How to make coffee in a Turk at home?

A cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee can invigorate even on the most gloomy morning. Every year, there are more and more lovers of this drink. The reason is clear, because grain coffee is not only a very tasty drink, it is also very healthy. It’s enough to mention that one cup per day can reduce the risk of cancer by 30%.
However, in order to fully reveal the rich taste of coffee, it must be properly brewed. For these purposes, it is best to use a Turk - this is a traditional eastern vessel, the history of which began many hundreds of years ago. In this article, we will reveal the secret of how to brew coffee in a Turk at home.
to contents ↑What is coffee like?
Good coffee certainly begins with high-quality beans - this is the basis of a truly delicious drink that cannot be replaced by anything.
Experts say the existence of more than one hundred and fifty different varieties, but only two main ones are distinguished - robusta and arabica:
- Arabica is better known among coffee aficionados; it has a pronounced aroma and pleasant acidity.
- Robusta, as a rule, remains undeservedly forgotten, because it has a slightly bitter aftertaste, strength and high caffeine content.
Important! Often, robusta is chosen by people who expect an exceptionally invigorating effect, while arabica is chosen by connoisseurs of a special taste and experiments based on its taste.
An important criterion when choosing coffee after its grade is considered the degree of grinding. It is of the following types:
- Coarse and coarse - great for coffee makers, for example, express machines or filter machines, as well as for competent cooking in a Turk if you want the drink to have no residue.
- Medium - I consider it universal. This grinding is suitable for a wide variety of cooking options.
- Thin and small - great for brewing aromatic coffee in a Turk on the stove and for geyser coffee makers.
- Ultra-thin - used least of all. It is suitable for making coffee in Turkish or for coffee brewing machines in which a drink is prepared by passing steam through crushed grains that resemble flour.
Important! All the necessary information about grinding and how to brew coffee in a Turk at home, you can find on the label. If it is rarely planned to prepare a fragrant drink, it is better to choose grains that will be ground already at home.
In addition, they also distinguish the degree of quality that happens:
- Premium
- Higher.
- The first.
- Second.
Naturally, the best one is premium, it is this designation that guarantees that the grains will be grinded into a homogeneous mass, with particles of approximately the same size. When buying grains, crushed or whole for cooking, you should pay attention not only to this mark, but also to GOSTs, which must be indicated on the package.
Important! Another criterion is not quality, but taste - the degree of roasting coffee. Unfortunately, there is no clear classification of this characteristic. But it should be remembered that the stronger the roasting, the stronger the finished drink will be. Lovers of soft drink without bitterness should prefer brands with minimal roasting of grains.
In order to make coffee in Turk correctly, you need to choose the right grains, and approach this matter with all responsibility.
to contents ↑We select a Turk
Turk is a classic tableware that allows you to brew coffee properly. For thousands of years, this aromatic drink was brewed in a Turk to achieve a certain disclosure of taste.
Clay and ceramic:
- Gourmets who enjoy the very process of preparing a refreshment drink prefer to use clay turk. The porous structure of clay is impregnated through the aroma and taste of coffee grounds, so for each of the varieties should have a separate container for brewing.
- Ceramic products are more versatile, but they differ in their waywardness - they are “afraid” of mechanical damage and require careful observance of the temperature regime.
Important! Using clay and ceramics is not easy - one wrong move, and your favorite Turk can be ruined. But if you do not feel the need for special delicacies and just want to make decent coffee, then use a copper cezve.
Turks made of copper are ideally suited for brewing coffee masterpieces at home. Due to the uniform heating of the metal, the drink is prepared quite carefully. Using a Cezva is quite simple - brewing in it does not take much time. The main thing when brewing coffee in such a Turk is to not miss the moment of boiling, otherwise the drink will “run away”.
Which Turk should you choose to make a delicious drink? - There are products of two varieties - with a narrow and wide neck:
- The best disclosure of the taste of ground coffee allows you to achieve cezve with a narrow neck. However, it is rather difficult to use, since coffee tends to “run away” before boiling.
- It is much easier to brew a drink in a Turk with a wide top, but the taste will be less saturated.
Important! Before you buy any kind of cezve, you need to make sure that the inner surface of the product is covered with food tin, which can protect people from harmful metal impurities characteristic of copper.
The small Turk is considered ideal, which allows you to cook only one portion (from 75 to 100 ml). But if the family has a lot of fans of an invigorating drink, it is more profitable to use larger cezves. As a result, you get a less strong drink, but everyone can enjoy it at the same time.
to contents ↑Secrets of how to brew ground coffee in a Turk
In order to properly brew coffee in a Turk at home, you need to know some of the nuances of making this great drink:
- The main condition is gradual heating. It is necessary that when the temperature rises, it does not exceed the norm; otherwise, the drink may lose its flavor, or even “run away”.
Important! Delicious coffee and strong fire are incompatible things.
