How to choose a mattress for a bed?

- Do mattresses affect our well-being?
- Criterias of choice
- What are the functions of modern mattresses?
- What is the difference between orthopedic mattresses?
- Where to begin?
- What features to consider in order to choose the right mattress?
- What types of mattresses exist?
- What fillers are used for mattresses?
- How does the filler affect the degree of rigidity of the mattress?
- How to determine the optimal stiffness of the mattress?
- How to choose the right mattress in the store?
- Useful Tips
- Stock footage
For a good rest in the bedroom, it is very important not only to equip it beautifully, but also to create the most comfortable conditions for sleeping. How to choose the right mattress for the bed, you will learn in this article. The main thing is to carefully read our recommendations and responsibly approach such an event.
to contents ↑Do mattresses affect our well-being?
Do you know the feeling when in the morning you wake up in a completely broken state and instead of a surge of energy you feel tired already at the very beginning of the day? Maybe this fact will cause surprise, but nevertheless it has been proved that very often it is the poor-quality mattress on which you sleep that can cause poor health and constant pain in the back and muscles. This, in turn, negatively affects the general mood and labor productivity. Therefore, the question of how to choose the right mattress for the bed should be taken with all seriousness, so that later you do not have to regret your choice.
to contents ↑Criterias of choice
To choose the right mattress, the following factors must be considered:
- floor;
- human biological age;
- anatomical features;
- weight and body type;
- lifestyle and level of physical activity;
- the presence of health problems;
- personal preferences;
- financial opportunities.
What are the functions of modern mattresses?
According to experts, most mattresses in our time should perform 2 main functions, these are:
- anatomical - lies in the ability of the mattress to most accurately take the shape of the body of a person lying on it;
- orthopedic - the mattress should take the form of a body and at the same time support the spine well in order to prevent its curvature.
to contents ↑Important! To choose the right mattress for the bed, it is advisable to consider both sides of its practical application. Then comfort during sleep and health will be provided to you.
What is the difference between orthopedic mattresses?
The best option in modern conditions, when most of us have certain health problems, are orthopedic mattresses. They combine both functions and advantages of such products - are obvious:
- Perfectly adapt to a sleeping person and keep his body in an anatomically correct position.
- They have a sufficient degree of rigidity, which is especially important for people who have problems with the spine.
- Sleep on such mattresses reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevents the onset of chronic inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
Where to begin?
Before heading to the nearest furniture store for your dream mattress or ordering it online, perform the following simple but necessary steps in your bedroom:
- Remove the old mattress in need of replacement.
- Using a tape measure, accurately measure the inner perimeter of the bed - height, width, depth.
- Be sure to write down the data received.
to contents ↑Important! To choose the right mattress for the bed, approach the question responsibly and read reviews about a particular model. Do not be lazy and instead of actively moving around the bed, simplify your task by measuring the old mattress. Note that over time, it will inevitably deform, so measurements taken in this way will not correspond to reality. If you get non-standard results (for example, instead of 80 cm, the width of the bed turned out to be 79 or 83, and the length instead of the set 200 - 199 or 202), keep in mind: a difference of 1 cm is quite acceptable, but with a difference of 2 cm or more inevitably have to purchase a mattress on order. Otherwise, it may not fit in the opening of the bed or it will hang in it, which will lead to premature wear of the mattress cover. When buying a new bed, there is no need to take measurements - all product parameters must be indicated in the passport. The easiest way to avoid difficulties is if you buy a bed and a mattress from the same manufacturer - you can be 100% sure that they will definitely fit together.
What features to consider in order to choose the right mattress?
After you have made the necessary measurements, you need to decide on such characteristics as:
- type of mattress;
- filler;
- degree of rigidity;
- mattress upholstery and the material from which the cover is made.
What types of mattresses exist?
To decide how to choose the right mattress for the bed, first of all, you need to understand what they are. Long gone are the days when the assortment of such products was limited exclusively to beds with armor nets and noisy springs. However, with all the current variety of mattresses, it is customary to divide them into 2 main types:
- Spring loaded.
- Springless mattresses.
