How to teach a kitten to a tray?

How to teach a kitten to a tray? - This question will certainly be relevant if you decide to have a small fluffy kitten for yourself or a child. Over the years, young people become more advanced and ordinary animals are not in demand as before. Today, many plant houses of an exotic crocodile, chinchilla, iguana and other expensive animals. But if you decide to get not just a lively toy that is constantly in the cage, but an affectionate loyal friend who will look at you with love, then the best option would be to have a kitten. After acquiring a new friend, you may have difficulty how to teach a little kitten to the tray. It is simply necessary to do so that in the future your pet does not spoil furniture and carpets. We will tell you about all the secrets of how to beat everything correctly in our article.
to contents ↑Mistakes in raising kittens
The most important and very crucial moment in the upbringing process is to teach a kitten to walk on demand in a tray. Often, animal breeders do wrong in this case, after which the cat is very difficult to retrain to properly handle his need. We will get acquainted with the most common mistakes made by inexperienced animal owners so that neither you nor your pet will feel discomfort from each other.
Error number 1
The first most common mistake is the statement that while the cat is small, you should not accustom it to the tray, that over time it will grow up and will understand where to go. As a result, nothing good will come of such an upbringing.
You will have to constantly remove traces after the cat. And he, in turn, will begin to mark wherever he wants. And the longer the cat does this, the more firmly the concept is postponed that in this territory the cat can do whatever it wants. At one point, you decide that it is time to train the kitten to the tray. But now the cat will not understand at all for what reason you put her in a box, and why you started to scold her for making her need in a familiar place.
Mistake number 2
Many people think that a little kitten thinks everything, but does not go to the tray because of its harmful nature, so to speak, “wherever I want, I go there”. And then the owners immediately started pounding a small creature, poking their nose into a puddle, without explaining the reason for this punishment.
to contents ↑Important! As a result of such actions on your part, the cat has no choice but to look for a quiet, inconspicuous place where they will definitely not be found. And the worst thing in this case is that the kitten can get a strong psychological trauma, after which, even after growing up, the cat will relieve the need in the wrong place.
When to start accustoming kittens to the tray?
Mother nature herself laid the instinct for cats to give birth to land or sand from birth, so do not be discouraged if, after you showed the tray to your kitten, he reluctantly walks into it. The technique of how to tame a kitten to the tray is the correct sequence of familiarization and training of kittens, cleaning his toilet. For your pet to learn everything, it will take a little patience and a little effort.
to contents ↑Important! You need to start training a little kitten as soon as you bring it into the house, otherwise, out of ignorance, it can make a fuss about where you want.
Necessary inventory for a kitten
Before you get an animal, you should definitely purchase all the necessary devices that will ensure a comfortable stay of a small miracle in your family. Yes, and it will be much easier for you to fully accustom a kitten to the tray when fully armed.
The first and mandatory item on the list of acquiring the necessary items is the tray. Buying trays is better at a specialized pet store, where sales consultants will help you make the right choice. A correctly selected tray is a big plus in the process of raising a kitten. Particular attention should be paid to some parameters in order to accustom the kitten to the tray quickly.
Tray size
A wide assortment of containers of various sizes in the store can make even the experienced owner of the animal confused, let alone the “newbie”. Of course, it would be very convenient for a small kitten to buy a small container.
But cats grow so fast that you won’t have time to look back, as it will have to be replaced with a new one. In turn, your cat will have to relearn again and get used to a new subject.
Important! We recommend that you immediately purchase a medium-sized tray, which allows you to use it for a long time.
Tray height
Pay particular attention to the choice of container height. If it is easy to cope with the need for a large tray, a high side can prevent your pet from climbing inside.
Important! For the convenience of small kittens, you can make a ramp of plywood or other material by attaching it to the side with tape. When the cat grows up, you can easily remove the ramp.
Closed tray
For sale in pet stores, you can offer a closed tray. It has the appearance of a small house and is good in that the filler does not scatter around, and the smell does not spread throughout the room. Many cats feel safe in such trays.
Important! The closed tray should be spacious so that the cat can turn freely and dig in feces.
Tray filler
A very convenient and inexpensive attribute for your kitten. The range of fillers is very diverse:
- They come in the form of granules, shavings, and other various structures.
- Unpleasant odors are neutralized by aromatic additives.
- Some of the composition is very reminiscent of sand, which allows you to accustom a kitten to the tray quickly and effortlessly. It can be used both for small kittens, which you only accustom to the toilet, and for big cats.
Step by step about how to teach a kitten to a tray with a filler, we will discuss later
Important! When choosing a filler for the toilet, make sure that the composition contains as little dust as possible. Small particles can irritate the lungs of the animal, which will affect its state of health.
Filler Tips:
- If you don’t know how your cat will treat this filling of the tray, do not buy too large a package. Perhaps he will not like the granular or chip filler and will have to replace it with another.
- Buy loose mixes for the toilet of well-known brands, which are sold in many stores. The animal quickly gets used to one filler and may not go to the toilet if another is poured.
- Most cats do not particularly like flavored fillers. If this is your first experience, start with products that are odorless.
