How to teach a puppy to go to the toilet in one place?

Each of us wanted a puppy in our childhood, we begged our parents to buy him for us, but they often did not do this because of problems with hygiene. They were repelled by the very idea that they did not know how to teach a puppy to go to the toilet in one place. But this is not a real reason to refuse a child. That is why dear ones who doubt their pedagogical abilities, but want to make a true friend, carefully read this article.
to contents ↑What do you need for this?
To train a puppy to go to the toilet in one place, it is enough to have:
- tray;
- polyethylene or oilcloth;
- paper.
Do not forget about enormous patience - it is often the most important in such an unpleasant process.
to contents ↑We act correctly
As soon as a fur ball appears in the house, everyone is ready to choke with happiness. But after a few days, the “pink glasses" fall and harsh everyday life comes. Like it or not, you need to train your puppy to the toilet, and you need to find the time to do this, organize the whole process correctly and moderate your ardor and intolerance a little.
We teach the pet to the tray:
- Immediately after the pet appears in your house, equip the place where it will defecate. Especially for this purpose, even a cat tray with a grate filled with pieces of paper is suitable.
- For puppies of medium and large breed, you can lay polyethylene or oilcloth in the corner of the room.
- Be patient and mentally prepare for the turn of events that you are unlikely to succeed in quickly weaning a pet off to crap in an apartment.
- To reduce the area of contamination, enclose the space in which the puppy lives, and put a tray there.
Watch your pet
As a rule, puppies go to the toilet immediately after feeding and sleeping. At first, watch your new pet very carefully: before a bowel movement, for no reason it may begin to spin, worry, or sniff at the floor.
Important! To teach your puppy to go to the toilet in one place, try putting a small piece of paper soaked in a puddle created in it into this tray. With the help of smell, your pet will be able to quickly understand where it should go to the toilet.
Respond to misses correctly
Do not rush to start scolding your pet for mistakes, because small puppies do not immediately begin to understand what they want from them. Do not punish your baby for puddles or piles that he has prepared before, because the puppy will not be able to figure out why the owner is angry with him.
Important! If you find your pet at the scene of his crime, hail him and then immediately take him to the tray. Then, when the case is successful, gently stroke the puppy, praise, and then give him his favorite treat.
Go outside
How to teach a puppy to the toilet on the street? Go out with your pet only after the vaccination process is completely over. Keep in mind that to introduce the baby to the big world is necessary gradually:
- To get started, take out the puppy holding it in his hands and let him look carefully.
- When he is already accustomed to an abundance of new smells and sounds, put him down on the ground.
- Take your baby to the toilet on the street often, but it is best to do this at regular intervals, as well as after feeding, sleeping.
- In order for your dog to learn to use the toilet on the street, bring it out 5 to 6 times a day.
- If the baby has done all his work without any difficulties, show intense joy, be sure to praise him and treat him to a treat.
Over time, your pet will understand where to defecate, starts asking to go outside, and will endure at home.
Over the years, the dog gets older, so it can endure longer and you will have to walk it less often. At first, it is better to leave the tray, in order to avoid any unpleasant incidents.
If the puppy asked to go outside of his usual schedule, be sure to withdraw. When the dog turns one year old, two walks will be enough for her, so be patient.
to contents ↑Important! Teaching your puppy to use the toilet is not one factor in pet hygiene. It is necessary and bathe. Just do it right. Every breed has its own washing characteristics. Improper hygiene surveillance can harm the health of your beloved pet.
How to make a toilet for a pet?
There are several options that allow you to arrange a toilet for your beloved dog - you can use:
- a newspaper;
- special filler with a tray;
- disposable diaper.
Rules for equipping the toilet:
- It is best to put a diaper or newspaper in a specially purchased tray. It is advisable to use an ordinary pallet, without any mesh. So you can be sure that nothing superfluous on the floor or under the baseboard can not leak before your arrival.
- In that case, if we talk about a tray with a special filler, then this is more of an option for cats. It is to cats, by virtue of their reflexes, that it is simply necessary to bury the waste of their life. Dogs, on the other hand, are not endowed with this instinct, and that is why they prefer to manage all their affairs directly on the newspaper.
- When you install the tray for the dog, be sure to make sure that this tank does not have high thresholds, it stands level, and in no case does it stagger.
to contents ↑Important! A sufficiently large number of breeders teach puppies to go to the toilet on a newspaper or in a diaper. Therefore, without fail, ask the seller what type of toilet this or that dog is accustomed to.
When to start training a dog for a toilet?
It is simply impossible to train a puppy to the toilet immediately after birth or after acquisition. This process will require patience from you and, quite likely, strong and healthy nerves as well. You should begin to teach your dog to go to the toilet exactly to the place that you have identified for this case from the moment the puppy first came to your house.
Important! The older the dog you brought into the house, the more difficult it will be to teach you to use the toilet on the street or to a specific place in your house.
When the dog is still small, we recommend that you remove all the rugs and rugs, because this glorious “tangle of happiness” will instantly figure out how great it is to meet your needs on a soft rug. If he makes a puddle on him at least once, he will certainly try to repeat this process in the same place.
In addition, if the puppy is peeing on the carpet, it will be incredibly problematic to get rid of a persistent unpleasant odor. There is a risk that even during the use of special preparations, you will not be able to completely and completely get rid of this smell. And as a rule, your dog will always be attracted to that place by its own smell.
Try to observe the behavior of the baby
The puppy chooses a place where his toilet will stand, guided only by his own instincts. And it is they who indicate to him the specific boundaries of his territory that need to be marked.
Important! As a rule, those places that are near the door, balcony or under the window are favorite.
You may notice that your dog constantly runs into the bathroom or prefers to write in a corner that is closed and dark from prying eyes. Be sure to put trays in those places.
Important! In the case when it comes to the bathroom, then try to provide your pet with unlimited access there and be sure to remove the rugs first.
Multiple trays
Even if you were forced to put several pallets at once in order to teach the puppy to use the toilet, do not clean them until the animal is a little older. Small individuals may simply not have time to run to a certain place.
When your pet is a little older, reduce the number of toilets to two.
to contents ↑Why does the puppy persistently go to another place?
It may happen that the dog during your absence may not go to write in the very place that you have identified for this. This phenomenon can be triggered by several reasons:
- Take a closer look, perhaps for your matured animal, the tray has simply become small and at the same time uncomfortable.
- You are absent too much time. The fact is that not all dogs love to fulfill their need for a dirty toilet, which is why they are forced to do it in a completely different place. In this case, put another pan or more carefully clean your animal’s toilet.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that now you will not deny yourself the pleasure of talking with a dog, because you have an idea about how to teach your puppy to go to the toilet in one place, and you know that this process will inevitably end with your victory without torturing the pet.
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