How to choose the right size underwear?

Underwear is the calling card of any woman. It should be not only beautiful, but also convenient. Many women do not know the exact size of their underwear. As a result, they often wear oppressive clothes that do not dye at all, but, on the contrary, constrain movement, thereby causing discomfort. But an incorrectly selected bra or panties can cause significant harm to health. Today we will tell you how to choose the right underwear in size so that it is pleasant to the body, tightening, supporting and as comfortable as possible. From our article you will find out what type of linen is right for you.
to contents ↑The secrets of choosing a bra
Female breasts are one of the most important virtues, a symbol of femininity and incredible sexuality. Some girls are lucky with magnificent breasts, as picking up a bra will be much easier than girls with small forms. However, do not despair, the problem can be solved without the help of plastic surgery, but by choosing a well-chosen bra, for example, with a push up effect. That is, properly selected underwear will allow you to emphasize the merits, hide or correct deficiencies, even prevent health problems. That is why a bra should ideally fit in all respects.
Nuances to consider when choosing clothes:
- What bra size is right for you.
- Which bra design fits your chest.
- Under what clothes (color, style, transparency) do you plan to wear underwear.
Important! According to studies and surveys, more than 70% of women choose the wrong bra. As a rule, a girl with large breasts buys a smaller product, but a lady with a small one - on the contrary, a larger one to visually increase it. When choosing this product, the most important thing is to pay attention to your condition in it, and all other beauty should fade into the background. And the transferred skin or the formed folds only spoil the figure.
Now we will figure out step by step how to choose the right bra without harming our health.
to contents ↑Matching the size of underwear
How to choose underwear? Probably, starting from their inner sensations and visualization of the picture. But this judgment is not always true, since underwear should ideally fit in size, style, color and texture. In order to make the right choice, you should take into account some of the main points that we will now discuss. With panties - everything is clear, for their competent selection you need to measure the volume of the hips, but with a bra everything is much more complicated. Below is a formula that will help determine the size:
- We measure the circumference of the chest under the breast itself. So we find out the figure of the size of the bra: 70, 80, 90 and so on.
- We determine the volume of the cup of the product, which is indicated by the letters: A, B, C, D and so on. To do this, measure the girth of the chest at the most prominent places (nipples), and then subtract the girth of the chest from the resulting figure. We find the figure in the size chart below to determine the size of the bodice.
The resulting figure (difference) is the volume of the bra:
- 10-13 - size A.
- 13-15 - size B.
- 15-17 - size C.
- 17-21 - size D.
- 22-25 - size E.
- 26-28 - size F.
Now you know how to choose the size of underwear.
to contents ↑Important! In any case, each bodice requires a personal fitting due to the fact that a different model can sit differently on the figure. Most factories try to produce bras that meet the standards, which greatly facilitates their choice when buying.
Types of bodices by style
It's time to talk about the varieties of a bra:
- Classical. Has a closed cup, pitted. Its two parts (upper and lower) are equal in height. Such a product is suitable for lush young ladies with large breasts. If you have saggy breasts, then a classic bra will be your salvation.
Important! It is suitable for women with any physique and bust. But such a bodice is undesirable to wear under a dress with a large neckline.
- Corbeil. An open cup with a large bottom (the top is much smaller). Such underwear almost does not support the bust, so it should be worn under clothes with a very large front neckline.
- Balconet. The product was named due to the interesting shape of the cups, which look like balconies. In such cups, you can “hide” the breast only halfway, but, despite this, it will be well supported. Such underwear has uniform bones and removable straps.
Important! The balcony is good for girls who like clothes with a deep neckline. He favorably lifts the chest, thereby increasing its size. Suitable for girls with a small bust size.
- Brasier. It has soft cups, bones are located below, the product barely covers the nipples, is equipped with a supporting base. The straps are thin and widely spaced. Perfect for a dress with a large neckline.
- Push up. Quite dense and voluminous cups allow you to raise the chest well, increase its size several times. The tabs in the cups may have a foam or silicone structure.
- Bustier. The appearance resembles a corset: on top there are soft cups with bones, and below - textile or lace to the waist. The bustier not only supports the bust well, but also corrects it, including the lower part, which makes the body incredibly elegant and sexy.
- Seamless. Cups, shoulder straps and the transverse part of the product have no seams. The material is mostly thin and very elastic, and the shape follows the shape of the chest. It must be worn under tight clothing.
