How to clean the clog in the sink in the kitchen at home?

A blockage in the sink is a huge nuisance that any owner has encountered at least once. If there is pollution, you can always call the plumbing, but their services are not cheap and it may take a long time to wait for a specialist. Therefore, first try to learn how to clean the clog in the sink in the kitchen at home, because there are many effective ways to do this.

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Causes of pollution

Even if you use the sink carefully, and carry out preventive measures, a blockage will happen anyway, just later. Since the most problematic area - the water seal, is curved, and does not allow small particles falling into the sink to pass into the pipe without lingering in it.

If contamination has occurred, the water may stagnate in the pipe or not flow into the drain at all. Accordingly, it becomes impossible to use such a sink. At the same time, a strong unpleasant odor can come from the drain, which spreads very quickly throughout the apartment.

Main reasons:

Water permeability may be affected by:

  • Corrosion of metal parts of pipes;
  • The accumulation of small particles that are contained in water;
  • The accumulation on the walls of the drain of fat from washing dishes.

Important! Do not forget that you need to clean any pipes - both cast iron and plastic.

We will analyze the main options for how to eliminate clogging in the sink at home.

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Simple ways

There are also a few simple options that are often forgotten:

  1. If the pollution is not strong - pour boiling water or hot water into the pipe. If fat has accumulated on the pipe walls, then it must melt under the influence of high temperature.
  2. Also, salt and soda will help from body fat in the drain. We mix salt, soda and water in a ratio of 1: 2: 2 and pour the solution into the pipe. Leave for a quarter of an hour, after which we clean the drain with a plunger. Be sure to check the effect by letting a small stream of water.
  3. Also, with small blockages, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a blow function. To do this, the instrument pipe is wrapped with a rag and installed in the drain, after which it is turned on. A stream of air should push dirt down the pipe.

If these options do not fit, then the pollution is strong, and you need to deal with it by more aggressive methods.

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Mechanical cleaning

This method, how to clean the clog in the sink in the kitchen at home, involves manual work. This is an unpleasant task, but very effective and safe for pipes. The first thing that is at hand during a blockage is a plunger.

We use a plunger

There should be a plunger in any house, if it isn’t, we advise you to purchase it so that in the event of a blockage you always have at hand a tool that helps millions of housewives.

The method of its application is simple: we press the tool with the rubber part to the drain, and swing it with translational movements, pushing the blockage in the pipe. Usually a few shocks are enough to see if the water passes. If not, repeat the procedure.

Important! Do not be alarmed if dirt floats to the surface. It must be removed so that there is no repeated blockage.

This option is good for small accumulations of dirt in the drain, but the plunger will not break through tight plugs.

Important! If you use a sink with two sections, you must tightly close the second drain or use two plungers.

If the plug is not punched with a plunger, there is an option to use a special plumbing cable.

We clean the siphon

The first thing to do before removing the blockage in the sink at home is to disassemble the siphon under the sink and clean it. To do this, you need to take several steps.

Blockage Steps:

  1. It is necessary to unscrew the bottom cover. Before unscrewing, place a large container under the siphon, as water and dirt accumulate there.
  2. Drain the water into the container.
  3. We clean the corrugated pipe and wash all its parts.
  4. After all the manipulations, the siphon is set back.

Important! Difficulties can cause a cast-iron siphon, because it can not be disassembled. Accordingly - it must be cleaned with a cable, and washed.

We use a cable

Cable cleaning is also convenient for removing contaminants without disassembling the drain parts.

The device itself is a bendable metal hose with a brush on one end and a handle on the other.

zasor-v-rakovineThe plumbing cable is inserted into the drain, and rotated in different directions, punching dirt. If the cable was not at hand - you can make it yourself from an old hanger or fishing rod.

Important! Care should be taken when cleaning plastic pipes this way, since the cable can damage them so much that you have to completely change the pipe. For such pipes, home chemistry options are more suitable.

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Clean soda

Soda is one of the most effective folk ways to eliminate blockage. It perfectly dissolves fat, thereby freeing the pipes to pass through the dirt.
First you need to prepare a mixture that removes fats. There are a lot of recipes, here are a few.

Recipe 1

Pour 60 g of sodium bicarbonate into the sewer. Then boil the kettle, and pour boiling water into the substance in the pipe to clean the clog in the sink in the kitchen at home.

Recipe 2

Pour 60 g of soda into the pipe, add 200 ml of vinegar to the same. Leave on for 20 minutes, after which pour boiling water there. The fat will dissolve, and if the clogging problem was in it, then the pipe will be cleaned.

Recipe 3

30 g of soda and 30 g of washing powder are poured into the pipe and poured with vinegar. After half an hour, the residues are washed with hot water.

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Alka-Seltzer or other effervescent soluble tablets may also be used for such cleaning. To do this, you need to throw 2 tablets into the drain, and pour them with one glass of vinegar. Next, you need to wait a couple of minutes and turn on the hot water. Water must break through the pollution.

Important! This method corrodes small particles of dirt and grease, and also removes unpleasant odors.

When using any of the recipes after pouring the solution, be sure to close the drain with a stopper. So, the action of substances will go to clogging, and not up.

Also today, on the shelves of shops you can find many professional tools.

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Professional Tools

Using special tools is easy - manufacturers always indicate instructions on the packaging.

Tools for cleaning pipes can be divided into:

  • liquid;
  • powdery;
  • gels;
  • acids;
  • alkalis.

Usually a small amount of liquid is poured (or filled up) into the pipe, wait for the indicated time, and washed with water. Such products corrode not only fat, but also dissolve small impurities.

Important! Such means have a significant minus - strong chemicals can dissolve not only blockage, but also rubber gaskets on pipes or sealant. Therefore, it is recommended to use them either with severe blockages, or once every six months for prevention, reducing the concentration recommended by the manufacturer by half. Do not forget about your own safety precautions - be sure to wear protective gloves.

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Recommendations and prevention

Do not forget about preventive measures, and then a clogged sink will be a very rare occurrence in your home:

  1. Do not pour hot oil, grease, or liquids containing it into the sink.
  2. Before you put the dishes in the sink, remove all leftover food from it.
  3. Get a mesh for a drain hole. This will prevent dirt particles from entering the drain.
  4. Each week, rinse the drain with boiling water and clean it with a plunger.
  5. If possible, purchase and install a food waste chopper - a garbage grinder.

Important! Plastic pipes are more prone to damage than their cast iron to assemble. But such pipes are not subject to corrosion and dirt sticks to them much worse. But clogging on the plastic is still possible, since grease and fine dirt still accumulate in the drain.

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If you have difficulties with how to eliminate clogging in the sink in the kitchen at home, the best way would be to contact the professionals.

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