How to wash the dishes?

One of the important daily tasks of every responsible housewife or host is washing dishes. That is why it is important to know how to wash the dishes. In fact, in such everyday business there is nothing complicated, and now we will prove it to you.

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How to wash dishes: the main ways

In order to understand how to do this, it is initially worth understanding some basic principles of washing, or, more simply, knowing the rules and methods.

Quick method number 1

Even in our modern 21st century, it is impossible to get away from such routine work. But at the same time, no one has yet canceled modernization and efficiency. That is why, in order to properly wash the dishes by hand, we propose to act as follows:

  • To quickly wash the dishes, the most important thing is to wash the dirtiest dishes in hot water first.
  • Has the food already dried out? No problem! You can add mustard to the water, which will help the fat dissolve faster, and dried mud will be washed much easier.
  • It is important to choose not only the tool, but also the tool with which you will wash all the fat. The best choice would be a sponge, which not only launders dishes from grease, but also easily cleans itself of it.

Important! If you decide to protect yourself from such a routine duty, buy a dishwasher. But keep in mind that it also needs to be loaded correctly and it needs some care.

Quick method number 2

The most important thing to start is to remove the remnants of food that are in the pan or pan. There are 2 reasons to do this:

  • Firstly, it’s quite disgusting to look at the food collected on the sponge.
  • Secondly, less you spend money on the call of plumbers.

Important! Sort kitchen utensils, because it is much easier to wash dishes of the same type, and besides, faster. In our case, it is necessary to sort not the type of dishes, but consider the degree of contamination.

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Five rules for perfect dishwashing

If you adhere to several basic rules, you will always wash the dishes correctly, regardless of whether you are at home or spend time on outdoor recreation.

The first rule. Get rid of leftover food

Before washing the dishes, you need to get rid of the food that is on the plate. If you do not remove it and immediately wash it, you will have to call the plumbing in the near future so that you clean the pipe.

Important! If you have dried food on a plate, then first you should soak it in soapy water for 20 minutes. Thus, grease and other hard-to-remove dirt will be washed off the plate.

Be careful with the dishes, so as not to accidentally break it clutching with soapy hands. It’s best to use some of the tricks described below.

Important! To make it easier to wash the dishes, you can sort the dishes in separate stacks. For example, one stack with plates, the other with spoons. This not only helps to make work easier, but also makes washing dishes more convenient.

The second rule. We follow the order

If you have sorted the dishes, then following the order will not be difficult for you. You must adhere to this rule not only so that there is less dirt on your sink, but also so as not to waste time waiting for dried food in a plate to get wet.

Important! Do not forget that you need to soak not only plates with cutlery, but also pots or skewers.

kak_pravilno_myt_posudu-jpg-crop_displayThe third rule. How to wash dishes in the field?

At such a moment, it is very important to pay particular attention to the plates. After you have soaked them, you need to wipe them on both sides with a sponge. Then treat the cutlery by lathering them with a sponge. Wash the soap thoroughly, holding each plate or cutlery in water for a few seconds.

Important! If you live in the country, then in no case do not use a basin for washing dishes. The best thing to water, keeping the weight on the dishes with a jug or a jar.

If you are in nature, then do not wash with chemicals based on chemicals. It is best if they are made from natural ingredients, or even use proven options such as sand, mustard. Do not forget about the purity and preservation of nature.

Rule Four Features of washing pots and pans

It is this kitchen utensil that is large, so it takes up a significant portion of your time when you are going to wash the dishes correctly. To avoid this, it is better to immediately do it as recommended, taking into account the type of material in the base of the vessel.

For example, enamel pans or Teflon pans cannot be cleaned with a “brush”, which consists of metal - this can easily scratch the surface. Together with food particles, you will deprive the pan and its protection - a special coating.

The simplest materials, dishes from which can be washed by any methods - stainless steel or cast iron. They are not afraid of either hot water or a metal “brush”.

Important! Be sure to consider the fact that pots and pans require cleaning not only inside but also outside. Moreover, for these surfaces can be used different means. For example, to bleach a pot inside, solutions of citric acid or vinegar are suitable, and on the outside it is good to clean carbon deposits with soda.

The fifth rule. Dry the dishes

Everyone has the right to decide how to wash the dishes, because there are enough options for this. But we must not forget about drying the kitchen utensils.

Important! Before you put the dishes in the cabinet, at least wipe all items with a towel.

Further - you can forget about it, and calmly breathe a sigh of relief until the next meal.

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Features of washing various dishes and the choice of detergents.

It is worth understanding how to properly wash dishes consisting of completely different materials:

  • Crystal products. Basically, such products do not like hot water, it is best to wash them in cool. In no case do not wash them with hard sponges and most importantly - “brushes”. To maintain cleanliness, rinse with cool water and wipe.
  • Frying pan and pan with enamel surface. The enamel surface is gentle enough and easy to scratch. That is why it is worth abandoning a hard sponge so as not to harm the surface.
  • Various cast iron utensils can be washed in absolutely any water, and it can also be rubbed with anything, even with a hard sponge. But after washing it must be lubricated with oil, and periodically it is necessary to calcine it.

Important! Cast iron cookware should always be kept oily and dry.

  • Aluminum products. It is best to clean them with folk remedies and be sure to thoroughly wipe them dry.
  • Glassware. It all depends on the type of glass. For example, if ordinary, then you can simply wipe the dishes with a sponge, and then rinse with water.

Important! In no case do not pour cold water into the refractory glass, otherwise it may burst. Wait for the glassware to cool.

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Folk remedies for dishes

It is possible to wash dishes easily and correctly, not only with the help of household chemicals:

  • Mustard. One of the safest means with which you can easily cope even with the most difficult pollution.
  • Laundry soap. Such a tool can be used in completely different variations. For example, you can grate soap with a grater and dissolve it in hot water. Then you need to pour a little soda and vinegar. Stir and use as needed.
  • Baking soda - great for almost any type of cookware.The exception can be noted only in that for washing surfaces prone to scratches, it is better to first mix the soda with water so that the grains do not have an abrasive effect.
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Now you know some features to properly wash the dishes by hand. We hope that the article was useful to you and now this daily work will not be so tiring for you.

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