How to put a bed in the bedroom?

The bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom. And your overall well-being will depend on how correctly it is chosen. But it is important not only its quality, the choice of a mattress, bedding, but also its proper location in the room. If you think about how to put a bed in the bedroom, and assume that it is easy, then you are somewhat mistaken. There are a huge number of nuances from the point of view of energy, and from the point of view of ergonomics, which Feng Shui studies. As a result, in order to choose its optimal location, you will have to smash your head, but after doing everything right, the rest will be full.
to contents ↑Main rules
How and where it is better to put a bed in the bedroom is not an easy question. But the answer to it can be found following the teachings of Feng Shui:
- The popular Feng Shui doctrine, which appeared in ancient China, argues that under no circumstances should a berth be placed so that people lie on it with their feet toward the exit. There is a belief that in the dark, through the door into the room comes negative energy.
Important! If you do not have the opportunity to move the berth, then at least before you go to bed, close the doors as tightly as possible.
- You need to put a bed in the bedroom so that the approach to it is on both sides. If such an arrangement is impossible, then a man should sleep under the wall so that the woman does not take away his energy, climbing over him.
- You can protect yourself from bad energy by setting a table or a stand with a tall living plant next to the bed. A space-separating screen is also suitable. The main thing is that the height of these objects exceeds the height of your bed. It is generally accepted that then all the negative energy will fall on them, and people sleeping on the bed will be protected.
- It is not advisable that the mirror is located on the side or opposite the bed. You should consider this in advance so that the mirror does not reflect you in a dream.
- Make sure that no sewer or water pipes run over the head of the bed. In Feng Shui, wastewater takes health. And from the point of view of comfort, this is not very good, because the sound of water in the pipes will interfere with sleep.
- In the bedroom should be only the necessary things. All objects accumulate energy, and more of it can interfere with complete relaxation.
- If the bed is double, then the mattress for it should be one, not two folded together, otherwise the border will separate the spouses emotionally, which can cause problems.
to contents ↑Important! Correctly placing a bed in a small bedroom is not easy. There are rules that can be ignored, but one of them must be observed: there should not be any sharp corners next to the bed, they should not be allowed to face the bed, because negative energy comes from sharp corners. And for a sleeping person this is extremely harmful.
The connection between sleep, ceiling and bed
Equipping a bedroom, in particular, having a bed, people do not often attach importance to the ceiling. But in fact, this is important, because if large objects, for example, a chandelier, hang over the bed, in a dream a person may feel subconscious anxiety.Because of this, it is advisable to refuse massive lighting devices with a large number of pendants and shades.
In the area of the bedroom where the bed is, it is not recommended to equip the ceiling with exposed beams. The best option would be to make a smooth white surface. You can also make a suspended ceiling - this is a great opportunity to hide the beams.
to contents ↑Important! According to Feng Shui, it is believed that there should be no mirrors in the bedroom above the sleeping place, so you should forget about the mirror ceilings. One should not allow a person who is sleeping to be reflected in a mirror surface, if only because if he suddenly wakes up and sees his reflection, he can be very frightened.
The Chinese sages believe that the direction of the house and the place to relax in particular have a significant impact on our lives: at home, we spend much more time in a dream than when we are awake. Therefore, you should correctly determine where to put the bed in the bedroom with the headboard:
- To the south - provides a stable reputation.
- To the east - the dream is calmer.
- To the southeast - contributes to the achievement of goals, enhances perseverance.
- To the north - activates the development of intuition.
- To the northeast - enhances thought processes.
- To the northwest - attracts friends.
- To the West - promotes the appearance of offspring and improves health.
- To the southwest - love attracts.
Bed in a small bedroom
The rooms in standard apartment layouts are not large in size, while the bedroom is sometimes very narrow. Therefore, the question often arises of how to properly position the bed in a small bedroom, where to put all the rest of the necessary furniture:
- The resting area should be equipped along the smaller wall. Often in small rooms make niches or alcoves, in which many arrange a berth. But in such small spaces, as a rule, air circulates poorly, so a person there may feel a lack of oxygen. In view of this, it is not recommended to put a bed in a niche - it is better to install a wardrobe there.
- Furniture for sleeping can be placed diagonally, the headboard in the corner. This solution looks original and correct, taking into account the size of the room. So, the vacated corner can be decorated with flowers.
- The furniture in the small bedrooms should be functional, without any extra decorative elements.
to contents ↑Important! To visually expand the space for the walls, it will be more correct to choose a light finish. It is not recommended to use dark colors and bulky furniture - in such a bedroom you cannot fully relax.
Technique near the bed
Experts say that things like laptops, tablets, televisions are unnecessary for a bedroom. This room is designed for sleep and relaxation. And the presence of a laptop is distracting and does not contribute to sleep, forcing to sit out a lot of time on the network, although this time would be more useful to spend on sleep.
Important! Studies have shown that the presence of a TV near the bed contributes to a deterioration in the quality of sleep, a person sleeps much less than expected, and therefore does not get enough sleep. In turn, the lack of healthy sleep can lead to poor health.
Therefore, even though a TV, laptop or tablet are modern things and many need it, it’s better to remove them from the bedroom, taking care of your health.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In fact, it is not so important what rules you will be guided in solving the problem of how to properly put the bed in the bedroom. The main thing is that you remember common sense when organizing the space of this very important room.
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