- For perfect taste, clean and soft water should be used. In addition, it, like the finished drink, is undesirable to bring to a boil - this will ruin the coffee.
- Fine grinding of grains will give the drink a wonderful aroma and make it more saturated. It is best to grind coffee seeds just before brewing, because during prolonged storage they lose their quality.
- It is necessary to observe proportions - you do not need to put grains more than the norm, this may make the drink bitter.
- Before serving the drink, it is advisable to slightly warm the cups so that the drink remains aromatic longer.
- Throwing a little salt at the bottom of the Turks will give the finished drink a brighter flavor. Do not be afraid that he will find a salty taste.
- In order for the thickener not to get into the cup, before serving, pour a teaspoon of water into the Turk or tap it twice on the edge of the table.
Gourmet Coffee Recipes
In different parts of our planet during the preparation of coffee using a variety of methods.Some are very famous and in demand all over the world, while others are so unusual that special conditions and adaptations require their proper preparation. For example, the Bedouins make coffee in the sand, and the time for such preparation can be about 18-20 hours. Agree, to carry out such a lengthy procedure in an urban environment is simply unrealistic.
However, there are many other recipes available to us in the world. Let's look at some of the most popular ways to brew coffee in a Turk at home.
In order to properly prepare an espresso, you need a coffee machine, but what about those who do not have this wonderful technique? You can try to cook it in a Turk, however, the taste will still be slightly different.
- Water - 60 ml.
- Fine-ground coffee beans - 2 teaspoons.
- Sugar to taste.
Cooking method:
- Add coffee to the Turk, slightly heat its contents over the fire.
- If you like sweet coffee, you should add sugar now.
- Pour boiled and cooled to 40 degrees water.
- As soon as the water begins to boil, immediately remove the Turk from the heat, stir and put on gas again until it boils.
- Pour the drink into the cup, cover with a lid for one minute.
Cinnamon Coffee
Cinnamon gives the drink a brighter taste, reduces appetite and tones.
- Fine-ground coffee beans - 1 teaspoon.
- Sugar - ⅓ teaspoon.
- Water - 100 ml.
- Cinnamon - ⅓ teaspoon.
Cooking method:
- Pour all the ingredients into a Turk, gently warm over a fire.
- Add water, put the cezve on the stove, wait until the coffee begins to boil.
- When the first signs of boiling appear, pour a little drink into a pre-prepared cup, and send the Turk back to the fire.
- Repeat this ritual 3-4 times, and then enjoy the finished drink.
Turkish coffee
Turkish coffee is considered one of the most common ways to make coffee in a Turk at home.
- Filtered water - 150 ml.
- Extra fine grinding coffee beans - 25 g.
- Cardamom to taste.
- Sugar to taste.
Cooking method:
- Fill the turk with water at room temperature, add ground grains.
- If you like cardamom and sugar, you can add these ingredients to the contents of the Turks and mix thoroughly until gruel forms.
- Put the cezve on the fire.
- Wait until the foam reaches the edge, remove the container from the stove.
- Pour the foam into a pre-cooked container.
- Repeat the process “before boiling” twice, for the third time remove the drink from the stove and leave it for 2 minutes.
- Gently pour the drink into the cup.
Turkish coffee is ready!
Brazil is a country with rich coffee traditions, so it’s simply impossible to ignore this recipe.
- 10 g of cocoa powder.
- 150 ml of chilled water.
- 15 g of ground coffee.
- A pinch of salt.
- Cold cream.
- Sugar to taste.
Cooking method:
- Boil the cocoa by stirring it in 50 ml of water for several minutes over medium heat until the mass begins to thicken.
- Dilute the cocoa mass with the water that remains, add coffee.
- Put on the stove, cook until foam appears.
- Sprinkle the foam with salt, cover the turk, leave to brew.
- Whip the cream, put them in the refrigerator.
- On a small fire, bring the coffee to a boil again and pour into a cup.
- Put 3-4 tablespoons of cream on top.
- If desired, you can add a couple of drops of dark rum.
With chocolate, honey and cardamom
- 1 teaspoon of ground coffee.
- 2-3 boxes of cardamom.
- ½ teaspoon of honey.
- Chocolate to taste.
Cooking method:
- Rub the chocolate on a fine grater.
- Pour coffee and cardamom seeds into a cezve.
- Pour water, put the Turk on a small fire.
- When raising foam, remove the vessel from the stove.
- Pour coffee into a cup, add honey and stir gently.
- Spread the chocolate evenly over the surface of the drink.
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There are many ways to make coffee in Turk.It can be combined with various spices and additives, it can be prepared according to any recipe, the main thing is to choose good dishes and quality ingredients. This magnificent drink is unique in its taste and properties, it can not be replaced, therefore, we brew coffee in Turk correctly, following any chosen recipe, because its quality and our own attitude to this drink will depend on it!
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