How to train a cat to a tray?

Pet lovers inevitably face the problem of how to train a cat to a tray. And this question is quite simple if you have a small kitten, but when you got an adult cat that has its own habits and established character, then this task may seem simply impossible to many. In this article we will show you the most practical and effective ways to teach your pet to cope in a place specially provided for this purpose.

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Where to begin?

Before you begin the procedure for training your pet, you should prepare all the required equipment. To train a cat to a tray you will need the following items:

  • appropriate size tray with sides convenient for animal height;
  • special filler;
  • odorless and reasonably mild disinfectant;
  • brush for washing the tray;
  • scoop to remove excrement.


Determine the place suitable for the cat tray

Choosing the location of the cat's toilet area, you should give preference to a corner that is always accessible to the animal. Since cats are extremely negative about life changes, you should decide on the location of the toilet tray once and for all.

Other important rules

  1. The main point when deciding how to teach a cat to walk in a tray is the systematic nature of your active actions, which should begin from the first day your pet is in the room.

Important! If initially you give free rein to the pet and he will get used to relieve the need wherever he wants, then in the future it will be quite difficult to re-educate the animal.

  1. The cat should not have negative associations and memories associated with the tray. Therefore, you can not punish or scold the animal near the toilet.
  2. It is better to refrain from noisy and unexpected sounds for the animal or the noise of pouring water.
  3. If the animal is already accustomed to relieve the need for this place and does these actions constantly, then delicacy and caution can be left in the past. However, in the process of direct education, habits such as peace and quiet play a very significant role.
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How to teach a kitten to walk in a tray?

Training a small pet is usually not particularly difficult, because like a child, kittens almost all catch on the fly. To train a cat to a tray quickly, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Try to exclude the possibility of the movement of a small woolen ball throughout the house. Try to ensure that most of the time he spent with you in the same room. Thus, it will be easier for you to monitor the behavior of the kitten and to show the proper response when necessary.
  • Sometimes put a kitten on a tray, giving him the opportunity to sniff around, get comfortable and get acquainted with this place.

Important! Never use brute force and try to seat a kitten to relieve need. Remember that the animal should not have negative emotions that would be associated with the toilet tray.

  • Gently putting the kitten on the tray, take its foot and carefully pick up the filler, nature should take over, and the baby himself will understand what is required of him.
  • Try to watch the furry pet as closely as possible.If there is fussy behavior and signs of sniffing, carefully, so as not to frighten the animal, put the crumbs in the tray.

Important! Seeing that the kitten abruptly interrupted the game and ran to look for a nook, try not to show any fuss or make sudden movements, but carefully approach and gently transfer the animal to the place intended for the toilet.

  • As soon as the pet has relieved the need for a tray, stroke and praise it. Positive emotions will let your pet understand that you are happy with his actions.
  • The smell of own urine attracts a kitten. Therefore, if the animal has relieved the need for the wrong place, blot the puddle with a rag or an odorless napkin and put it in the toilet equipped for the pet.
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How to train an adult cat to go to the tray?

The filler inside the tray is designed primarily to tell the animal on an intuitive level what exactly is required of it. If an adult cat has appeared in your house, then you can train her to cope with the need for a place specially prepared for this purpose, adhering to the following algorithm:

  • Your pet should like the selected tray, and for this it must meet certain requirements - be spacious, have a sufficient height of the sides, contain the most identical to the natural filler.

Important! For an adult cat, you should choose a tray with a side height of at least 10 centimeters. This moment is very important for the animal to calmly warm the filler. This will make it easier for you to train your cat in the tray.

  • Watch out for the cat. Often, adult pets relieve themselves after eating. Having wanted to use the toilet, the pet will begin to actively search for a secluded place and sniff. Noticing such signs in the behavior of the animal, carefully grab the pet in your arms and take it to the tray.


  • Do not change the filler after the animal has at least once gone to the toilet in the place you want. After all, next time the pet will look for a place for its needs according to its own smell.

Important! If you took a cat from the street, then initially you should fill the tray with earth or sand instead of a filler. A more familiar surface will allow the animal to quickly get used to the new toilet.

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Useful Tips:

  • Sometimes it happens that an adult cat who previously walked properly in the tray suddenly suddenly began to abandon such habits. In this situation, the owners should worry about the health of the pet and visit the veterinarian.
  • Reluctance to walk into the previously familiar tray may also indicate inconvenience to the toilet. If the tray has become too small or cramped - it is logical that the pet will abandon this place of natural need.
  • Cats can be squeamish about an overly dirty crib, so try to clean the animal toilet in time.
  • Also, a similar problem can happen in a situation when several pets live in your house at once - they can simply avoid going to the shared toilet. In this case, you will have to equip a separate tray for each pet.
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In this article, we shared with you recommendations and principles for teaching pets to a tray specially equipped as a toilet. We hope that our tips will help you cope with educational moments in your pet’s life as soon as possible.

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