Spring mattresses
In turn, there are 2 types:
- Designs with dependent spring unit. This option implies that all springs are interconnected, and when pressed on one of them, the others also come into motion. Such products are inexpensive, but have a significant drawback: after some time they can stretch very much in the middle part and, thus, a kind of hammock is obtained. It is necessary to take into account the fact that people of different weights often sleep on the same mattress, and the lighter of the spouses will inevitably slip into the one who is heavier. As a result, the correct body position of the partner can also be violated. Therefore, mattresses of this type are recommended exclusively for short-term use, for example, in a house in the country.
- Mattresses with independent springs. Each of them works separately and is packed in a small case made of a special fabric - spunbond. Products are more durable, do not sag, but are quite expensive. As a rule, the more springs, the higher the cost of the mattress. The budget option is models with a TFK spring unit, where 250 springs are installed on 1 m2 of surface. Structures that are much more expensive and have, respectively, 500 and 1000 springs per 1 m2. It makes sense to buy such mattresses only for the bed on which you sleep constantly.
Important! How to choose the right mattress - decide for yourself, as there can be many different opinions on this issue. For example, it is believed that spring ones are suitable for people with a lot of weight, since a design of this kind prevents the body from drooping. Also, they can sleep on those who have back diseases. This is an economical option, which is often used instead of an orthopedic mattress.
Springless mattresses
They are a fairly complex structure consisting of several layers:
- spring block or plate made of synthetic latex;
- a layer of various materials: synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, tales, coconut fiber;
- fabric cover.
to contents ↑Important! Springless products differ in the type of filler that is inside them. On how to choose the right mattress for the bed by this criterion, read below.
What fillers are used for mattresses?
Technological progress does not stand still and now there is a whole industry aimed at developing the most advanced copies of bed mattresses. The competition here is quite high, and the manufacturers of this type of product, in order to attract the attention of potential buyers, use various, even the most outlandish at first glance, fillers. They can be either of natural origin or artificial.
The main types of fillers for mattresses:
- Latex - natural, made from rubber tree sap or its synthetic counterpart. A natural latex mattress, in comparison with its substitute, has greater elasticity and resilience, but at the same time costs more. Therefore, if the question of the price of the product is relevant for you, choose mattresses made of artificial latex - they are also quite high quality, moderately hard and at the same time completely safe for health.
- Coira (coconut fiber) - has excellent orthopedic properties, a sufficient degree of rigidity, mattresses with this filler are durable and, most importantly, breathable. The only drawback is the high price of such a product, because of all the coir fillers - the most expensive.
- Wool is a natural filler; for the production of mattresses, as a rule, pressed sheep wool is used, which perfectly passes air and is hypoallergenic.
- Foam rubber (polyurethane foam) is the most common material widely used for the manufacture of mattresses. Models of varying degrees of rigidity are available. The main advantage is that the mattress well accepts the position of the body in a dream. Foam rubber is practically universal: it is used in springless and spring structures, both in budget products and in premium mattresses. Disadvantages - often immediately after a purchase it has an unpleasant odor, deforms quickly enough over time.
- Hollofiber - despite its artificial origin, is considered one of the elite materials. It is absolutely not inferior to natural fillers, and sometimes even surpasses them in quality and characteristics. It features a homogeneous structure, which is created due to the large number of small spirals. Advantages of mattresses in which holofiber is a filler: they perfectly pass air, retain heat, do not absorb moisture and odors, are resistant to deformation, have a long service life and all the while retain an attractive appearance.
to contents ↑Important! More valuable are expensive models that use natural materials. If your budget is more than modest, you can hardly afford it. In this case, feel free to choose options with artificial fillers: they are also quite high quality, absolutely safe for health and, although they will serve you slightly less than natural analogues, but the price is quite acceptable. If you are still worried about the question of how to choose the right mattress for the bed, keep in mind that these types of products deserve the best reviews.
How does the filler affect the degree of rigidity of the mattress?
It is important to know that the type and thickness of the filler located under the spring block determines the stiffness and elasticity of the mattress. For example, products that use coconut coir have extreme wear resistance and at the same time have varying degrees of stiffness. If the thickness of the coconut fiber is 1 cm, a mattress with medium hardness is obtained, with 3 cm of thickness - a very hard option. Latex, unlike coir, softens the surface and makes it more flexible and comfortable.
How to determine the optimal stiffness of the mattress?
