How to choose shoes for a suit?

Wearing a costume is a high art. Personal happiness, career advancement, and the success of business negotiations sometimes depend on this. The world is changing, fashion is also, but the general principles of creating a business wardrobe for many decades remain constant. Now we will discuss how to choose the right shoes for the suit - both male and female.
to contents ↑We deal with a men's suit
It only seems that men are indifferent to their appearance. Of course, there are professions where the dress code is completely absent and you can wear whatever you want, there are also those where you have to wear work clothes and do not particularly pay attention to what color shoes you have with steel socks or a mounting belt. But even those who in everyday life adhere to a free style in clothes, sometimes they have to wear a strict suit. And they find themselves in a no-win situation compared to those who wear business clothes constantly and have long been used to it.
Men in Black
The classic color of the men's business suit is black. And if you chose exactly this color, then you can no longer think. For such a suit, if you want to look like a true London dandy, only one color is suitable - black. There should not be any gray, brown or emerald shades.
Important! Remember the simple rule of classic clothing: shoes are matched to trousers and a jacket, not to a shirt, cufflinks, tie pin or man purse. And if you need to look every day in accordance with all the rules of business etiquette, also use the tips from our article "How to choose clothes for the office?".
What other colors are there?
But not all men love black. And in stores there are elegant suits of other colors. In a business wardrobe, they are quite appropriate. You may come across costumes:
- brown;
- light gray;
- dark gray;
- blue ones.
If you decide that in your wardrobe you need not one elegant suit, but several different colors, the question arises whether you need to buy a separate pair of shoes for each of them or whether you can be content with one, but beautiful and comfortable. Let's see how to choose the right shoes for the suit.
We go to the shoe store
So, we go to the department of men's shoes. We disregard dutik boots, sneakers, etc. in the same way, we go to the place where they sell model shoes. Eyes run up from the abundance of models? Nothing wrong. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the choice is not so great. In any case, the color palette is by no means amazing. The most popular colors of men's shoes:
- the black;
- brown;
- Gray;
- Burgundy is a variant of red-brown, but rather dark.
Much depends on which dress code you must adhere to. He can be:
- strict;
- average;
- relatively free.
Important! Of course, in the men's departments you can find white, purple, blue or yellow model shoes that look like classic model shoes, but these options must be treated with great care.
We select shoes for a blue suit
Immediately discard the idea of buying blue shoes for such a suit. Firstly, they are rare, and secondly, they are definitely not even suitable for the most democratic dress code. Only a free artist can afford this, for some reason forced to wear an elegant suit. In this case, your colors:
- black - for a strict dress code;
- brown - for the average;
- Burgundy - for a relatively free style.
Light gray suit
In this case, the choice is much greater than for a blue or black suit. This color, unlike black and navy blue, is not a strict dress code. Therefore, color solutions can be very different. Any classic option is suitable, that is, black, brown shoes or shoes of the color “Burgundy” will be quite appropriate.
Important! In any case, the shoes should be leather.
But there are other possibilities - you can choose any shade, if in principle it goes well with light gray. It could be:
- dark grey;
- yellow;
- light brown;
- Violet;
- blue.
Important! Owners of light gray suits, however, should be aware that other items of the same color as the shoes should be in the clothes. Well, if it is a belt, but there can also be a tie, and a shirt, and small accessories.
What does a dark gray suit not work with?
It would seem that the difference between light gray and dark gray suits is only in intensity and color depth. But not so simple. For a light gray suit, you can pick up almost any model shoes that are available in the store. But with dark gray - no. And most importantly, one of the classic men's colors is not suitable in this case - brown. Yellow and purple - you can, brown - not worth it.
All shades of brown
Surprise can lie in wait for the owner of a brown suit. Classic male color, and shoes seem to fit any classic. Alas. It is better to refuse black model shoes. Oddly enough, Burgundy is most suitable - simply because it, in principle, is also in the same gamut as brown, but differs in shade.
However, there are a few more rules to consider:
- Shoes should not be exactly the same color as the costume - it is better to choose a different shade.
- The suit looks more elegant if it is slightly lighter than shoes.
Important! Remember that shoes should not only be of the right color, but also of excellent quality. Therefore, we recommend that you understand the following nuances:
Cell, strip and other subtleties
A black or brown suit may not necessarily be monophonic - a thin strip or a barely noticeable cell does not change anything in this situation, the shoes are selected for the main color. And what about someone who loves contrasting checkered or wide-striped jackets? This, of course, is not a classic style, but in the office such clothes are sometimes appropriate. One of the options will help you out:
- black shoes;
- shoes in color strips or cages.