Important! The very pungent smell of the granules can cause eye and nose disease in the animal.
- Experienced breeders and pet owners recommend clumping fillers. They are very convenient in the cleaning process and animals like it.
Important! When buying cat litter, pay attention to the coat of your animal.For example, pressed sawdust will adhere and become tangled in the hair of long-haired cats.
Shovel and tray mat
In order not to constantly throw out clean filler, get a special spatula. With it, you can easily remove excrement and spoiled chips.
The mat will also be a useful acquisition:
- Place a mat under the tray so that the toilet does not stagger or slide on the surface during the toilet.
- When leaving the tray, the remnants of the filler adhering to the paws do not spread throughout the apartment.
Where to put the tray?
When choosing a place where the cat will go to the toilet, make sure that it is a quiet corner where people do not often go. Sharp sounds and noises can scare the animal and it will be much more difficult to train the kitten to the tray.
Important! An improperly chosen place for a cat's toilet will provoke a cat to search for a quieter place, for example, behind a sofa or a refrigerator.
To begin with, the container must be placed where the kitten spends more time so that he can go out of need when necessary. If you decide to rearrange the container in another place, this should be done gradually, several meters per day.
to contents ↑Important! If you drastically transfer the container from one room to another, the cat may get confused and do its thing in the wrong place.
How to quickly train a kitten to a tray? - Step-by-step instruction:
- As soon as you bring home a little furry friend, show him the place where he should go to the toilet. Let them get acquainted with new smells and sensations for some time.
- Put it inside the tray after eating or sleeping to quickly accustom the kitten to the tray. Usually, small kittens walk on need just after such actions.
Important! If you notice that the kitten is fussing, immediately carry it to the toilet.
- If there is a puddle in the wrong place, blot a piece of paper or napkin and place the scrap in the prepared cat toilet. Kittens are very sensitive to odors, and thus the cat will quickly understand where the space for the toilet is.
- Quite often, kittens from the first try understand why they need a tray and cope with their need for it. But some may forget its location, so you need to plant the animal several times a day so that the cat remembers where it stands and what it is intended for.
Important! To make the animal remember the location of the tray faster, place the container along the way to the food bowl. Thus, he will often pass by him and will surely remember where he is.
- When the cat gets used to the tray and begins to go there, be sure to praise and stroke it. When praising a pet, you should not raise your voice much, as the animal may think that you scold him. Also, do not praise in a too quiet voice, this will quickly bore the cat and lead to a loss of interest.
to contents ↑Important! It is not necessary to demonstrate the instillation of excrement to the animal, especially to do it with its paws. Such actions can scare the kitten.
Cat Litter Cleaning Tips
Cats are very neat and tidy animals. Therefore, during the training of kittens to the tray, it is very important to maintain the cleanliness of the container. A permanently dirty tray can cause the cat to cope in the wrong place.
In this regard, follow these recommendations:
- After the filler has become dirty, collect the excrement with a special spatula and throw it in the trash bag.
Important! Do not throw chips into a stationary bucket so that the smell does not confuse your pet. Prepare a separate bag and tie it tightly.
- To make the cat better remember the space reserved for him, you can leave a small amount of stool in the container.
- Once a week, the entire toilet filler must be completely replaced, and the container thoroughly washed with non-abrasive detergents.
Important! If you use a clumping filler, it can last more than a week.
- If the kitten went to need near the designated place, it should be washed very carefully so that this situation does not happen again in the future. The “Antigadin” special remedy copes with eliminating the smell of cat urine.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use bleach when cleaning. Substances of its composition will increase the unpleasant odor from feces.
Useful tips on how to tame a cat to a tray:
- In the first days of the animal’s stay, try to restrict movement around the apartment. Put a bowl of food and a container with a filler where the pet is planned to stay.
- If you are the owner of a large number of flowers in pots, for the first time cover the ground with foil or put the flowerpots out of the reach of the kitten. Land for flowers attracts a pet and provokes him to relieve the need for a pot.
- Try to feed the animal at the same time. As a rule, after eating, animals need to use the toilet. Take the cat to the tray and let it climb inside.
- During the growing up of the cat, you will have to increase the number of granules of the filler, so it is very convenient to purchase it in large packages.
Important! At the age of 6 months it is necessary to fill up 5-7 centimeters of granules or sawdust.
- Place the container on a tile or wood floor. It is best to remove traces of excrement from such a coating.
- In a large living room, install several trays. So you will increase the likelihood that the kitten will fulfill its need in the right place. Over time, you can gradually reduce the number of containers, reducing to one.
- If replacing the filler with another type of granule, carry out the process gradually. Each time mix it with the old, while increasing the amount of new. On average, such a process should take about two weeks.
- Be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian. Sometimes, due to some illnesses, problems may arise with going to the toilet.
- Feed the cat a special dry or liquid food. They are specially designed for small kitten organisms.
to contents ↑Stock footage
By following the recommendations from this article, you can effortlessly train a cat to a tray without physically abusing the animal. Remember that little kittens are very tender and need your care. Correctly raising a pet, you will definitely get his devotion and love.
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