In solving the problem of how to choose the right mattress for the bed, it is important to adhere to the rule of “golden mean”. If you sleep on a bed with too hard a mattress, body weight can be distributed unevenly. In this case, the biggest loads are on the shoulders and hips, so in the morning you can often experience unpleasant pain in these places. Do not go to the other extreme and get too soft product - this will lead to excessive tension of muscles and ligaments.
The main thing is an individual approach:
- A soft mattress will not hurt people with a weight of up to 55 kg - they will perfectly sleep on it. It is also suitable for older people who need the most comfortable sleeping conditions.
- A medium hard mattress is recommended for people weighing 55-90 kg, mostly young and middle-aged.
- Those who weigh more than 100 kg should choose more rigid product options that can withstand the load and not bend.
How to choose the right mattress in the store?
So, you have theoretically decided on the type of design, type of filler and, armed with the necessary knowledge, proceed to a purely practical event - with the right amount of money go to the store for the desired purchase. Naturally, sales consultants are obliged to give you all the necessary useful information, but in order not to make a mistake and choose the right mattress for the bed, pay attention to the following recommendations:
- Choose mattresses from well-established manufacturers. Remember that each product of good quality must have the appropriate certificate, which you have the right to familiarize yourself with by contacting the manager of a furniture store or supermarket.
- Be sure to check the stiffness of the mattress that appeals to you. To do this, simply lie down on him. Do not pay attention to the goggles of other buyers, if any. After all, it is important to know if the mattress is bending and if you will feel comfortable on it. If your sales consultant has opposed your desire to lie down, feel free to go to another store where they will not perceive such liberties. In general, visit only trustworthy stores with a reliable reputation and attentive, polite staff.
- In particular, ask the manager about fillers. If they are natural - take an interest in what processing the material went through or, again, claim a passport or certificate for the product where this information should be. Keep in mind that very often poorly processed natural fillers can cause allergies.
- Pay attention to whether there is a cover on the mattress, determine how high-quality it is and what kind of material it is made of. Basically, strong natural fabrics are used for sewing mattress covers - cotton or linen or artificial ones - polypropylene and polyester. You can easily understand the difference in price or by touch. Manufacturers who guarantee high quality goods usually put their products in zippered covers. This is the most functional and convenient option, since the cover, if necessary, can be removed and washed. Strength and elasticity of covers increase due to special impregnation. These can be compounds that protect mattresses from dust, prevent their premature abrasion, as well as anti-allergenic impregnations. Keep in mind that manufacturers of high-quality mattresses often also produce special 2-sided covers: one side is designed for use in the hot season, the other for the cold season, to further warm the human body.
to contents ↑Important! In order to finally decide on the answer to the question of how to choose the right mattress for the bed, watch a video on this topic.
Useful Tips
We suggest you familiarize yourself with some recommendations regarding the selection and care of sleeping mattresses:
- If you want to fully get enough sleep in your bed, we do not recommend choosing cotton mattresses for the bed - this is yesterday. They are impractical because they quickly lose their shape - the filler gets off, tubercles and dents appear.
- You should not get carried away with until recently popular water mattresses - although they are quite elastic and do not harm the spine, the constant gurgling and squishing of water will sooner or later begin to annoy you. And if the family has small children - just refuse to use such products. There is a likelihood that curious children one day decide to check where the characteristic sounds come from and if there are any fish swimming inside the mattress and open it, making you a mini-flood. For the same reason, keep any sharp objects away from children.
- In order to extend the life of the mattress, regularly take care of it: when cleaning the apartment, be sure to vacuum the mattress and the bottom of the bed, to protect the product from dust and dirt, use removable covers and wash them at least once a quarter.
- During the first 4 months of operation, turn the mattress over to the other side every 2 weeks, then do this procedure at least once every 3 months.
- It is forbidden to bend, fold the mattress and perform any action that may cause its deformation. Also do not let children play and jump on the mattress.
- Do not let liquids get on the bed - modern mattresses have a layered structure and quickly absorb moisture. This can cause mold, an unpleasant odor and inevitably lead to damage to the product.
Stock footage
We hope that our tips on choosing the right mattress for the bed will help you make a successful purchase. Remember that saving on your health is not worth it and the money invested in the purchase will certainly pay off. A good mattress is not only the key to a sound, comfortable sleep, but also the absence of problems with the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive and other body systems.
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