How to stick a toilet to ceramic tiles?

The topic of today's conversation will be fixing plumbing without compromising ceramic tiles. The topic is even more relevant, since in most bathrooms the floors are tiled, and this material is solid, but quite fragile. Let’s try to figure out how and how to glue the toilet to ceramic tiles, so as not to spoil either the floor or the plumbing, and later its use was safe.
to contents ↑Installation Requirements
Actually, these requirements apply to all installation methods:
- Accuracy of work.
- Hidden connection to utilities.
- The strength of the fit of plumbing to the floor.
How to glue the toilet to the tile?
The most reliable and common adhesives are:
- "Liquid Nails".
- Epoxy
- Silicone glue.
Before gluing the toilet bowl to the ceramic tile, you need to prepare both the base of the sanitary fixture and the surface of the floor covering:
- Coat both surfaces with coarse emery to achieve the desired level of roughness and improve adhesion.
- Before starting installation, be sure to read the instructions for use.
- Apply one of the selected adhesives to the base of the toilet (in 4 corners).
- The amount of glue used depends on which composition you choose to work with.
- After applying the adhesive, press the toilet bowl onto the floor.
- It is necessary to wait from 15 to 20 hours until the composition solidifies. Only after the glue has completely dried can the corrugation connecting the drain to the sewer be connected.
- The last step is to install the tank.
Precautionary measures
It is important not only to know how to stick the toilet to the floor. We must not forget about safety:
- Wear protective gloves when working.
- If glue gets on your skin, wipe the area with acetone and then rinse with tap water.
- After the plumbing fixture is installed, wash your hands with soap and water.
Can I make glue with my own hands?
What to stick the toilet to the tile, you know. But it turns out there is a recipe for glue, which can be made independently. At the same time, it is so durable that it can only be torn off with a floor covering.
So, the procedure:
- Prepare the surfaces to be bonded in a familiar way - using sandpaper.
- Crush the polystyrene into a glass container and, while stirring, gradually pour acetone. You will get a thick mixture that resembles silicone sealant in consistency.
- Lubricate both surfaces with the obtained “glue” and join them. Remove the resulting bursts immediately.
- The composition hardens in a few hours. Plumbing can be used for its intended purpose after a day.
to contents ↑Important! Gluing is suitable only for floor mounting of plumbing fixtures. For installation of a suspended toilet bowl, anchor bolts or dowels are used.
Stock footage
Now you know how to stick the toilet to the tile. If everything is done correctly, then plumbing will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but will also serve you for a long time.
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