How to hang curtains?

Transform any room and place all the accents in the interior decor can the right approach to the design of window curtains. It is necessary to solve the “window issue” in a comprehensive manner, that is, choose the right type, color and texture of the curtains, as well as choose the appropriate type of curtain rod and the way of attaching the curtains. In the article we will try to understand all the details of window drapery and answer the question of how to properly hang curtains so that they are convenient to use and look original and beautiful.

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A variety of curtains and curtains

Curtains should be understood as fabric window curtains that are used in the interior for functional and decorative purposes. There are several basic elements of such systems, which differ in structure, purpose and materials used. It is desirable to know all these nuances in order to hang curtains correctly.


This element is intended not only for additional decoration of curtains, but also for hiding the cornice. Lambrequin predominantly occupies a place in the foreground of the curtain and is located along the entire width of the cornice. The following types of lambrequins are distinguished:

  1. Hard. The base of this element serves as a rigid base - bando.
  2. Soft. Complement to the curtain.
  3. Combined. Combines elements of hard and soft pelmet.

If you decide to hang curtains and use one of the types of lambrequin, listen to the following tips:

  • A high lambrequin mount visually adds height to the room.
  • If it is necessary to expand the space, then hang the lambrequin so that it extends out of the window.
  • When attaching a soft element, use a braid.
  • The hard lambrequin mount should be on a perfectly flat surface. It is ideal to use a ceiling cornice for this purpose.
  • When attaching rigid elements, use Velcro.
  • To prevent heavy lambrequins from sagging, use not tape, but Velcro.
  • The cross over lambrequin will look great on tubular cornices.


It is a light, transparent and airy decoration for windows. Curtains can be made of such thin fabrics:

  • tulle;
  • organza;
  • veil.

Important! The curtain acts not only as an integral element of the decorative drapery of the window, but also protects the room from direct sunlight.

In stores you will find a wide variety of curtains that differ in material and design. Here are just a few:

  • Sliding.
  • Lifting.
  • Roman.
  • French
  • Austrian.
  • Plisse.
  • London
  • Filament curtains.
  • Rolled (roleta).


In appearance, it is no different from the curtain. The curtain is also made of light fabrics of any texture and color. Curtains include everything that can be used to curtain a window or door.

Important! To make the curtains look spectacular and beautiful, create a sufficient number of folds and place them correctly. To do this, choose the right width of the curtain: it should be at least 2 times the length of the cornice.

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How to choose the right way to fix the curtains?

Before deciding what to hang curtains, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • The number of textile layers. The composition of the curtain may include: main and auxiliary curtains, tulle, lambrequin.All this affects not only the type of fastening, but also the type of cornice.
  • General style of interior decoration. Romantic ruffles are unlikely to be appropriate in practical styles such as Minimalism, and strict curtains in overly noble tones are also not the best option if the rest of the atmosphere is airy and light.
  • Type of curtains. For example, roller blinds require a non-standard approach, conventional blinds are a practical solution for any interior.
  • The severity of the design of the curtains.
  • Material for making curtains. Draperies and thread designs are attached in many ways.
  • The shape of the cornice and its features.
  • Mounting principle: to the ceiling or to the wall.

The main types of cornices

Consider what types of cornices and fixtures are for them, so that you can choose the right option and hang the curtains correctly:

  1. Ceiling. These cornices are especially relevant for small premises. On the ceiling cornices you can place any type of curtains, and at the same time from light and heavy fabrics. Ceiling cornices are classified by type of construction on:
    • Strings.
    • Rail.
    • Barbell.
  2. Profile. Cornices are made of aluminum, most often white. Curtains are attached to the cornice runners with plastic hooks.
  3. Round. Cornices come in one, two, three pipes. Such cornices are made of wood or metal of various diameters. For round cornices, the following options for attaching curtains are possible:
    • With plastic hooks and rings.
    • Using plastic or metal rings.
    • Using various fabric loops.
    • Using eyelets.
    • Clips.
  4. Baguette. Cornices harmoniously fit into the most cutting-edge interior. A characteristic feature of a baguette cornice is a decorative strip that hides the structure itself. Curtains on a framing molding can be placed using any type of fastener.

The main types of fasteners

There are several types of fastenings of curtains to eaves:

  • Hooks Plastic or aluminum hooks may be part of the cornice kit or sold separately. This is the cheapest and most practical option. With the help of hooks, the fabric is directly attached to the cornice.
  • Eyelets. A very original method of attaching curtains. On the upper part of the canvas, special holes are made and rings of plastic or metal, the so-called eyelets, are inserted. The cornice is threaded into these rings. In this case, it is important not to make a mistake with the diameter of the cornice pipe.
  • “Crocodiles” - fasteners with teeth for gripping the fabric.
  • Clips. Like crocodiles, but without cloves. Fasteners of this type are suitable for lightweight fabrics, prone to various damage and tightening. Clips help to adjust the fabric to obtain the required length and fix the curtain in this position. You can also hang filament curtains on the clips. For the children's room, these fasteners are not suitable, since the child is very easy to tear off the fabric.
  • Rings. On this element of fixture it is possible to hang curtains only with the help of transition elements. It can be: hooks, eyelets, loops.
  • Kuliska. The mount is designed for non-moving curtains and is a folded upper part of the curtain that is sewn in accordance with the diameter of the cornice.

