How to glue a mirror on the windshield?

Not always the quality of mounting a car mirror provides proper reliability. It's silly to talk about the importance of this device, because its role in the car is obvious. Any awkward movement can break this important component. You can’t even talk about tinting lovers, in whom this mirror turns into a regular piece of furniture, losing its main function.

This article will tell you how to glue a mirror onto a windshield so that it never falls off again. Most motorists carry out such an easy installation, making many mistakes. It is necessary to firmly understand exactly how and what is better to fix the mirror on the windshield. Let us pay attention to the most important nuances of such a simple process in order to protect ourselves from the repetition of such manipulations.

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What could be the cause of the breakdown?

First you need to get acquainted with the root of the problem:

  • The mirror can fall off during cleaning in the passenger compartment, when operating the front doors, temperature differences and the simplest oversight of any clumsy passenger.
  • It can fall off and just like that if the previous owner did not take care of fixing this unit. Also, the manufacturer may decide to save on materials.

Important! If the defect did not entail consequences in the form of mechanical damage, then you are in luck. But if the mirror has served its life, then you will have to remove the glue yourself, since sculpting a new component on the old “mess” is not a good idea.

After the fall, if it did happen, you must immediately mark with a marker around the entire perimeter of the place where the mirror was. Such measures will help to avoid unnecessary measurements. Inveterate motorists are advised to put marks on both sides in order to be safe from erasing traces of the marker.

The main thing is that together with the device a piece of glass does not come off.

Important! No one bothers you to ride with such a “hole”, but then there is a risk of a crack. Of course, you have to insert a new glass.

But what to do next? Buy a device with Velcro? Let's talk about all this in more detail, in order to thoroughly understand what is worth doing.

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Choosing the right glue

The rear-view mirror will not tolerate the use of everyone’s favorite “Moments”, and it is advisable to forget about its analogues immediately. Similar glue is created completely for other purposes. High temperature will turn the consistency into jelly, and vibration from driving will only finish the fixed device.

Double-sided tape is also not recommended for use, since such a method will solve the problem only for a while. It is also worth forgetting about a variety of super-duper adhesives. But then how to glue a mirror on the windshield?

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following options:

  • Epoxy resin Such a substance will do its job well. It will be great to hold the part, but the installation itself with such “tools” will not be very convenient. Epoxy is only grasped for at least 12 hours, while the mirror needs to be tightly fixed.
  • Special adhesives. A more convenient option, but not such a pleasant price tag. They keep such substances perfectly, but for the same “pelvic ducts” the purchase will cost the price of a new windshield.
  • Loctite 319 is a special gasket that does not react to temperature changes.It is not so expensive, therefore, it is recommended to purchase.
  • Permatex Also a good option. Here complete with the product and a napkin, and a special chemical composition. Installation will be easy and convenient.
  • DoneDeal. It is not much different from previous means, so this choice is entirely for everybody. Such glue is not bad at all, but it has no iconic features.
  • KR-152, An-105 are budget options for those who like to save money. But along with a small price there will be low efficiency. It is easier to order Chinese counterparts in online stores from trusted manufacturers.

If you have decided on the choice, you can proceed directly to the installation.

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Glue the mirror

First you need to carefully prepare. You should start with preparing the surface of the windshield. To carry out such a procedure, you will need a metal plate on which the mirror itself will be mounted.

Important! We recommend that you install in ambient temperature conditions that correspond to 22-25 degrees Celsius. If the problem found you in the winter, it is recommended to drive the vehicle to the garage and warm up the interior.

Now in order:

  1. We mark with a marker the place where the rearview mirror used to be. But if the metal plate is torn off, then it will be necessary to increase the size of the new one. This effect can be achieved with a washer with a large radial size.
  2. Use a tool to remove residual old glue. For such a thing, it would be nice to get an office knife.
  3. Clean the metal plate of foreign matter by heating it. A hairdryer or a home stove is perfect for this.
  4. Now you need to remove the grease from the windshield. You do not need to purchase special tools for this - it is enough to moisten one cloth in acetone, wipe the surface with it and remove traces of acetone with another clean cloth.
  5. After removing dirt, wait until the surface has completely dried.
  6. Next, we take up the instructions that come with the rear-view mirror, we carry out all the points described in it without any improvisation.

Important! As soon as the installation is completed, it is recommended to fix the whole thing with tape. Such measures will help to plant the device tightly.

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That’s all, it seems. Be careful on the road and treat your car with respect. Accuracy is the key to a long and high-quality operation of transport and its components.

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