How to teach a kitten to the toilet?

With the appearance of a small fluffy kitten in your home, along with joy and tenderness, worries also come, because a living creature is always a responsibility, and at first, a kitten also needs special care, upbringing, almost the same as a small child. One of the very first questions that falls on the shoulders of the freshly baked owners of a fluffy ball of wool is how to train a kitten to the toilet? You need to act correctly from the very beginning, setting the rules of the toilet once and for all, in order to make life easier not only for your pet, but also for yourself.

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How to train a kitten to the toilet in the apartment?

As soon as a small kitten has appeared at your place, start arranging its toilet. First of all, you must solve the following issues in order to accustom a kitten to the toilet:

  1. Where to find a place to place a toilet?
  2. How to choose the tray and filler?
  3. How to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in a latrine?

So that you do not make mistakes, while accustoming the fluffy pet to the toilet, we will answer all the questions ourselves.

Place for a toilet tray

This is a very important point, since the container should be in an absolutely safe and comfortable place. A little pet is already very scared, excited in the first days of being in a new house, and if during the examination of the tray some things from the closet or shampoos from the shelf sprinkle on the kitten’s head, then no assurances that this is absolutely safe will help - the baby will never go to the tray.

In addition, the place for the toilet should be accessible to the kitten and at the same time hidden from prying eyes. Ideal option - toilet and bathroom.

Important! If the floor of the room is tiled, then put a small rug under the toilet so that the pot does not slip.


The toilet for the kitten should be stable and with low sides, for example 5-7 cm, so that the baby can calmly climb and get out of the pot. The bottom of the tray should be flat, so the pot will be more stable and will not fidget on the surface during use.


In total, there are 3 types of tray:

  • Open, deep with sides.
  • Open, shallow with removable mesh.
  • Closed with automatic door.

Selection rules

To explain to the animal where his toilet is, the appearance of the tray does not matter. It is necessary to build on other factors, namely:

  • Open trays, as a rule, are more preferable to both owners and their pets. The main thing here is the modern design. Moreover, the higher the side, the less “waste” will be around the pot.
  • Mesh trays are great for pressed sawdust. Excrement is removed with a scoop, and swollen sawdust is brushed off to the bottom of the pot.
  • In a closed tray, the animal will not scatter the filler on the sides and will not be able to pass by. However, there is a chance that the kitten will not figure out how to use the door. Another drawback - unpleasant odors are concentrated inside the tray - over time, the animal’s coat is saturated with them.


Regarding the material for the tray, it should definitely be plastic, as:

  • a wooden pot is unhygienic - it cannot be washed, the material retains the smell of cat feces, and neither your pet nor you will like it;
  • enameled trays are cold, besides, they are oxidized and rattled - a kitten may be frightened by the roar of an enameled tray and hate it.
  • aluminum, iron and tin, when it comes in contact with urine, will also be oxidized, in addition, fumes from the tray can cause poisoning in the animal.

Important! For a cat's toilet, you can not use cardboard and boxes from under anything.

Popular option

A favorite among buyers is an ordinary plastic toilet with a top insertion part - a grid. Bulk soil is used as a litter in such a pot. Using such a toilet, your pet will not only not soak the paws, but also will not scatter filler throughout the room, with active burying of bowel movements.


If you purchased a kitten from a breeder, then be sure to ask what kind of filler was in the pot. Maybe the former owners accustomed to torn newspapers in the tray, then your pet will not perceive the granular filler as a toilet.

Without filler - is it worth it?

You can, of course, not use the mixture for the pet's pot at all, but purchase a tray with a net to train the kitten to the toilet. But:

  • firstly, the kitten will be unpleasant to stand on wet plastic, as a result - the toilet will be in your boot, dry and soft;
  • secondly, not all cats love such a pot, because for them to bury the traces of bowel movements is a holy thing.

Sand and newspapers - a traditional option

The worst options are sand and old newspapers:

  • Sand very quickly gets wet, retains a smell and is not economical, as they will have to stock up for the winter. In addition, wet sand sticks to the animal’s paws and spreads throughout the house.
  • A newspaper or paper does not mask the smell at all and quickly absorbs moisture, so it will often have to be changed, and the toilet should be constantly washed.

Special Fillers

The most convenient material for filling the tray is a special primer. It is sold in abundance in all pet stores, supermarkets and at a price quite affordable. The soil absorbs moisture well, forming lumps that are easy to remove from the pot. In addition, the filler allows your pet to carefully and diligently dig their excrement. Therefore, it will definitely be easier for you to accustom a kitten to the toilet.

The following types are available:

  • Coming together.
  • Absorbent.
  • Granular wood.
  • Granular mineral.
  • Silicone gel.