Important! Absolutely weightless, light curtains can be fixed without a cornice. Fix a plastic or wooden beam over the window opening onto the wall. Glue a special Velcro on it. Sew the other part of the tape to the curtain. The entire design of the curtains just stick to the base. But keep in mind that such curtains are motionless, which means they are not functional.  

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How to properly and rationally use the space when installing the cornice?

The window drapery process is preceded by the installation of a cornice. To rationally and correctly use the space of the window opening, use the following recommendations on how to hang curtains:

  1. If the length of the cornice exceeds 2 meters, then install an additional bracket in the middle. This will give the structure additional strength and help to avoid uneven distribution of the curtains.
  2. To expand the window, use a cornice 20 centimeters wider on both sides than the window opening.
  3. The ideal gap between the cornice and the ceiling: 5-10 cm.
  4. Position the cornice so that the curtains do not touch the heat sinks and window sills during operation.
  5. To determine the height of the cornice, pay attention to the height of the room:
    • in small rooms - 2.5-2.7 m, mount the cornice as close to the ceiling as possible;
    • if the height of the room is 3 m or more, it is best to hang the curtains on the ledge 30 cm above the level of the top of the window or under the ceiling to create the illusion of flowing down fabric.
  6. Before installation work, outline the center of the window and count equal segments on both sides from the center so that these segments abut against the edges of the cornice brackets.
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Curtain tape. How to hang on hooks?

Curtains and lambrequins are hung on curtain rods equipped with special hooks using curtain tape. This is a special kind of textile tape at the top edge of the fabric.

Purpose of a curtain tape

Curtain tape performs the following functions:

  • Facilitates the manufacture of curtains.
  • Helps drape a curtain into various folds.
  • Using special loops located on the tape, the curtain is attached to the cornice.

Important! In sewing stores, the curtain tape is presented with a wide variety of types of folds and assemblies. The success and beauty of the drapery image of the window opening depends on the correct choice of tape. A variety of curtain tapes directly depends on their purpose.

The main types of tape:

  • For tubular and string cornices.
  • For vertical drapery.
  • For lifting view of curtains.
  • To drape the top of the curtains.
  • For eyelets.

Use the following guidelines to hang curtains on tape correctly.

Process features

Here are a few secrets on how to properly hang curtains with such auxiliary fasteners:

  1. The smaller the distance between the hooks, the more evenly and beautifully the curtain will be distributed on the ledge.
  2. For each type of curtain, a different tape is designed:
    • width 2.5 cm - for curtains made of light-weight fabrics;
    • width 6-10 - for more massive and heavy fabrics.
  3. If you want to mask an ugly cornice, then use a wide ribbon and hang it a little higher than the main level.
  4. When choosing a curtain tape in a store, pay particular attention to the following points:
    • All threads to tighten the fabric should move easily.
    • There should be loops for hooks.
    • If you are going to drape the canvas, then there should be about 4 rows: 1-2 rows - for hooks, and the rest - to collect curtain draperies.

Important! Before you purchase a tape, you need to decide on the style of drapery and the frequency of frills on the curtain. The density coefficient of the tape depends on this. For example, if you want to use 2-2.5 meters of fabric per 1 meter of curtains, then the coefficient of the tape: 2-2.5. This is enough to create wave-like transitions on the window.


To properly hang the curtains on the curtain tape, proceed as follows:

  1. Tighten the tape threads to the width of the cornice.
  2. Lock on both sides.
  3. Distribute all undulating folds evenly.
  4. Thread the hooks into the tape. Place the hooks evenly, at the same distance.
  5. Hang the curtains with hooks on the ledge.
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How to hang curtains beautifully?

The following decorative techniques can give an original look to the home:

  1. Asymmetric curtains. Drapery, elongated on one side of the window, will give the interior expressiveness and dynamism. Alternatively, you can place a long curtain that continues the lambrequin on one side only. The room in this form will become more airy and unusual.
  2. Mirror symmetry. Draperies are located equally relative to the central axis of the window.
  3. Complex symmetry.Three curtains are placed on the window: the central canvas creates an axis, with respect to which the side panels are located.
  4. Sophisticated design. The composition of the curtains of complex configuration may include: multi-tiered lambrequins, unusual pickups, various draperies. Window decor may include different colors and textures of fabrics. The composition can be complemented by fringe trim, ribbons.

The charm in the details

Details will help to give special charm, originality and elegance to curtains:

  1. Even plain plain curtains will look elegant and solemn if supplemented with exclusive pickups. You can perform such pickups from metal, a decorative cord with silk tassels, and even from a string of pearls.
  2. Wide grip from the same fabric as the curtain, will help to create a spectacular design in a classic English or French style.
  3. Hinges will also help create an original window decor. Curtains can hang on loops, bows, eyelets.
  4. Folds on the curtain and lambrequin can also be decorated with bows, beads, knots, large buttons.
  5. Properly selected fittings will help to drape and decorate the window opening beautifully, creating original silhouettes and shapes. Even ordinary filament curtains do not have to hang with a cloth, because with the help of hooks, such curtains can be fixed in the form of a beautiful sash.
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As you can see, the process of fixing curtains requires no less imagination from you than choosing a material for curtains and decorative elements. We hope that the information received will help you decorate the window in your home in an original, effective and unique way.


