How to do twisting on the press?

Inflated abdominals are the dream of many beautiful ladies. The developed muscles have an aesthetic and beautiful appearance. In addition, a fit physical form has a positive effect on the body, because the trained muscles of the abdomen support our spine and reduce the likelihood of musculoskeletal ailments. At first glance, it might seem that the classes are simple and quite obvious: lift and twist the torso several times. But this is just a general idea of ​​training, in fact, the exercises have a diverse technique of performance, respectively - the result. That is why we would like to tell in detail how to do twisting on a press for girls.

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Download the press

So, if you decide to take care of yourself, bring your figure to perfect condition, then the exercises for the press occupy a leading position in the complex of physical preparation.

A bit of anatomy

To understand how to do twisting for the press, you need at least a little orientation in what muscles are involved in this. In the process of physical activity, the human body uses the following muscles:

  • The rectus abdominis muscle. It is a flat and long muscle that starts from the chest and ends in the lower abdomen. Moreover, its wide upper part narrows to the bottom, and it is in this place that the most insidious fat accumulates most often.

Important! These muscles form a beautiful relief of the abdomen.

  • Transverse abdominal muscles. These muscles encircle the entire abdomen.

Important! Their swelling will not be noticeable, since the muscles are located deeply, but they increase the tone of the abdomen.

  • Oblique muscles. They, in turn, are internal and external. It is these muscles that make the waist thinner, and your entire silhouette becomes much slimmer.

Important! It is the external oblique muscles that are most clearly visible.

  • The pectoralis major muscle. This is a paired group of muscles that are located on the front of the chest. These muscles are involved during the upper types of exercises.

Important! The advantage of working out such muscles is not only a pumped stomach, but also a tightened chest.


The benefits of exercise

Probably, you are interested not only in the technique of how to make the press curl, but also in the advantages of such physical training. Here are a few of the benefits of these activities:

  • You can exercise at home.
  • No need for additional or special sports equipment.
  • The versatility of twisting allows you to pump all the muscles of the abdomen and create a beautiful relief.
  • The twisting technique is good for beginners, as the exercises are easy to perform.

General rules for twisting

Let us outline a few principles on how to do twisting on the press:

  • Before starting sports, you need to do a warm-up. An easy run might be your best bet.
  • Begin a set of exercises with simpler and easier. Thus, the body adapts to the load.

Important! If you feel that the training is easy, go to a more difficult level: increase the number of twists and approaches, as well as the technique of doing the exercises.

  • You need to perform twisting quite accurately. Excessive pressure on the intervertebral disc is fraught with back injuries, and if such problems already exist, then first place a roller under the back. It will provide a natural curvature of the spine.This technique will be relevant for people with sedentary work.
  • Do twisting slowly, without jerking.
  • Do not touch the chest with the chin.
  • Do not put your hands behind your head in the lock, and then pull yourself in this way by the neck at the stage of lifting the torso.
  • Do not hold your breath if you exhale with effort or contraction.
  • You can not recline after twisting sharply to the floor, lower the body slowly.
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Twisting Technique

Now consider the specific types of exercises and the nuances of their implementation.

Straight twists

How to do twisting on the press with this technique? This load is designed for the operation of the rectus abdominis muscle. Since it narrows to the pelvis, there is a smaller number of nerve endings in its lower part. Such physiology has certain features, which consist in the fact that the same applied efforts have different results. Muscle contraction of the lower section of the rectus muscle is less effective, and the accumulation of fat deposits in this area complicates the training.

Important! As a result, the upper part of the press develops better than the lower. It is the direct twisting technique that contributes to the toning of the lower press, as the technique affects the entire musculature.

Therefore, there are no separate exercises for pumping up the lower press. For the relief of this part of the abdomen, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the load, as well as adjust the diet to reduce the subcutaneous fat content.

Technique of the exercise:

  • Take a starting position. Lying on the floor, the loin fits snugly to the surface. Place your feet on a slight elevation. For these purposes, a step, bench or fitball may be suitable. The angle between the lower leg and thigh should be straight.
  • The placement of hands during class depends on your level of physical fitness. If you are a beginner, it will be advisable to place them closer to the pelvis, this position will make twisting easier. And further complicate the exercise: keep your hands on your head or woven into a lock above the crown. The last option is the most difficult.
  • Twisting is performed as you exhale. At this point, you need to reach for the pelvis with your torso. With a flat back, this exercise cannot be performed. Therefore, rounding the back, tear off the shoulder blades from the floor.

Important! In the solar plexus, you should feel maximum muscle contraction. Lock this position for a couple of seconds.

  • We take a breath and slowly return to the starting position, but not to the end.

