How to store the Intex and Bestwey frame pool in winter

The warm season in the Russian regions does not last long, so every year many owners have the question of how to store the frame pool in winter. Some buyers talk about the ability of products to withstand low temperatures, which allows not to dismantle the product. Many do not advise taking risks and recommend removing the structure from the street, having previously familiarized themselves with the basic storage rules.

How to store a frame pool in winter

The main dangers

When buying pools, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of the product. On the market are wireframed models designed for seasonal and permanent use. The former are operated only in the warm season and, in the case of a case, require dismantling. The second category allows storage of the frame pool in the winter, but such products can differ in technical characteristics, including what temperature reduction they can withstand.

Some popular frame models from Intex and Bestvay can be operated in difficult conditions and do not require mandatory dismantling in the cold period. Pool owners recommends not taking risks and removing the frame structure for the winter, as weather conditions and the influence of extraneous factors can cause damage to it. Key hazards include:

Frame pool in severe frosts

  • extreme temperature drops, severe frosts;
  • snowfall and hail;
  • hurricane gusts of wind and thunderstorms;
  • the impact of representatives of the animal world;
  • barbaric actions of uninvited "guests".

To preserve the product in integrity, a preliminary list of measures is required regarding the correct discharge of water, drying of the container and shelter. Do not delay with such work, as a sudden drop in temperature can lead to freezing of the liquid in the pool.

Exposure to frost inevitably leads to the fact that the plastic bowl and the basic elements lose their original properties. Under the influence of low temperatures, parts become brittle, which further increases the risk of unforeseen structural damage. As a result, expenses will be required not only for the purchase of a new pool, but also for the dismantling and removal of the broken product.

Key recommendations

Before sending the frame pool for winter storage, a number of preliminary works should be carried out that require a certain amount of time and effort. Their minimum duration is 2 days, so plan such work in advance. The first day will be spent on cleaning the tank, the second will be required for thorough drying and dismantling. The following conditions must be met:

  • the presence of positive street temperature;
  • total absence of precipitation;
  • sufficiency of time.

Pool surface washing

One of the mandatory steps is washing the surface of the pool. To speed up the process, it is recommended to pour detergent into a container of water, which will simplify plaque removal. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the drug and the instructions containing information on the rules for using the chemical.

Wrong choice and use of aggressive agents will damage the protective film and structural elements of the pool. For work, do not use metal brushes and tools with a too hard surface, which can damage the walls when in contact.

Suitable storage

The recommended temperature for most wire-frame models is considered to be from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius. In order to understand how to store a frame pool in winter, you should decide where you can arrange a place to place the structure after dismantling. Suitable options include:

Garage pool storage

  • barn;
  • garage;
  • workshop room;
  • attic.

Small sized pools when folded are undemanding to the place, so they can be taken to city apartments for storage on the balcony or in a spacious pantry. Many owners prefer not to clutter up their homes and not get involved in transportation, so they choose objects for storage that can provide protection from walls and roofs.

Preservation Options

Today, there are several ways to store the Bestway frame pool in winter. The requirements for preservation and preparation of the product are similar for most models. The choice of method and procedure depends on the size of the structure and the type of bowl, the presence of failed lighting, filters and other structural elements. Available options include:

  • simple shelter with protective material;
  • complete dismantling and storage at the installation site;
  • analysis of the design and cleaning the room.

Dismantling the pool

The first and second options are only suitable for all-weather models. Product characteristics can be clarified in the instructions, which is always included with the pool. Leaving the prefabricated structure is fraught with water entering and freezing. Such a development of events is associated with a high risk of rupture of the base and walls.

Recommendations depending on the method

Shelter pool tent

When using an awning for shelter on the street, it is important to choose frost-resistant options. It is not recommended to use wooden pallets or panels to protect the frame pool, since under their weight the walls may not withstand. In the spring, one should not resort to cracking ice formed inside the pool due to water ingress. The sharp edges of the lumps can cause damage to the walls or bottom, so it is recommended to wait for natural thawing.

