How to paint the walls with a roller?

Everyone knows that the easiest way to update the walls is painting. With its help, you can easily refresh a room, thereby giving it a beautiful appearance. This can be done quickly with a roller. Do you think that painting the wall with a roller is quite simple and does not require special knowledge? This is not entirely true. Before you begin, you need to stock up on knowledge to get a positive result. We will familiarize you in detail with how to properly paint the walls with a roller, with the painting technique and with the main steps in this process.
to contents ↑The advantages of using a roller
Observing all the recommendations for painting walls with a roller, you can avoid visible defects, namely: streaks, peeling, stripes and poorly covered surface areas.
There are several other advantages of using a roller for painting the surface of walls:
- Less dye consumption.
- High speed in the application of paint, due to the convenience in the operation of the tool.
Varieties of Rollers
We will tell you how to paint the walls with a roller without spending a lot of time and money. Before you begin, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of rollers. They are different in composition and method of application.
Important! Only a suitable roller should be used for each type of surface. In this case, the painting will be done correctly.
So, get acquainted with the main types of rollers.
They have good absorbency, during operation they give almost all the paint on the surface, which significantly reduces the consumption of material. Even layers without sagging and other defects can be obtained with the help of a fur roller. Fur rollers are suitable for any paint, regardless of its characteristics and purpose.
Important! The only drawback is the villi that remain on the work surface.
Use only when working with varnish and glue. We do not recommend painting the walls with such a roller: it absorbs a lot of paint, due to which there will be many smudges and unnecessary drops on the surface. But we want it to be beautiful, right?
Important! The foam roller wears out very quickly and becomes unusable. It is more suitable for painting the ceiling than the walls.
Can be used with any kind of paint. After applying the paint, the surface is even and without smudges and drops.
Important! The only negative is that they absorb too much paint.
Thread or polyamide
These are such fabric rollers that are stitched with threads. Also go well with any kind of paint. They are quite durable and very convenient to use. Painting walls with a roller of threads is very popular among painters.
to contents ↑Important! Such rollers are capable of spraying paint, so you need to work with them carefully and extremely carefully.
Choosing a quality tool
When choosing a roller, you should carefully consider it to determine possible defects. The surface should be flat, without protruding threads or foam, without external defects.
to contents ↑Important! If the walls are not even for painting, it is necessary to choose a roller with a long pile, and vice versa, if smooth, with a short pile.
Materials and Tools
Before painting the walls with a roller, it is necessary to prepare the following tools, namely:
- Paint roller suitable for the selected paint.
- Construction mixer.
- Ladder, the height of which can be adjusted.
- Tray for the roller - for evenly distributing paint on the roller and removing excess.
- Brushes of different widths - for coating hard-to-reach spots and corners with paint.
- Sandpaper - for sanding walls.
- Glasses for eye protection.
- Headgear so as not to stain your head.
- Clothes that do not mind spoiling.
- Paint for wall treatment.
- Adhesive tape, masking tape, oilcloth or paper to protect unpainted surfaces.
to contents ↑Important! Agree, it is impossible to begin painting the surface without having the necessary necessary devices. We advise you to buy them in advance so as not to be distracted by the search for a particular tool.
Preparing the room for painting
After all the materials have been prepared, it is necessary to prepare the room for painting. To do this, you must:
- Remove the curtains.
- Cover the furniture in the room with film or paper or move it to another room.
- How to paint the walls with a roller without traces? Everything is extremely simple. It is necessary to stick masking tape on the baseboards and other decorative elements that are in the room. This will help prevent paint from reaching unnecessary valuable materials.
Important! Floors, windows and doors should be covered with oilcloth or paper, fixing it with tape or masking tape.
- Turn off the power completely.
- Before painting, remove covers on switches and sockets. This will help to thoroughly paint hard-to-reach spots without staining the elements themselves with paint.
- Pre-stick with masking tape the internal parts of sockets and switches so that drops of solution do not get into the inside of the equipment.
It will also take time to remove the batteries to thoroughly paint the wall surfaces behind them. In this case, you need:
- Turn off the heating taps.
- Place a drip pan in the place where the water flows out of the radiators.
- Loosen the union nuts to flush the water.
- We lower the water.
- Remove the battery from the brackets that fix it to the wall.
- We pour out the remaining liquid that remained in the battery.
Important! From the surface of the walls you need to remove the entire top layer with a spatula, then clean it with sandpaper, that is, make it smooth enough. Where the wallpaper was pasted, you do not need to remove the top layer.
In order to align the walls, remove various defects, before painting should:
- Fill all existing defects, for example, chips and cracks, with putty or gypsum mortar.
- After the material has completely dried, it is necessary to level the surface with emery paper, which has high grit.
- Use a sponge and soapy solution to remove dust and dirt.
- Vacuum the floor and cover it with a protective film.
In addition to preparing the premises, it is necessary to put in order the roller itself. To use a fur roller, you must:
- Soak it for a couple of hours in soapy, warm water.
- Rinse the instrument under running water.
- Dry well before use.
Important! Such manipulations in preparing the roller for work will allow you to paint the wall without getting lint, which can ruin the aesthetic appearance of the room. Using this rule, you will understand how to paint a wall without traces of a roller.
