unfortunately, sometimes the performance of these exercises at home may not always be correct, or it may be aimed at the group of abs muscles that you are trying to pump up.

Important! The most important thing is your well-being. If you do not feel well, have recently undergone surgery or got injured, such physical activities are strictly contraindicated for you. Sport should heal and cheer up, but not harm!

For this reason, experts and fitness trainers have developed a number of basic tips that will help you not only do the press correctly, but also control yourself during a workout:

  • Ventilate the room before class so that there is more fresh air in the room.
  • Never start working with a bad mood.
  • Prepare a glass of water in advance, because during classes you will definitely have a thirst.
  • To maintain water balance per day, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
  • The lesson should only be done on a hard surface such as the floor. Sofas and beds are not suitable for these purposes.
  • You need to download the press gently without sudden movements and jerks.
  • The load should be selected equivalent to your physical abilities, gradually increasing it.
  • Before each workout, be sure to warm up.
  • If during exercise you feel tension and muscle contraction in the abdominal cavity, this means that you are doing everything right.
  • Avoid large intervals between sets.
  • To achieve the desired result, you need to do physical exercises regularly.
  • The abdominal muscles are divided into straight and oblique. For each muscle group, different exercises are developed.

Important! Of great importance for the correct swing of the press is the delivery of breath. It should be calm and uniform. Rising, you should exhale the air, and lying back on your back - inhale.

  • Choose the exercises that you can easily do.
  • Always follow the correct sequence of exercises: lower press - oblique muscles - upper press.
  • Shaking press you need to use only the abdominal muscles, but not the neck.
  • Doing a lesson every day is not worth it.An ideal option would be training 2-3 times a week.
  • Balance your diet.
  • Try to do exercises not only in a prone position.
  • During training, to achieve a good result, it is necessary to draw in the stomach.
  • Take a photo and measure your volumes. Record your achievements every month or week - this is a great motivator!

Important! If you feel back pain, you should immediately stop training and consult a doctor.

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Home Basic Press Exercise

Despite the simplicity of performing these exercises, the proposed complex will help you remove extra, so hated, centimeters from the waist, and with constant persistence, pump up the press muscles until relief cubes appear:

  • Scissors. Lie on the floor. The back should be firmly pressed. Hands should be located along the body. Lift your legs at an angle of 30-50 degrees and make them alternate movements up and down.
  • Strap. Lie on the floor face down. Climb to the elbows and focus on the socks. You must stay in this position for at least a few minutes.

Important! In this exercise, the head, back, and legs should form one straight line.

  • Body lift. Lie on your back, bend your knees and focus on them. Hands should be straight and raised. Next - lift your shoulder blades 25-30 degrees and freeze for several seconds in this position. After - slowly return to the starting position.
  • Cot. Lie on your back and firmly press the pelvis and lower back to the floor. Raise the body and straight legs at the same time.
  • Fold. Sit on the edge of the chair, making an emphasis with your hands behind. Bend your legs, pulling your knees to the chin.
  • Vacuum. One of the most effective exercises in order to remove extra centimeters in the waist. Stand in front of the mirror and pull in your stomach as much as possible, hold out for up to 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 15 times a day.

Important! This exercise can be done throughout the day, even while at work.

  • Twisting lying. Lie on your back and lower back against the floor. Legs should be bent at the knees, and hands folded behind the head. Lift the torso alternately to the right and left.

Important! Make sure that only the abs muscles work in this exercise, not the neck or arms.

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How to pump up the press using home exercise machines?

If the easy way is not yours, then home exercise machines will be great helpers in the pursuit of beautiful forms. Thanks to them, you will quickly find a flat press and a beautiful waist.

We use an inclined bench

In order to do the press correctly at home, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Lie on your back with your back and lock your legs on the roller.
  • Connect your hands with a “lock” and lay it behind your head.

Important! During the exercise, the neck should be flat.

  • Pull the abdomen tightly; as you exhale, begin to raise your shoulders.
  • Once the torso and legs are at right angles, freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  • As you inhale, slowly move down onto the bench to its original position.


Download the upper press on the horizontal bar

This method will help you pump up the upper press without resorting to the help of a fitness trainer. To do this, you will need the most ordinary horizontal bar, which is located almost in everyone in the yard.

Important! In order to avoid injury during the process, the thumb should always be at the bottom when grasping the bar.

The order of the exercise:

  • Hang on your arms and bend your legs.

Important! Never swing the case.

  • Inhaling, slowly bend and pull the legs to the level of the waist.
  • On inspiration, slowly lower your legs to their original position.

This exercise is best done several times, but considering your physical capabilities.

Important! Once you master this method, it can be a little complicated.For this, the knees should be pulled not to the waist, but to the chest, then to the chin.

Making a fitball press

This simulator helps to pump up the lower press area, which is especially important for women.

Exercise number 1:

  1. Lie on your back, and pinch the ball between your legs. Hands should lie tight next to the body.
  2. Then raise your legs so that they are at an angle of 30 degrees and alternately touch the side of the legs to the floor surface.

Exercise number 2:

  1. Sit on the ball so that all the emphasis is on your feet.
  2. Take steps so that the ball rolls behind your back.
  3. Proving it to the shoulder, gradually, in the same way, return to the starting position.

Exercise number 3:

  1. Lie on the floor and press the lower back firmly to the surface.
  2. Bend your legs to your knees, and keep the ball above your head on outstretched arms.
  3. Raise your shoulders, put the ball between your feet and slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat this exercise, only in reverse order.


Roller wheel to help you

In order to achieve phenomenal results, you just need to do about 8 minutes on this simulator.

Exercise number 1

Kneeling, hands rest on the handle. Gently move the wheel forward by tilting the body, and then slowly return to its original position.

Exercise number 2

Sit on the floor and place your feet on top of the roller handle. Start lifting the body and straightening your legs at the same time.

Exercise number 3.

Place your feet 50 centimeters wide, while keeping the body level. Holding the roller with your hands, bend over and place it on the floor. Start rolling it until you touch the surface of the floor with your chest.

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The main mistakes that are made when swinging the press

In order for your workouts to be effective, we bring to your attention a list of commonly made mistakes during the swing of the press, which can not only drastically slow down the process of burning fat tissue, but also harm your health:

  • Regularly reschedule classes the next day. The only reason you can shift your class schedule is to feel unwell. The more you put them off, the less chance you will make them.
  • “Hero of the first training.” This means that in the first training session, the majority “sets the bar as high as possible,” and then, due to pain in the muscles, they refuse to do it at all.

Important! In the first training session, about 70% of the total plan should be followed.

  • Improper execution technique. This is a fundamental mistake that everyone makes. During classes, always take into account the fact that the main thing is not quantity, but quality.
  • Excessive strain on the neck. It is always necessary to ensure that only the abdominal muscles work. Raising the body with the neck will not bring you any result.
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Everyone can have a beautiful and slender figure. To do this, you do not need to go to expensive fitness centers and hire personal trainers. You can remove extra centimeters yourself at home. You should only establish proper nutrition and do one of those sets of exercises, which is described above. We will not say that it is very easy. You will need significant physical effort and endurance. But if you don’t give up and you will do everything right, only then you will get a raised belly and a beautiful waist, which many will envy.

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