Important! In any case, this is a rather risky option. A person who wears such clothes should be absolutely confident in himself and have pronounced creative abilities.
Men's shoe fashion is not particularly diverse. Rather simple forms prevail. When choosing shoes for a suit, it makes sense to consider the following considerations:
- For business clothes, closed shoes with or without laces are suitable.
- Shoes should be comfortable, otherwise - all your efforts to look good will go down the drain.
- Classic men's shoes are always on a small heel.
to contents ↑Important! Can I wear sandals? With a classic suit - definitely not worth it. But many reputable manufacturers offer potential buyers excellent models of summer shoes, which are suitable for classic clothes and do not cause discomfort even on the hottest day.
Being a woman is both easier and harder
When choosing shoes for a suit, men have an undeniable advantage over ladies - they do not need to think about what shape their legs are. And with color there are less temptations. Ladies first have to decide which costume they intend to wear:
- with trousers;
- with a skirt.
But women have much more opportunities for self-expression, and models of business shoes are much more diverse in both shape and color.
Universal option
First, let's talk about the form.A universal option - classic pumps, which are resolutely suitable for everything, they can be worn with an evening dress and jeans, not to mention the fact that this option is just perfect for a trouser suit or a strict two-piece “jacket-skirt”. There are several points to consider when choosing shoes for a suit or other clothing in a classic business style:
- height;
- the shape of the legs, when it comes to the skirt;
- general style of clothing.
Important! If you are short, the temptation to wear high-heeled shoes is very great. This is logical, all miniature ladies do this when they want to seem taller. But it should be noted that an imbalance can occur - a high heel has the property of visually lengthening the lower body, which is especially noticeable if you wear boats. Tall ladies in this sense are much easier to live - low or medium heels are comfortable and do not change the proportions of the body.
When to wear a thin heel?
Is a high thin heel in office clothes appropriate? Not really. For everyday wardrobe it is better to choose something more sustainable. Studs are for special occasions, at a party or reception they will look very good with an evening gown. Although even in companies where they adhere to a strict dress code, thin heels are not forbidden if you feel confident in such shoes and do not stumble at every step.
Important! So that after spending all day on your feet or having fun in the evening at a gala event, you do not feel like a mermaid, read about how to choose high heel shoes to be comfortable.
Leg shape
Perfectly slender legs are not found very often in nature. Their happy owners can afford anything, including a business suit. But what about those who have thin calves and wide knees? Or are the legs shaped like bottles?
A trouser suit, of course, will save you from complexes, but not all offices can wear trousers. What then?
- A moderate-length skirt and the simplest low or medium heel shoes.
- Color - neutral, there should be no small details.
In a word, it should be high-quality leather shoes that look good enough, but at the same time do not attract too much attention to your feet.
Are sandals appropriate?
Summer comes, and with it the thoughts of what to wear in the office so as not to violate the dress code accepted there. Ladies in this sense are much happier than men. They have such a wonderful thing, like sandals. No, not beach slippers and not slates, namely sandals - with open or closed noses, with holes on the top, on the heel or on the platform. In short, the choice is very large.
An option that has not gone out of fashion for decades is platform sandals. Quite often they are made with their noses closed, which allows young women who are forced to adhere to a strict dress code to not violate the style adopted in the office, at the same time, to feel comfortable. The main requirement when choosing women's shoes in a business style is that sandals should not be too open. Leave summer shoes, consisting of only one thin strip, for the ball or for the beach, depending on the quality.
Important! You should not wear shoes without a business suit with a business suit, even if it seems comfortable to you.
Talk about color
The color palette of women's shoes is extremely diverse - you can find shoes on any conceivable and even inconceivable color on store shelves. How to be To begin with - to think. There are two classic colors that combine with absolutely everything:
- the black;
- white.
It is for the reason that you can wear black and white shoes with a suit of any color, and it is worth having at least one such pair in the wardrobe. As for the rest, you need to follow the general rule for selecting colors:
- In office clothes should not be variegated.
- At the same time, office suit items should not be exactly the same color.
- A combination of 2-3 colors looks best.
Important! Remember other important details - not only when drawing up a daily, but also an evening look. Find out:
As for shoes, then in a business suit it can be of the same color:
- with the costume itself;
- with accessories.
to contents ↑Important! An outfit can be solved in one gamut. But in this case it is always better that the shoes are slightly darker than the clothes.
Stock footage
Thus, the choice of shoes for a classic men's or women's costume depends on many factors. In any case, it should be good, comfortable shoes and quality material. And, of course, she should always be in perfect condition - as, indeed, the entire wardrobe.
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