The outdoor storage method is often due to the following circumstances:

  • lack of desire to disassemble the pool;
  • fears of damage to the structure during parsing due to its large size;
  • lack of a special place to store a large area.

When deciding to leave the frame pool assembled, it is mandatory to carry out a full list of preliminary activities. To reduce the risk of pool damage due to frozen water, it is recommended that you place empty plastic bottles inside it.

Some owners leave the structure directly at the installation site, pre-folding it. To prevent moisture penetration, cover with a film is used, and fixation is provided with bricks or heavy objects. Such a storage method has a right to exist, but is not optimal. The main difficulty lies in the need for careful dismantling to prevent tearing and punctures.

Precipitation and water in any of the above methods can penetrate under the protective coating, which negatively affects the pool. Severe frosts destroy the main fabric of the bowl, which negatively affects the strength properties of the structure. If it is possible to provide a dry protected place with a plus temperature for storing the product, then this option should be used.

General sequence of actions

The peculiarity of the frame models is that they all make it possible to disassemble the structure and carry out conservation for the winter. At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the surface of the pool from pollution. Most often they are calcareous and silty deposits. It is recommended to perform a similar procedure sequentially, gradually draining water from the tank. The procedure is as follows:

Draining water from the tank

  • cleaning the walls of the pool;
  • discharge of water from the tank;
  • design drying;
  • dismantling of structural elements.

For drying, you need to choose an open sunny space on which the product will be ventilated. Small-sized objects of small weight can be placed on previously hung on ropes. After evaporation of the main moisture, inaccessible places and folds should be treated with rags to better absorb water. On poorly rubbed areas in the future, with a high degree of probability, fungus or mold will appear, which will negatively affect the safety of the pool.

Features of storage pools INTEX

INTEX pools have drain holes to which a hose is connected. The other end of the garden fixture is taken to a special place. If the structural element is high, then the drain is carried out manually or using a drain pump.

Features of storage pools INTEX

Often, special tablets or drugs are used to purify water, so in such a situation it is impossible to drain the liquid onto a land plot on which green spaces grow. There are drugs that are harmless to seedlings, so you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for their use in advance.

When buying a pool, it is recommended that you keep the assembly manual and original packaging. Compliance with such a rule will always have on hand step-by-step instructions and a box of the required size for storing the structure. It is important to remove and not to lose the necessary parts and assembly elements, otherwise assembly for the next year will require their acquisition. Not always original parts can be purchased at the store, which makes it impossible to reassemble.

Design Tips

The main problem during the installation of the pool is the difficulty of carefully folding the product for storage. Recommendations depend on the features of the model and the most simple to parse rectangular options. Work sequence:

  • dismantling all removable equipment, including stairs, pumps and filters;
  • water discharge with parallel wall cleaning;
  • analysis of the design into components;
  • folding and packing.

The first step is to keep safety in mind. First you need to de-energize electrical appliances, and then disassemble them. It is worth using the help of others, since the presence of several pairs of hands will significantly speed up the process and prevent undesirable consequences due to the inability to hold individual elements.

How to store the Intex frame pool in winter:

  • the rectangular bowl is folded like a sheet, carefully smoothing and straightening the creases formed;
  • in round models, the walls are first placed inside, after which the cup is folded in half twice, then the resulting triangle is packaged, and the process is repeated to reduce its size;
  • if a cable passes near the pool in the lower part of the structure, then it must be removed from the hinges;
  • when working with inflatable structures achieve maximum air output.

How to dismantle the Intex frame pool

Some owners recommend that before folding the bowl, prepare the talcum powder and treat it with the surface of the walls. The tool absorbs the remaining moisture and prevents the problem of adhesion of the material of the bowl when folded.

In order to preserve the pool, preparation of the structure for the winter period is required. The need for dismantling is determined by the characteristics of the model and the properties of frost resistance. Compliance with the sequence of actions and rules of each stage will be the key to the absence of problems with the integrity of the walls and structural elements for the next season.

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