How to clean the toilet at home from clogging?

A clogged toilet, sink, or bath is a common phenomenon, albeit an unpleasant one. The bath is less likely to suffer from blockages, but this happens regularly with sinks and toilets if the hostess and family members are not careful enough. How to clean the toilet at home from clogging without involving plumbing? There are several ways that we will cover in detail in this article.

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Causes of blockages

The cause of any blockage, in fact, is one. Something has got into the toilet, the water does not go away, so you should not use it. What could be in the toilet? Most often it is:

  • Rags;
  • Sponges;
  • Kids toys;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Personal hygiene items that are not intended to be lowered into the sewer;
  • Too large food waste.

Important! It also happens that nothing seemed to get into the toilet, but the water still doesn’t leave. This can happen if the pipes are overgrown with rust, lime deposits or there is a global backwater throughout the riser. You can deal with overgrown pipes on your own, but to eliminate backwater you will have to seek the help of utilities.

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How to clean the toilet?

Before you start cleaning the toilet, you need to determine the extent of the problem. There are blockages:

  • Local - water still leaves, but very slowly;
  • General - water is not only in the toilet, but also in the bathroom sink;
  • Backwater throughout the access riser.

First you need to determine where exactly you have a blockage:

  1. Check the bath and the sink - turn on the water and see how the water leaves - as always or slower.
  2. If the water leaves badly from the toilet, then you need to determine the place where the object that blocked the pipe got. This can greatly facilitate the process.
  3. In case of severe blockage, it is advisable to interview the neighbors from above and from below. If they also formed blockages for no apparent reason, plumbing cannot be dispensed with.
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How to clean?

There are several effective ways to clean the toilet from clogging at home:

  1. Mechanical - it is used if you know for sure that an object appeared in the toilet that is not very deep or if the pipes are very overgrown.
  2. Chemical - used in all other cases.
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Simple blockage

If a foreign object happened to be inadvertently in the toilet, then you can get rid of the problem very simply - just get it out of the toilet, this can be done in one of the following ways.

Option number 1

Often you can free the toilet from objects that have fallen into it with your hands. To do this, you will need:

  • Rubber Signets;
  • Gauze bandage or respirator.

Important! Why gloves are needed is understandable: do not climb into the toilet with your bare hands. But it is advisable to wear a gauze bandage, because the smell from the toilet can be very unpleasant, especially if the object has been lying in the toilet for a long time.


Option number 2

An ordinary plunger can cope with simple blockages. On sale you can find these products of two types:

  • Suction cup with a long handle;
  • Plastic corrugated cylinder without handle.

For toilets, the first option is more suitable, the procedure for its use is very simple:

  1. Scrub all the water out of the toilet.
  2. Place the plunger suction cup in the hole into which water escapes.
  3. Press the handle intensely several times, pull it strongly towards you.
  4. Drain the water - if it leaves more slowly than necessary, repeat the procedure.
  5. Wash the toilet with a plumbing tool.
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If the pipes are clogged

Sometimes it happens that no foreign objects get into the toilet, and the water suddenly stops leaving. How to remove blockage in the toilet at home in this case? Try one of the chemical methods, for this you will need:

  • Baking soda;
  • Means for cleaning sewer pipes.

Option number 1

Soda remarkably dissolves body fat. This is the most cost-effective way to clean pipes, but with severe blockages, this tool may not be effective enough.

You will need:

  • Bucket or basin;
  • 1 pack of soda;
  • Detergent for plumbing;
  • Ladle.


  1. Scrub all the water out of the toilet.
  2. Pour soda into the hole and push it as deep as possible.
  3. Expect an hour.
  4. Flush the water.

Option number 2

We clean the toilet with chemicals. In hardware stores you can find many tools for cleaning sewer pipes (Turbo, Sano Drain, Tortillo, Tiret, “Mole”). The cheapest and most popular is the Mole.

Apply it this way:

  1. Completely empty the toilet.
  2. Fill the mole hole.
  3. Expect 2 hours.
  4. Flush the water.
  5. If the water starts to drain normally, wash the toilet.

Important! Mole, like many other sewage chemicals, is a very corrosive substance. When working with it, you need to protect your hands with gloves, and make sure that chemicals do not get into the eyes or skin.

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Clean the blockage with a plumbing cable

A plumbing cable is a useful thing in any household. You can buy such a tool in any hardware or hardware store. It is a fairly long wire with a knob.

Before you start working with this device, you should completely empty the toilet from water, however, in emergency situations you can do without it. In order to eliminate clogging from the pipe with a cable, you still need the following:

  • Rags;
  • Big rag;
  • Latex gloves.

Important! Spread a rag on the floor - you will put a cable on it, because after work it will not be the cleanest object in the house.

Action plan:

  1. Insert a cable into the toilet hole.
  2. Scrolling the gate, push the wire as deep as possible.
  3. Turn the knob in the opposite direction so that it comes out.
  4. Put a cable on a rag, and then clean it of dirt with a rag.
  5. Lower the water - if it does not leave as fast as you would like, you should repeat the manipulation.
  6. After completing the procedure, clean the cable well.

Important! If your arsenal does not have a plumbing cable, then you can use just a stiff long steel wire - of course, this is less convenient, but doable.

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If you live in a private house

Unfortunately, toilets can become clogged not only in city apartments, but also in private houses. Variants of blockages may be.

Option number 1

The house is connected to a common sewage system - the same rules apply as in an apartment building. That is, simple blockages can be eliminated chemically or mechanically, with the exception of using a plumbing cable.

Important! To clean the toilet at home from clogging when it is formed in the pipes, it is better to call the plumbing, otherwise - there may be trouble with neighbors and with the service company.

Option number 2

If the house has a local sewer system, you can use any means - both mechanical and chemical. However, it may happen that neither the Mole, nor the cable, nor the plunger will help. Then you need to deal with the system itself, and this is unlikely to be within your power. Have to call plumbing - best of all the one that has already served your home.

Option number 3

If there is no sewage in the house (faeces from the toilet go to a cesspool located near the house) - the simplest case.To eliminate blockage, you should clean the cesspool, and then thoroughly wash the toilet with specially designed detergents for plumbing.

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Blockage prevention

Like any disaster, blocking the toilet is easier to prevent than messing around with dirty wire or caustic substances. There are several rules that will help you avoid troubles:

  1. In no case do not flush large objects into the toilet.
  2. Toilet paper can be flushed down the toilet, but newsprint cannot.
  3. Keep an eye on the kids - very often in the toilet are toys.
  4. On personal care packages, as a rule, it is indicated whether they can be lowered into the toilet or not, so do not forget to look into the instructions.
  5. Give up the habit of flushing solid food waste, such as cartilage, bones, into the toilet.
  6. To clean the toilet, a brush with a long handle is much more suitable than a sponge or rag - it certainly will not fail.
  7. Do not tighten until the blockage becomes global - if the water begins to drain more slowly, clean the pipes.
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Now you know not only how to clean the toilet from clogging, but also how it can be prevented, as well as how to properly care for plumbing so that it serves for a long time and without fail. Adhering to these simple tips and rules, blockages will appear much less frequently in you, which means that it will be comfortable in the house.

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