  1. Do not choose a mixture of pressed sawdust for furry cats, as they stick to shaggy legs.
  2. When buying a filler, pay attention to the smell. Many manufacturers add flavoring agents to their taste, which often do not match the taste of animals. If the kitten does not like the smell in the tray, then he will completely refuse such a toilet until you replace the filler.
  3. An ideal option for small animals would be a clumping mixture. Compared to silicone gel, such a tool has a low cost and is very economical, it perfectly absorbs odors, and most importantly, it is harmless, even if suddenly a kitten or an adult cat wants to try.

Important! If none of the options for a cat's toilet suits you, then there is a backup option - a dry closet. This is ideal for those owners who are away for a long time at home or do not want to often remove the tray.

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How to teach a monthly kitten to the tray?

The first time he saw the tray, the little nonsense, of course, would not understand what kind of device it was. Your task is to explain everything to him very intelligibly and calmly. The main thing is to be consistent, calm and friendly, trying to accustom the kitten to the toilet.

Important! The cat's body is designed so that the urge to the toilet occurs in her immediately after sleep or after eating. Therefore, as a small child, feed the pet by the hour and put it in the pot immediately after feeding so that the kitten develops a reflex - food, heaviness in the bladder and intestines, which means it's time to go to the tray.

If you want to painlessly train a kitten to the toilet in the apartment, follow these rules:

  1. Take the kitten to the potty immediately after sleep and after eating.
  2. Do not let your pet out of the toilet until you are done.
  3. Bring the animal to the tray periodically so that the pet gets used to the smell of the filler.
  4. In order not to wait until the kitten wants to cope, put the animal inside the container and massage his tummy. Such actions will contribute to the desire of the baby to lighten faster.
  5. If a small kitten got out of the tray without doing his thing, then watch him for a while. If you want to go to the toilet again, bring the animal to the pot.
  6. Get a special mixture for kittens toilet, which is completely safe, even for internal use.
  7. If you notice that the kitten is not digging sand, then sit down and dig your hand, showing him an example.
  8. Be sure to praise your pet, if he did everything right, you can treat him with a treat.
  9. Do not remove the tray immediately after the bowel movement of the baby, let the smell fix on the surface of the tray. So you will be able to quickly accustom the kitten to the toilet, because the animal will attract its own smell.
  10. Keep your tray clean at regular intervals. If the kitten first went to the toilet, and then abruptly began to ignore it, then the problem may be that the pot is not cleaned often enough. Remember that cats are very squeamish animals and will not visit the dirty tray.
  11. Do not let the kitten on the bed until he learns to walk properly according to his need to the designated place.
  12. Do not wash the tray with strongly smelling detergents, as the pungent smell may not please the kitten, and he will refuse to manage his affairs where it smells unpleasant.
  13. Do not try to comb out or wash the kitten immediately after visiting the toilet, so as not to scare. Even if the baby is dirty, wait half an hour, and then wash it.

Important! If you live in a private house, then it makes sense to teach a kitten to a toilet in the yard. Take the animal out as soon as the need arises. But if you plan to keep the animal in the cold months at home, we recommend that you first train the kitten to the tray, and then take it out to the yard. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to explain to a grown-up kitten why he needs to go to this toilet.

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How to train a kitten to the toilet quickly?

If you have a very small kitten, then to quickly get accustomed to the toilet in the apartment, take a few steps.

Step 1 - Limit the Cat's Space

Make a fence for the baby with a nest or box. Here the pet will sleep, eat and relieve. Place the selected tray type next to the berth.

Choose the right filler, such as clay. This material is safe for babies. In addition, many animals accept clay for therapeutic purposes as an adsorbent.

Step 2 - keep a close eye on the animal

In the early days, stay with your mom for your baby and watch the pet. As soon as the baby begins to fuss and bridge, quickly respond and put the pet on the potty.

Step 3 - clean the puddles next to the tray immediately

If the pet “missed” and did the job near the tray, then wet the napkin in a puddle and put it in the tray. Cats are well oriented by smell - next time, your pet will not miss.

Step 4 - remove the fence in a couple of weeks

As soon as the kitten finally fixes the skill of walking in the tray, remove the fence. Transfer the tray to a quiet, secluded place, but accessible to the kitten. Usually, a place for meeting the needs of a pet is chosen once and for all, so watch its behavior and choose the exact place that will satisfy it in all respects.

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If you took a slander to the house, then you most likely realized the measure of responsibility. So be patient and remember that only tenderness, love, understanding and forgiveness will bear fruit, both in science and in education.Treat your baby as a little friend, and you will continue to have harmony, understanding in relations with animals for many years.

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