How to sew a curtain tape?

Even the simplest and most budgetary interior can acquire an unusual charm and attractiveness due to correctly selected beautiful curtains. The most original and practical solution for interior decoration will be independent sewing of curtains that will harmoniously fit into the design of your room. In this article we will tell you how to sew a curtain tape, what varieties of accessories exist and what they are used for.

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What is a curtain tape for?

Curtain accessories are used when sewing curtains to quickly and easily create drapery elements. In appearance, this accessory is a strip of special decorative braid that contains a lace threaded in a certain rhythm.

When tightening the laces on the surface of the curtains, uniform assemblies and folds are formed. Depending on the intensity of the tension with which you decide to sew the curtain tape, you can adjust the size of the assemblies from barely noticeable to the most significant. After creating folds of the desired depth, previously tightened laces should be fixed. Only in this way will you ensure the stability of the material and preservation of its shape even after washing.

Today on sale you can find a wide selection of various curtain tapes, each of which allows you to give your own unique shape to decorative textile for windows. It is the use of such accessories that significantly facilitates the professional activity of a seamstress, and also provides many opportunities for interior designers.


Important! If you combine several varieties of curtain tape, you can get an additional opportunity to influence the design of the fabric and give it even the most bizarre appearance.

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Varieties of webbing for curtains

Having decided to sew a curtain tape, you can create decorative elements of the following types on a fabric surface:

  • uniform assemblies of the "pencil" type;
  • wide bow folds;
  • French and Flemish assemblies;
  • puff folds;
  • vertical grouped assemblies.

There are also types of decorative braid for curtains without folds, which is represented by modern manufacturers in the following assortment:

  • belts for holding lifting cords in French, Roman, English and Austrian curtain systems;
  • to create a drawstring for the installation of the cornice rod;
  • grommet for attaching curtains to the cornice with hiding metal rings from prying eyes.

Important! All varieties of lace for curtains can be purchased in a transparent and opaque design. For dense fabrics, it is preferable to use a stronger opaque tape for curtains, but transparent options are best suited for creating folds on products made of thin fabrics and tulle.

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How to sew a curtain tape?

Regardless of the type of curtain tape you choose, it is sewn to the product according to the following algorithm:

  • Align the top and side sections of the fabric.

Important! This can easily be done by stretching 1 thread from the longitudinal and transverse sides. The resulting thin strip will become a guideline for performing the cut.

  • Twist the edge of the fabric twice and iron the side sections. In this way, you will prepare the fabric for further sewing.
  • Sew the cropped edges with a sewing machine.
  • Tuck the top raw edge 3 cm and iron.
  • Turn the side edges of the tape 1-1.5 cm.
  • Fix the prepared curtain tape on a fabric basis with a distance of 0.5 cm from the top of the tucked edge. In relation to the side surfaces of the tape, it is attached without indentation, with the edge folded inward.
  • Sew the tape over the entire length, but during sewing, be careful not to touch the area of ​​the adjustment cord.
  • Form folds of the required width on the surface of the curtains and fasten the assembly on the sides with strong knots.

Your curtain is ready to be placed on the ledge using special hooks.

Important! The curtain tape should be sewn in the case of folds with French or classic drapery. If you want to make curtains in Roman or Japanese style, then there will be no need for such braid.

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Length determination

Having learned how to sew the tape to the curtain, most needlewomen have a logical question: what is the length of the accessory needed to work? To determine the required parameters of the braid, you should decide what kind of folds you are going to create.

Important! The most common creation of the assembly is 1: 2, that is, with a cornice width of 3 meters, you will need 6 meters of fabric material.

If you want to make magnificent French style curtains, then you should use the fold assembly in a ratio of 1: 3. It is the observance of these simple recommendations that will help to create a truly magnificent and spectacular interior decoration.

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In this article, we shared with you the secrets and subtleties of using a curtain tape, which will allow any housewife to create unique and beautiful curtains for interior decoration in her own apartment with her own hands.

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