- Minimizer. With wide and soft straps, the back is round, the bone is very comfortable. It is very comfortable, since the product is not able to deform the chest.
Important! It is designed for women with a large bust.
- Invisible sconce. These are two silicone breast pads. The model can be with removable transparent straps with a fastener on the back. It gives the breast a beautiful shape and will be completely invisible under a thin dress.
Possessing this information, you can choose underwear according to the style of the size you need, starting from the presented measurement table.
to contents ↑Important! If you have at least minimal sewing skills and you like to replenish your wardrobe with new things with enviable regularity, then our workshops will come in handy:
Bra adjustment
Any bodice needs to be regulated. With these simple manipulations, you can loosen or pull the laundry to the size you need. Here are some adjustment tips:
- Feel free to ask the seller for help and advice on the selection of underwear. If you can’t adjust the linen yourself, an experienced seller will direct the straps in the right direction for your maximum comfort. So, for example, if the size of the bust is slightly larger than your chest, then folds will form on the back, and vice versa - a small bodice compresses the back, so the bones cut into the skin under the breast. Adjustment will help to solve the problem.
- If your weight changes periodically, then in this case it is better to adjust the straps on one average so that they do not have a stretched appearance when losing weight.
to contents ↑Important! Try not to wash the bust in the washing machine or use a special bag for delicate washing. If this is not done, then soon you will get twisted straps and deformed foam.
The selection of underwear according to the figure
Different models of bodices and panties are suitable for different figures. In the case of the right selection, they can profitably correct the flaws. Let's figure out which bodice is worth buying based on your physique:
- For girls with a wide back, we recommend wearing a bust of a balcony with thin straps that are located at a great distance from each other.
- Women with large breasts and large weights should choose a bodice with wide straps and exactly the same back.
- For a small breast, a seedless model is good: lace or transparent products and push up (if you want to add volume).
- But for sports girls who are engaged in jogging, fitness or go to the gym, we recommend that you opt for special sportswear in the form of a top. In such underwear, the figure will be tightened, and movements will not be constrained.
to contents ↑Important! Holders of wide hips should buy high-waisted slippers or low textile shorts. So you hide the fullness of the hips and slightly reduce the tummy in volume. Panties with a high waist and are designed to hide the imperfections of the hips and look at the gorgeous full breasts.
Trying and just trying on
No matter how accurately you measure your parameters to determine the perfect underwear that matches the table, style and color of outerwear, in any case you need to try it on right away in the store. Due to the fact that each woman has her own individual figure, even with the same model of the same size, one bodice on two girls will look different. Someone will be comfortable in underwear, and someone - not so, therefore, without trying on to buy a bust is strictly not recommended.
Important! Do not forget that such delicate things require a corresponding attitude to yourself. And you can easily cope with this in order to extend the service life of linen and preserve its beauty if you follow the recommendations and use the ideas from the proposed articles:
The nuances that should be considered when trying on a bra:
- Fit cups to chest.
- The absence of a compressive state on the part of the foam cups.
- Lace patterns on the bones should not stick into the skin, otherwise - they can injure the mammary gland.
- The length of the straps should be adjusted so that the chest is slightly raised up.
- Underarm and across the chest should be free of skin folds and sagging tissue.
- The breath in the underwear should be free, and the vessels not compressed.
Let's look at the basic tips on how to choose the right size of clothes:
- If you don’t own the information, which bust suits you the most, then try on several models at once with different thickness of foam rubber, neckline, straps. From the presented selection you will find your individual style.
- Never buy a tight bodice, since such a product will not bring you joy, it will look ridiculous for you, and the state of squeezing will negatively affect your health.
- Try to buy underwear made of natural fabric: cotton and viscose. So your body will “breathe”, which is extremely important, especially in the summer.
- For women in an interesting position, you need to opt for a bra with opening cups for feeding the baby. It is desirable that such a product be equipped with additional inserts that protect against accidental spillage of breast milk.
- It is better to wear bodices with foam cups infrequently, and ideally, to completely abandon them.
to contents ↑Important! In any bra you can walk no more than 12 hours, and it is strictly forbidden to sleep.
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As you already understood, the expression “beauty requires sacrifice” should not be in the first place when choosing underwear.No lace kit costs health problems. It is advisable to have underwear in the wardrobe for daily wear and for special occasions. Be irresistible!