Preparing the walls for painting
Before you begin the process of painting with a roller, you need to prepare for it. It consists of the following stages:
- It is necessary to prepare the necessary material and tools in advance. If you do not have everything in stock, then you need to go and buy it, so that then you do not run to the store again.
- Next, you need to prepare the walls for painting. The old coating, if any, should be removed. After - treat all uneven places and wall defects with putty and leave to dry completely.
- At the next stage - we process with a primer. Apply it with a brush.On surfaces coated with a primer, the paint lasts much longer.
Important! If your walls are fairly even, then you need to be primed immediately after getting rid of the old coating.
- After the wall has dried, you can safely proceed to painting the wall with a roller.
to contents ↑Important! It is strictly forbidden to paint the wall if it has not completely dried out from the previous stage. In this case, all subsequent work will be useless. As a result, the paint will lie unevenly and will not last long.
The process of painting the walls with a roller
So, the tools are bought, the walls are prepared for work, now we proceed to the direct painting.
Work with the roller in this way:
- If you want to paint only part of the wall, you can make a border using masking tape.
Important! In order for the adhesive tape to lie firmly against the wall, you need to slightly press it down with your hands. This will avoid both the transition of paint to an unnecessary surface, and its swim under the material itself. The dividing line will be perfectly clear.
- Mix the paint thoroughly and pour it into the construction tray. Make sure that its level does not overlap the axis of the tool. In order for the tool to absorb the paint well, you need to scroll the roller forward and backward. Movements should be slow, for better absorption.
Important! When mixing paint, use a construction mixer.
- The first coat should be applied with pre-diluted paint. It will be a certain basis for the final coverage. If the wall covering is made in two layers of paint, then the final coating is covered vertically. If in three, then the penultimate layer is applied horizontally. Is the idea clear? Let's go further.
- Roller, carefully squeezed in the bath, smoothly applied to the surface. We repeat this procedure several times to evenly distribute the paint.
- We alternately paint the stripes using overlap with an interval of 3-5 centimeters. After coating, we wait for the given surface to completely dry, and then we paint over the next one.
Important! If you do not follow this rule, do not wait for the complete drying of the previous layer, we will not get a good result. The roller will pick up a layer of paint that has not yet dried out, thereby forming bumps.
- After painting the wall, it is necessary to inspect its entire surface for smudges, stains and other defects. In order for the surface to be without streaks, upon completion of work, you can gently tint some areas. This will achieve a good result. Following this sequence of actions, you will quickly learn how to paint the walls with a roller without stains.
- Next, after high-quality painting, remove the paper divider.
Important! Adhesive tape should be removed only after the paint has completely dried. It must be removed very carefully so as not to remove the existing coating.
- Rinse the roller in cold water. After this procedure, you can still use it.
A few words about wall design
How to paint the walls with a roller and achieve a saturated color? Everything is simple! When painting a wall, you can use several shades of paint. For instance:
- one will be the main color - most often light shades;
- the other is optional: blue, yellow, green.
We apply the first coat with a standard roller, and the second with a woven fabric roller. So, the roller passing along the surface of the wall in some places will not paint over individual sections of the wall. As a result, we get a spectacular wall with a rich light shade. Agree, a good idea for decorating a stylish room!
to contents ↑Roller Care
So, you are already familiar with how to properly paint the walls with a roller. And in order for the roller to be used repeatedly, the following recommendations must be followed:
- After completion of work, it is necessary to leave the roller in storage in proper form. Therefore, he needs proper cleaning.If you painted the walls with water-based paint, then the tool should be washed under running water. After this procedure, do not squeeze the roller. This will allow him not to change his form and still serve you. Naturally drying in this case is the best option.
- After all painting work, with the help of varnish and acrylic solution, it is necessary to clean the roller with a special mixture, which can be bought at a hardware store.
to contents ↑Important! It often happens that many, after completing the painting work, simply forget to rinse the tool. As a result, we get a not very pleasant picture: the base dries up, loses its positive properties, and ultimately becomes unusable.
Useful tips for painting
In order for stains or drops from the paint to remain on the walls, it is necessary to follow all the rules for painting with a roller, namely:
- Do not click on the product frequently.
- The entire surface must be painted evenly, so that there were no gaps and irregularities in the application.
- It is necessary to smoothly perform all movements.
- First, the roller should be directed from top to bottom, after - vice versa.
- Smooth movements need to be done on your own and with a diagonal tilt.
- To obtain a uniform color, it is necessary to apply paint in several layers.
- Small elements must be painted over with a brush. This is inevitable, since the roller simply does not reach hard-to-reach spots.
- A fabric roller can be used for oil and water based paints.
- When mixing, you can safely add bright and contrasting colors. Experiment, it's so much fun!
Stock footage
Well, now you know how to paint the walls with a roller without spending too much time, effort and savings. Following our advice, you can easily translate your creative ideas into reality. Painting the walls with a roller will probably be your favorite pleasure, and perhaps a hobby. Painting walls is fun and, at the same time, very exciting, and bright colors can radically refresh your room. Using special stencils, you can give the wall a certain zest and special luxury. Create, experiment, and everything will work out!
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