Important! The basic principle of twisting is to constantly reduce muscle without relaxation.

And a few more recommendations on how to twist the press:

  • Each training session should consist of a minimum of 10 sets, and the interval between them is about 40 seconds.
  • A large amplitude of twisting contributes to the faster appearance of a beautiful relief of the abdomen.
  • Try to bring your forehead as close to your hip as possible, keeping your back rounded.



Another type of effective exercise is reverse twisting. When they are performed, the lower body is lifted towards the chest.

Important! It is most convenient to perform such exercises on a horizontal bench. The inclined surface is also perfect for this purpose, in addition, it will increase the effectiveness of the training due to the greater amplitude of twisting.

How to do twisting for the press in this technique? The mechanism of the exercise can be explained as follows: fold the body, lifting the buttocks and directing them towards the head.

Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Take a position, lying on a bench, the floor. Place your hands depending on your training: parallel to the body at the initial stage, or get behind the head, if you are already prepared for the loads.
  2. Bend your knees, move your hips toward your chest.
  3. When the hips are perpendicular to the bench, fix this position. Take a breath and hold this pose for another second.
  4. As you exhale, stretch your pelvis to your head, making tangible efforts.
  5. After that, take a breath and slowly lower your hips, but not completely, without touching the surface of the bench.

The maximum approach of the knees to the head increases the load on the muscles. With this type of exercise, the lower back muscles are stretched.

Important! To prevent curvature of the spine, twisting should be done only vertically, without deviations to the sides.

All twisting is always carried out in a constant muscle tension, while the main aspect is the quality of the workout, not the quantity.

Side crunches

Crunches are another name for twisting. Side exercises are best performed in conjunction with a direct twisting technique. Such activities have a repeatedly repeating execution mode. In one approach, do about 20 twists, it is optimal to make three such approaches in each direction. Do not take a break between sets.

How to do a curl press? The technique is as follows:

  • Lie on your back on the floor. Bend the legs in the knee joints, take them to the side to a position until the thigh lies on the floor.
  • Place the opposite hand on the leg that lies on the floor behind the head, and grasp the upper side of the torso with the palm of your other hand. This way you will feel muscle contraction.
  • As you exhale, tighten the lateral abdominal muscles, turn the torso up, raising the shoulders from the floor.

Important! There is no need to strive to reach the foot with the elbow, since this type of exercise does not require a large amplitude. It will be enough to tear off the shoulder a couple of centimeters up.

  • Taking a breath, slowly take your starting position.

It is necessary to reduce only the lateral abdominal muscles, during the training process it is not necessary to strain the neck.

Important! The position of the head should not be too low, or - on the contrary, raised up.

Oblique twisting

This type of exercise involves the same muscles as the previous type of exercise. Only the execution technique is different. Let's find out how to do twisting on a press of this type:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, one arm is behind your head, the other is lying along the body.
  2. Set your feet on a slight elevation. A bench or a low stool, a chair will do.
  3. Perform crunches, while it is necessary to raise the shoulder of the arm that is wound behind the head. Strive to reach the opposite knee with your shoulder.
  4. Twisting is performed on the exhale, and return the body to its initial position by inhalation.
  5. Change hands and direction of crunches.

Important! It should be noted that with oblique and lateral twists, both internal and external types of muscles are trained. So, by contracting the internal oblique muscle, you automatically train the external muscle on the opposite side.


Double crunches

We will tell you in detail how to do twisting for the press in such an effective technique:

  1. Take a supine position.
  2. Keep your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointing to the sides.
  3. Bend the legs in the knee joints, set on a full foot on the floor.
  4. Exhale while raising your legs and torso towards each other.
  5. Lock this position for a couple of seconds.
  6. Take your time, return to the starting position.

Important! Try to bring your knees as close to your chest as possible.

Boxing Twists

The technique used by professional athletes is very effective. There are two types of exercises:

  • Take a position while lying on the floor. Bend your legs slightly in the knee joints. Tear off the shoulder blades from the floor and immediately return to the starting position, without relaxing the abdominal muscles.

Important! It is necessary to produce twisting in a very intensive mode and constant muscular tension.

  • Again, take a lying position on the floor, set the legs bent at the knees to full feet. We bend our arms at the elbows, press tightly to the body, place our fists near the chin.Tighten the abdominal muscles and raise the shoulder blades, in this position make the torso a circle in a clockwise direction. Do 10 circles in each direction.
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We believe that such information will certainly come in handy to give your tummy a perfect shape. There are several types of techniques on how to do twisting on the press for girls, each of which develops a separate muscle group. You can use any one type of crunch in your workouts, but for a beautiful terrain, we recommend that you conduct the exercises comprehensively.

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